
Vampire Rain Creators Developing Gun Loco

Canceled Square Enix game Gun Loco was made by the same company that made Vampire Rain

Siliconera: Two Linkedin profiles point to AQ Interactive, more specifically their Artoon division. Artoon handled Blinx the Time Sweeper, Blue Dragon, and umm… Vampire Rain. The Last Story was sort of an Artoon project too, but by then AQ Interactive de-branded all of their studios into one giant AQ Interactive family.

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andron4868d ago

Ahh, Vampire Rain, the worst "next-gen" game demo I have ever played on Live. It was laughably bad...

Apotheosize4867d ago

Well that explains it, looked pretty horrible

macky3014867d ago (Edited 4867d ago )

GOTY,.. kekekekeke,.. Fucking loco!!!

Ok,.. will try to be nicer to 360 gamers ,.. but this is just ,..omg I cannot stop laughing,.. lololo

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HonestGamers Retrospective // Vampire Rain

Gary Hartley Writes: It's okay. No, really.

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Good riddance: 10 games we're happy were canceled

Destructoid: Just because a videogame has been announced (and sometimes millions of dollars dumped into them), that's no guarantee they'll see the fluorescent lights of your favorite retailer.

Today, Capcom announced it had pulled the plug on Mega Man Universe. While fans of the Blue Bomber shed a tear, we're sitting around the office shrugging indifferently. Based on what we had played, we weren't sold on the idea anyhow: LittleBigPlanet meets Mega Man with silly graphics and sluggish controls? We'll pass, thanks.

While we're always saddened to hear that game cancelations and job cuts sometimes go hand-in-hand, there are definitely a few games that we're happy to live without. Here are ten games that we'll sleep well knowing we'll never have to play.

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Ahasverus4866d ago

I agree, Harold Wake was an awful game glad they shelved it

Etseix4866d ago

agree 100% when i saw the trailer for Harold Wake it was not so good, i expected it to be using the unreal engine Epic showed a lil time ago, :/

SeraphimBlade4866d ago

I hadn't even heard of it. Glad I didn't. Sounds ridiculous, and not the good, Katamari kind of ridiculous.

lashes2ashes4866d ago

harold wake is a joke as im shure you know. its not real

SeraphimBlade4866d ago

I didn't really follow anything about Wake for quite a while. It sounded like if it was real, it was one of those things that got tossed around for like a week before getting dropped altogether. That and it seemed weird to throw a joke entry into the middle of a real list.

spunnups4866d ago

This is Vegas is a great concept, wish someone could pull something like that off.

airhorn954866d ago

I know I was waiting and waiting for it to be released.... Maybe one day

Knightofelemia4866d ago

Wish Shenmue 3 would make an appearance on 360/PS3. I was kinda stoked about This is Vegas shame it got cancelled. But who the hell wants to play a game about John and Kate plus 8 the show is stupid.

Unknown_SNAKE4866d ago (Edited 4866d ago )

i am never feel Happy when i hear the word (Canceled):(
it always makes me heart broken no matter would i play the game or not :D

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Gun Loco Art Director Comments on Cancelation

Andriasang: "Gun Loco was officially cancelled on Friday. But it looks like the game's development came to a halt some time before that."

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