
Battlefield 3 vs. Crysis 2: Earthquake Comparison (Hooked Gamers)

Crysis 2 recently awed many people with its depiction of a city in destruction due to the CryEngine 3. Battlefield 3 is said to be Crysis 2's main competitor with the FrostBite 2 engine. With the new trailer for Battlefield 3 getting released, we take a look at how the footage of the earthquake is measuring up so far.

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BeastlyRig4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

BF3 > C2 on pc..

hennessey864825d ago

by watching the same 2 tiny gameplay videos ive seen lol. You pc guys are pinning all ur hopes on bf3 and setting yourself up for a fall. I remember the same kind of talk when crysis 2 was announced. Bf3 will suffer from the same problems because itts got to be able to run consoles.

Fishy Fingers4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

Not really, Crytek made sure they made the game "the same" across all the platforms. DICE have made it clear they're not, they will make the best PC game they can, and then cut away at it untill it'll work on the consoles.

Crytek wanted to keep it even, DICE are having no problems telling console gamers this wont be the case with BF3.

Crytek wants to farm its engine out to 3rd parties, which meant compromise, Frostbite 2 wont.

bluwulf4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

What Fishy Fingers said.

BF3 is aiming to fully utilize DX11, not portions patched in -maybe-later.. Dice has already said consoles wont get what the PC gets, like online player cap's.

Also, have you seen the BF3 footage? Crysis2 isn't impressive to anyone outside of the 360 community who still thinks bloom is impressive. PC owners laugh at its no-option-for video settings, PS3 owners laugh at it compared to Killzone2/3/Uncharted.

BF3 is sick. And dice actually delivers, unlike Crytek who couldn't even make their game HD on consoles with a stable framerate.

"ummm the pc guys were saying from the start that crysis 2 was gonna be consolized. I myself never had any faith in crysis 2 when it was announced. "


evrfighter4825d ago

"I remember the same kind of talk when crysis 2 was announced"

ummm the pc guys were saying from the start that crysis 2 was gonna be consolized. I myself never had any faith in crysis 2 when it was announced.

BeastlyRig4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

This Crysis 2 also!
- http://www.youtube.com/watc...
64 players & no call of duty elements!

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 4825d ago
ATiElite4825d ago

Yeh us PC guys were saying Crysis 2 would NOT look better than Crysis. Only 360 fanboys have been hyping Crysis 2 as a way to maybe have something that looks better than Uncharted 2. Pc Gamers are not impressed by a DX9 console port.

Battlefield 3 PC on the other hand as you already know is pushing the envelope and has NO dx9 support therefore it more than evident that the PC superior version will be the showcase while the gimped console version will still give consolers a gaming experience better than anything they have ever played.

starchild4825d ago

Bullshit. Crysis 2 still looks better than every single other game on the PC except maybe Crysis 1.

I agree that Battlefield will look even better, but your claim that "PC gamers" aren't impressed with Crysis 2 is simply not true. In truth Crysis 2 has the PC community divided. Most, however, recognize that it is still by far one of the best looking games on the PC.

Kon4825d ago (Edited 4825d ago )

. Already pre-ordered BF3 and already finished C2. Best year for PC gamers!

Fishy Fingers4825d ago

If they stick to the original claims of "PC first" then DICE should have no problem competing (exceeding) Crytek in pretty much everyway.

They already have the gameplay down, it's just pushing tech, which Crytek seem less interested in.

earbus4825d ago

Bf3 looks sweet kinda reminds me of ghost recon 2 really clean and sharp.

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Battlefield Needs the Glory Days of BF3 and Bad Company 2 Back

Whether it comes through remakes or a new game with a similar style, DICE should aim to revive the glory days of Battlefield 3 and Bad Company 2.

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masterfox578d ago

hmmm I think there will be no old BF glory days for EA since they are loyal to their greediness and laziness :D

Knightofelemia578d ago

You're asking for a miracle with EA that will never happen unless they can exploit the money making schemes behind it.

MadLad577d ago

We'll see what happens now that Zampella is overlooking the series.

577d ago Replies(1)
Father__Merrin577d ago

Anyone that wants to plat bf3 you can still go ahead and play it

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MadLad704d ago

There's fun to be had here.
