
GamePro: Test Yourself: Psychology Review

The science behind this downloadable brain-trainer is certainly interesting, but its anemic test selection won't keep gamers interested for long.


The Psychology Of Gaming

Exactly What does gaming offer and why does it have so much appeal among the masses ? dr. nicola davies introduces some of the psychological tricks employed by game makers to keep you playing from using delayed rewards to increase anticipation to introducing ‘cognitive flow’ in the form of heightened engagement through goals, feedback and manageable rules.

uth113472d ago

They knowingly ship addictive games? hordes of lawyers gonna descend on "Big Gaming" just like they did with Big Tobacco!

Ocsta3472d ago

Gaming is more fun than reading or watching a movie. Sometimes sex.


Test Yourself Bundle (PS3) Review *Brutal Gamer*

Creat Studios brings you all of the fun of a psychological evaluation, without the hefty price tag. The Test Yourself Bundle is designed to evaluate various aspects of who you are, and give you a nice little written assessment to base your self-worth on.

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Jourdy2884585d ago

What a pity it didn't really live up to it's potential, eh?

NoNeedForAName4585d ago

I know exactly what he meant with the red dot game. I could not for the life of me figure out what I was supposed to be doing.


TestYourself: Psychology Review - StrategyInformer

SI: If you're from the UK and aged between 20 and 35 (or thereabouts), you may remember a daunting set of exams from your school years called the '11-plus'. The tests were a little different from your usual head-scratchers, in that there was a 'non-verbal' portion that didn't rely on any prior knowledge of specific topics at all - rather, you were presented with a series of shapes, and have to identify odd ones out, next in sequences and so on.

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cruncher_204785d ago (Edited 4785d ago )

I feel that reviewers have to put their personal score... Because if they reviewed the "game" after the intelligence test gave them 30%... May be some frustration will bias the review :)

Obviously don't take the test too seriously but still, It's always fun to test himself ! And you can compare yourself with the world...

For 2.99... 3.5/10 it's really severe !!!