
Celebrating 15 Years of Resident Evil - Six Sofa-Soiling Scares

PlayStation Universe lists six classic Resident Evil scares that are guaranteed to have you reaching for a fresh pair of underwear.

TheDeadMetalhead4838d ago (Edited 4838d ago )

The best part in Resident Evil 3 was (12-year old spoilers) after you presumably killed Nemesis for good (yeah right), and after you do the Hospital as Carlos. You get back to the Clock Tower, trying to get to Jill in time. Then...Nemesis literally destroys a load screen, and makes a beeline for Jill's room. You have to get to her before he can. Then you get to go back out as Jill after she gets the antidote and take him down and get the Assault Rifle. Good times...

Also, the part where you get to electrocute him with the cord was hilarious.


New Resident Evil 1996 PEGI rating could point to a classic trilogy release

Capcom has secured a new PEGI age rating for the original 1996 Resident Evil game, leaving many fans to wonder why.

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Vits1d 8h ago

That would be great. I like the idea of remakes in general, but I feel they would be much less polarizing if the original games were easily available on modern hardware. Maybe Capcom doing that will motivate other companies like Konami, Blizzard and whatnot to do the same.

Armyofdarkness1d 8h ago

Love this. The original 2 is the best!!

darthv721d 5h ago

Hmm.... Capcom has become rather chummy with Blaze (Evercade maker) as of late. And rumors have been swirling about the first 3 games coming to Evercade like the first 3 Tomb Raider ones are.


Capcom's Old Game Engine Seemingly To Blame For Certain Releases Skipping Xbox

“Capcom has no pipeline for porting older MT Framework titles to Xbox's modern ERA system, which makes it more expensive to deliver the same titles than it would porting them to PlayStation 4, Switch, or PC.”

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Valkyrye3d ago

Phase 1 Denial
Phase 2 Excuse making
Phase 3 Indifference

3d ago Replies(2)
darthv723d ago

did MS just stop supporting MT framework all together? I get that its not supported for Series (same with PS5) but the PS4 and XBO supported it. So, its just odd that there is a PS4 version (which would subsequently run on PS5 via BC) but not an XBO to do the same.

Unless there was some update applied to both XBO/Series that no longer make it compatible and only existing titles are it. I'm getting it for Switch anyways so I'm good. I have the other collections on there and I like to keep things together.

2d ago Replies(1)
DefaultComment1d 22h ago

Nah, that's PR talking even with an outdated engine they can still port games from the early 2000's to their so called "max power" hardware.
This is just plain and simple ever since their game pass, is not profitable for Japanese companies to port their games for a montly subscription. They still are rooted into buy and sell their products, in contrast Microsoft is trying to FORCE us to consume gaming as a service and not a product.
The day that gaming industry becomes a service that's when I would most likely leave it and let it rot since that is a walking dead insutry and no longer consumer friendly like. Fortunatly we can still vote with our wallets.

Tedakin1d 21h ago

How is MS trying to force you to do anything? You can buy your games. You can subscribe to them. They give you an option to play their games just about any way you choose. Why is that a bad thing?

DefaultComment1d 19h ago

Game pass is imposed at this point, they insist and that's their big bet for them, hence why they were buying studios to make games for their gamepass library,.Baiscally making gaming a service like Netflix or Disney+. that's anticonsumer and hopefully we still got options.


Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica Remakes are reportedly in the works, not Resident Evil 1

Industry insider Dusk Golem reveals that there is no Resident Evil 1 Remake in the works. Instead, Capcom are reportedly in active development of Resident Evil Zero and Code Veronica.

-Foxtrot27d ago

RE Zero would be better to do first over RE1 because they can tie the story into RE1 more.

The original RE Remake was weird because Rebecca never mentioned anything about what happened in Zero and it felt so disjointed because Zero was developed during the Remake and they clearly didn't share any notes with one another.

Cacabunga26d ago

Wise decision. 2 of my favorites!

repsahj25d ago

RE Zero is one of my favorite game on gamecube!

Knightofelemia27d ago

Give me Dino Crisis dammit Capcom

TGG_overlord26d ago

And all it took was +24 years + a phone call from me lol.

GotGame81826d ago

LOL! A phone call from you? ROFL! They have been remaking RE games for YEARS! It was a matter of time!

26d ago
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