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iPad 2 Equal To NGP In Terms Of Raw Graphical Horsepower, says Bolt Creative (Modojo)

Sony wowed audiences with its Next Generation Portable (NGP), the official evolution of the PSP. Despite the machine's graphical brilliance, however, Apple may have beaten it to the punch with the company's latest product, iPad 2.

While speaking to Bolt Creative's Dave Castelnuovo, the brains behind the successful iPhone App, Pocket God, he remarked that the iPad 2 is on par with and possibly better than the NGP when it comes to eye popping visuals.

Chris Buffa (Modojo)

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Community4945d ago
rrw4945d ago

Wrong, Ipad use SGX543MP2 (dual core) while NGP use SGX543MP4+ (Quad core)

even if the have same GPU. game on Ipad will never look same as NGP both in graphical and gameplay

wicko4945d ago

ipad is also 3-4 times bigger

ScentlessApprentice74945d ago (Edited 4945d ago )

Or did my hands just get smaller???

thereapersson4945d ago

And it's not even that large of a technological upgrade. To make such a fuss about it like Apple and their legions of fanatics do, one would expect some sort of revolutionary step. It STILL doesn't do flash, for cripe's sake!

plb4945d ago

touchscreen only display makes for crap gaming unless it's just a time killer like angry birds.

4945d ago
sikbeta4945d ago

Man, they really try to make the i-pad look like if it is a gaming device, but it's NOT! and never will be, it may sell loads cos is the "hot" device of the moment, but it's not a dedicated gaming handheld...

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Keith Olbermann4945d ago

Seriously...trying to be down on the NGP when we all know what system is for gamers.

thedarkvault4945d ago

I'm glad we have random n4g commenter to set the record straight, I mean why would we listen to the guys actually developing for these devices?

Bigpappy4945d ago (Edited 4945d ago )

That is why I love N4G, they got specialist in every aspect of gaming. 12yrs old and up can correct any devoloper without ever seeing the product.

4945d ago
BubbleSniper4945d ago (Edited 4945d ago )

so we listen to someone who make games primarily for app store? LOL!?

competition scared of NGP.

can see many months of downplaying... SONY should

not have revealed so early... they should have revealed 3 month prior an immediately follow with all out marketing blitz that spawn every major territory with direct jab at APPLE referencing physical controls nstead of only touch.

don't F this one up SONY, nail apple to the the wall.

FFS, approach ms about dual, unrelated ad campaigns that smear ipad. throw google in there too.

is wishful think but lot of other crazy idea been coming to life... so why not tag team on apple...

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Buff10444945d ago

I'm curious to see games built from the ground up for iPad 2. Hey, iPad does have a huge head start.

citan4945d ago

It does not offer controls.

SuperStrokey11234945d ago

No really people, there is no USB on the ipad 2...

anthem4945d ago

@Super thats going to cost you another $700 dollars when ipad 3 come out

kneon4945d ago

Apparently there is some delusional Apple fanboy disagreeing with facts. Show us where the ipad has a touchpad on the back.

ultimate-remag4945d ago

haha alot of funny articles on n4g lately.. so dude sayin ipad 2 will look even closer 2 ps3 graphics lol

Izanagi-no-Okami4945d ago

Enough with trying to compare a Handheld (made specifically for gaming) With a tablet ( made for other tasks besides games)

b-real4945d ago

Why? People often compare pc gaming with console gaming. I don't this comparison as being that much different.

Pedobear Rocks4945d ago

Does your PC offer tactile controls? So does my console.

Does iPad offer tactile controls?

THIS is where the comparisons fall apart.

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