
IGN: Dreamcast Collection Review

It is unbelievable that not only does SEGA think that a mere four games makes up a “collection,” but that these were the best games to show off just how out there and ahead of the curve the Dreamcast truly was during its short lifespan. Where’s Jet Grind Radio or House of the Dead 2? Where’s Phantasy Star Online or Virtual On? Sonic Adventure is not the best the Dreamcast had to offer, not by a long shot. And so not only does the Dreamcast Collection end up not being a very good deal, it throws away a wonderful opportunity to showcase SEGA’s beloved last console.

Presentation - 4.0
Graphics - 5.0
Sound - 5.0
Gameplay - 5.0
Lasting Appeal - 4.0

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Blaze9294945d ago

some collections just should be left the way we remember them. Not everything translate good in 2011

blitz06234945d ago

If this had Powerstone I would consider it

HolyOrangeCows4945d ago (Edited 4945d ago )

I want to see a Crazy Taxi reboot, not rerelease #363.

edit: On a side note, I bought a copy of Simpsons Road Rage on a whim the other day. Haven't gotten a chance to play, but it's supposed to just be Crazy Taxi in Springfield with "Doh"s and "ay caramba!"s (thus the lawsuit, which was taken care of outside of court).

Apotheosize4945d ago

Skies of arcadia? shenmue? Jet set radio?

Nope. Bass fishing.

Ingram4945d ago

The Dreamcast was not 32-bit...the author may be sadly right on the rest though.

interrergator4945d ago

wheres code veronica grandia sonic adventure 2 soul reaver WTF BASS FISHING???!!!

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Retro classics and retro-inspired indie games are on sale at Humble Store

Right now you can save big on retro classics and retro-inspired indie hits. It’s all part of Humble Store’s Retro Paradise Sale, which is running for the next week.

Some of the top deals include Sonic Mania for $6.79, Cuphead for $16.99, Dreamcast Collection for $7.49, Mega Man Legacy Collection for $5.99, and Hotline Miami for $1.99.

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Why the Dreamcast is Still Relevant

BNR: If you know me, you might know that I'm a big fan of the Sega Dreamcast- I don't remember what I was doing when it came out seeing as I was five years old and had more pressing matters on my mind, but no matter- I came to appreciate the ahead-of-its-time brilliance that was the Dreamcast when I grew older. Today (the date system on our site's broken but this article went live on September 9, 2015) marks the 16th anniversary of the US launch of the Sega Dreamcast- it was a unique machine that was home to some awesome games- in memory of it is the latest episode of the Blackman 'N Robin Irregular Game Show, embedded below for your viewing pleasure.

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stonecold33300d ago

i loved dreamcast still got mine today


For Your Amusement: Dreamcast Collection Part 1 (Sonic Adventure/Crazy Taxi)

Posted by Colm Ahern

For Your Amusement is a video series in which I, Colm Ahern, play a video game for a considerable amount of time, chop up the video into something easily digestible for the lovely YouTube audience and then share it with the entire world, every Friday.

Next week is the beginning of E3 and as the video game playing public get excited about the forthcoming announcements from the big 3, it felt right to reflect on Sega’s final hurrah in the console market; Dreamcast. For part one, it’s Sonic Adventure and Crazy Taxi.

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