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HonestGamers Review // Silent Hill 3

What began as uncommon brilliance on the PlayStation, has degraded into a convoluted and senseless exercise in flexing visceral muscle while offering less and less in the way of engaging play. And the downward spiral began here.

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Community4948d ago
ArtsyGamer4949d ago

Silent Hill 3 is a fantastic game.
The industry has come a long way since then, and playing it now it does show some age, but it is still terrifying at points.
Just the soundtrack alone makes this game worthy of more than a 6, this reviewer has no grasp on this type of game.

sobekflakmonkey4948d ago

I agree completely, the game was quite amazing it deserves a lot more praise than what it got.

Warprincess1164948d ago

If people wanted to buy silent hill 3. They would have already done it by now. This game been out for like 7-8 years. Seriously what is up with people reviewing games that came out years ago.

itsralf4948d ago

I'm more concerned about how fast the last eight years have passed. I can't believe it's been that long since it came out. /:

Pozzle4948d ago

1. What's the point in reviewing a game that came out year ago?

2. SH3 is worth far more than a 6/10. It may not be perfect, but it's better than average and one of the last examples of a true survival horror title.
6/10 is borderline "shit game" territory. :(

Temp4948d ago (Edited 4948d ago )

I'd disagree with that. I'd argue that this review shows a great authority of the genre. I liked Silent Hill 3, but it was the middle game between the series at its peak (1 & 2) and its self destruction (4 especially and Homecoming).

Heather was easily the best protaganist of the series, but the rest of the game simply did not get into your head like the two before it.

All Silent Hill soundtracks are worthy of complete praise. That they dropped Akira Yamaoka from the new game just goes to show how little clue they have left.

I see no problem in retro reviewing either; I do it myself a lot. If someone wants to write about Dragon Age 2 or Thunder Force 1 on the Sharp X1, that's their call. Our ony choice is if we choose to read it or not.

ArtsyGamer4948d ago

Silent Hill 1 and 2 deserve a 10, maybe a 9 at the least.
Silent Hill 3 was not that far of a drop off, 8 at the least. A 6/10 is harsh, and in no way shows a great authority of the genre.
I have played nearly every Survival Horror game available, and it is still one of the most memorable and haunting.

Temp4948d ago

I've played as many, if not more, and while I would have given SH1 a ten a year ago, it would scrape an 8 after last month's reply; the game has aged heart-breakingly poorly. SH2 shifts its focus, but does not have the power of the original because the focus is somewhat broken; you're not walking into a unexplained word. Things make some sense now and this corrodes the effect.

I'm happy to agree to disagree on this. A 6/10 score is above average which SH3 is. I disagree with you despite sharing (at least) the same experience of the genre -- will you brush that opinion off as unauthoritive too simply because it differs?

ArtsyGamer4948d ago

They should probably just preface these reviews as a current review of a retro game.
The game (When it came Out) was a testament to how great Survival Horror games could be.
If you didn't play the game in the timeframe when it was developed and released, it will not hold up exactly. If you review Pacman now, it may get a 4/10, but when it came out it was a 10/10.

Temp4948d ago

What would the point be in reviewing a game on obsolete merits? None of us are likely to fall into a time/space tear that throws us back 20 years and wipes our memories of the advancements the media has made in the meanwhile. If playing a game now is painful, then because it wasn't X amount of years ago should be used as a crutch for its shortcomings. That's why reviews are date stamped.

Pacman is a great example because Namco knew it was outdated so brought it back up to date with Championship Edition. Otherwise, it's only place in today's market would, realistically, be nothing more than nostalgic.

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10 PS2 Games That Have Aged Incredibly Well

Cultured Vultures: We’ve rounded up the most well-aged PS2 games out there, just in case you’ve been meaning to revisit some childhood memories, or even if you’re checking out the PlayStation 2 for the very first time.

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Community64d ago
TGG_overlord65d ago

I agree, I like SH3 the most though.

Cacabunga63d ago

Auto Modellista will always be one of my favorite racers of all time..

gold_drake65d ago

id throw haunting ground into the mix. it still looks fantastic.

but i still dont quite understand why we never got a dragon quest 8 remaster for ps4. even the damn 3ds got one.

OtterX64d ago

I'd add Rogue Galaxy, Shadow of the Colossus.

Scissorman64d ago

Silent Hill 3 was straight up sorcery. It has better hair animation than most modern games, which is wild to me.

Venoxn4g62d ago

I would throw in MGS3 as well


10 Most Terrifying Silent Hill Monsters & What They Symbolize

TNS: “Nightmare fuel to say the least, check out the 10 most terrifying Silent Hill monsters, and what they symbolize.”

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Silent Hill transmission coming May 30th PDT

Blooper Team will share game updates, a deeper look at the film and new merch.

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-Foxtrot121d ago

This is make or break for the Silent Hill 2 remake, if it looks lacklustre then I think it's the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people. Nothing has been wow worthy since it's reveal.

Resident Evil 2 Remake, Resident Evil 4 Remake, the Dead Space Remake etc, it has a lot to live up to with the quality remake titles we've gotten recently over the years.

SmortBoie120d ago

While an expectation of the highest quality for such a revered title as SH2 is entirely valid, I feel that the comparison to the likes of RE2R/RE4R is a little steep. Capcom, Konami ain't (these days) and likewise, the SH franchise ain't nothing to the likes now in comparison to the juggernaut which is the RE franchise. A tempered level of expectation would do your appreciation that we're getting something at all a significant justice.
While from the shadows I often agree with your critisisms and opinions, I think you're being to harsh on this particular mid-level team and their passion project here. Sure, it would have been nice to get something of the vein Capcom can deliver, but the profit the SH franchise can conjure in 2024 is likely a far cry from the sure-thing RE is and the budget, no doubt, reflects the uncertainty. In the end, what we'll have here is a serviceable mid-level slow-burn, clunky exploration-based survival horror title that aptly revisits the setting, atmosphere and experience of the core Silent Hill essence in the modern gaming era. For some of us it's enough to be given a chance to be inside that world again, with the town rendered in better graphics than we've ever seen before by a team who obviously cares deeply for the lore of this franchise and is doing their best.
Was it a stupid idea to focus our first-look on a combat trailer? Definitely. It's the aspect I personally care least about. Will it be difficult to accept the modern direction of the characters, voice work and doubtless changes to to the story? Undeniably. But will I be delighted to experience this reimaginging of a game that shaped the very foundation of who I am as a gamer 23 years ago? Without. Question.

I think we need to ease off on expecting everything to be Naughty Dog level masterclass in gaming and just try more to appreciate what is. While we should expect quality from our hard earned dollars, and no doubt have the right to withhold them in defiance of shitty games, greedy corporate practices and buggy messes - we should also give credit where credit is due when the industry at least tries to compromise with us and deliver on what people want.

... would I have likely been significantly happier with a full-scale true modern remastering of SH2 instead of a reimaginging by an unproven studio. Lol hell yes brother. Alas.

120d ago
SmortBoie120d ago

No it ain't AMiles. Keeping the budget low doesn't please the folks that want RE2R quality but it does help keep the risk down on an unproven franchise and release. Maybe if the sales are great we'll see a bigger investment on the next title - it's just a SHAME Konami came out swinging with this title, on this budget, 12 years after the last franchise release instead of saving it for a series sales high point they worked up to - ala Capcom and RE. But we can lament what could have been til the cows come - I'm at least here for the what is, and still pretty excited for it.

120d ago
Sonic1881120d ago

I'm not that interested in it

purple101120d ago

ahhh sheeeee*t, I seem to have lost editing privilege on it too, so hope mods can change it for us!!

119d ago