CaptainPunch4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Don't get too ahead of yourself Microsoft.

Shaman4890d ago

If they start with research now you can expect new Xbox ~2 years from now so you probably won't see 360 getting dumped like last time with xbox.

NYC_Gamer4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

^^^agree,this is just planing ahead of the competition.the 360 wont be dumped because the install base is too it wouldnt make sense financial wise.

morganfell4890d ago

Really? Do you not remember what MS said last time:

Mystogan4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

I believe it will be announced at next year's E3 and released 2013.

And its kind-off a Coincidence that this comes after Epic's Epic Tech Demo of Epic next-gen graphics.

Perhaps they are working together again.
Epic told Microsoft to increase RAM for the 360.

They really have an Amazing Relationship even though Epic is a 3rd Party studio.

Epic Practically saved the Xbox 360

darthv724890d ago

would it really be epic or the unreal engine 3? Epic themselves have contributed only a few games out of the 360's long list of UE3 based games. They definitely had a hand in setting up what would be the 360's best (most used) graphics engine.

Doubling if not quadrupling the amount of system RAM is a given for the next box. Perhaps even going so far as to use dual quad core cpu/gpu. That way the chips can both do processor intensive and graphics either in tandem or alternately.

AMD/ATI has been working on their multipurpose chips for years. Seems only fitting MS turn to AMD again for the brains and brawn of the next gen. The basis will at the very least be DX12 and ATI (i think) has already shown some heavy gfx power.

No Way4890d ago

We all know you do, Morganfell, we all know you do..

Rainstorm814890d ago

@morgan fell

De' Nile isn't just a river in Egypt, you know......So i assume thats how you get so many disagrees after presenting facts.

It may not happen with the 360 though, far larger user base.

Anon19744889d ago

A new Xbox worries me. While the Xbox 360 did better than the original Xbox abroad, the 360 was still consumers 3rd choice worldwide since it's had any competition - and now I worry that Microsoft may be blinded by Kinect/Casual money. One thing Nintendo proved this go around is you don't have to have the most powerful hardware. If you rope in the casual's you can easily make a cheaper console and make a tonne of money.

That's what worries me, that the next 360 won't be some gaming powerhouse but might be a cheaper, casual themed console aimed directly at the Wii audience. I don't think there's a current 360 owner out there that wants to see that - but from a business perspective that makes all kinds of sense for MS, especially if they can get it out before another Wii releases.

Everyone expects the new Xbox to push out games like high end PC's but I can't say that'd be practicable for Microsoft from a business perspective. I mean who knows if they're even going to break even with the 360 before they retire it. They still have a ways to go before that happens (not that the PS3 is any better in that respect).

My concern is that Microsoft may be blinded by Kinect money and leave it's core gamers out in the cold. Personally, I want to see a new Xbox that pushes hardware limits, but Microsoft's Shane Kim had already commented in the past that the next Xbox might be a cheaper, digital distribution type hub. And given that XBL has been their main cash cow - could a subscription based Xbox be that far off?

We live in uncertain times as gamers. Facebook games, mobile games, casual games taking over...who know's what the next gen is going to look like.

Kurt Russell4889d ago (Edited 4889d ago )

They did dump the last xbox, but I wouldn't give a shit. If a new one is released I'll buy it... like I have done since the ZX spectrum. Then the old one will gather dust until it is deposited into the attic of my house to be forgotten.

Then I'll log onto a mediocre news site full of losers and nerds and argue how my new xbox is better than the other hypothetical consoles of the future.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 4889d ago
vsr4890d ago

Good News! and If they discontinue xbox360, All the 3rd party games will be turned as PS3 exclusive.

awi59514889d ago

i hate people that say microsoft dumped the xbox. Nividia and Intel screwed microsoft over so they had to drop it. Intel and nividia charged microsoft the same price for parts over the whole lifetime of the xbox. Even though the cpu and gpu were only worth about 20 bucks each those greedy suckers kept charging microsoft like 100 bucks for them. And Intel and nividia wonders why microsoft wont work with them for the new parts in the 360 and this new system. Oh and the hard drive makers burned them as well.

Its like the US housing market why would you want to pay high payments on a house that was worth 1mill but its now only worth 400k. But your still paying the 1mill mortgage every month.Eventually you have to let the house go and thats what microsoft did.

Otheros004889d ago

It's part of the contract. M$ pays a certain amount for a certain part. Even if the cost of the parts went down they still have to pay the amount that is on the contract.

You rent a $1mil house and pay $2000 month as part of your contract. A few years later that house is worth $500,000. You still have to pay $2000 rent because you signed a contract.

awi59514889d ago


Yeah but microsoft was new to the console market and they thought they would cut them a deal. They did want to own the rights to the parts but they refused sony and nintendo has simular deals but they could drop price with the cost of parts. I guess these two took advantage of microsoft and they got burned. Thats why with the 360 they made sure not to make the same mistake and thats why they went with amd and ati because they let microsoft own the parts so they could drop price.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4889d ago
ChristianGamer4890d ago

So they've only just started?? This is good news. I would like at least two more years with my current machine

gypsygib4890d ago

Release it ASAP. Battlefield 3 has made my games look significantly worse.

JsonHenry4890d ago

My guess is what is considered "top end" for today's PC will be what the next gen console from MS will be. Except I am betting it will only have about 3gigs of system RAM instead of 4+ which the PC would need to handle the overheard of the OS.

AND it will release Holiday 2012.

prettyboy14889d ago

dude your name is very misleading and disturbing at the same time...CONGRAULATIONS! YOU WIN THE FANBOY OF THE YEAR AWARD!!!

RatherHavaBigGirl4889d ago

"dude your name is very misleading and disturbing at the same time...CONGRAULATIONS! YOU WIN THE FANBOY OF THE YEAR AWARD!!!"

i only own a ps3. its disturbing cause YOU are the fanboy

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4889d ago
Relientk774890d ago

If it is shaped like an X like in the picture that would be really interesting but I really doubt they would do that, they really should try something cool with a X tho, in the design, the 360 didnt really do that. I mean it is called Xbox.

Aibo4889d ago

That picture is one of the first images from the time when first xbox was planed, about 10 years ago... it was someones blind guess, it doesn't mean anything.

Mista T4890d ago

sweet, it's time for new consoles

4890d ago Replies(2)
Elven64890d ago

I think we can get at least two years out of current generation consoles before a successor is on the horizon.

Kinda weird being at this stage though knowing just a few years ago quite a few people were saying we'd start seeing new consoles around 2012!

saladthieves4890d ago

Hopefully they can take the time to design it this time and not have to make people like me go through 4 Xbox 360s in just 5 freaking years.

While they are at it, at least have ideas on working on some 1st party studios and make sure they remain commitment to them. So far most the exclusive in house studios that Microsoft launched with the Xbox 360 are long dead and buried because they decided to 'pull out'.

kaveti66164890d ago

Were you like a major xbox fanboy at some point? I can't imagine anyone putting themselves through that.

B1663r4890d ago

I'm on my third xbox in 5 years, and the drama has been minor.

First one received for my birthday. played with over the evening, it was red ringed in the morning, took it back to best buy next day, they replaced it no questions asked.

That one lasted a year and some months... about 6 months after the warranty extension, called max, had a new xbox about 3 weeks later, no questions asked.

Got a xbox 360 slim this xmas.

You make it sound like it was some huge hassle, and it really wasn't....

saladthieves4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

No not at all. 2 of them (which broke down) were given as gifts, and the other two (1st one and 3rd one) I bought for myself 1 in 2006 and another in 2009.

Through all this, I went through only one PS3 (60GB Model) and roughly 10 days ago, it died on me, and I got a 160 GB slim with a 1TB HDD about 3 days ago.

If it weren't for the 2 360s that were given as gifts, I would never even have bought another 360. I do most of my gaming on the PS3 anyway.

Gamer_Z4890d ago (Edited 4890d ago )

Its about freaking time!!!

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Microsoft Responds To Latest FTC Filing, Calls It Misleading

Microsoft was quick to fire back against the FTC’s latest claim

Read Full Story >>
Sonyslave37d ago

It a warp lol ftc is need but this case against Ms is over.

lelo2play6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

All the whiners 😭 complaining about Gamepass, where were they when Sony increased their prices and introduced several tiers for PS Plus membership?
When Sony does it, it's perfectly acceptable. When Microsoft does it, all hell breaks loose...
Hypocrites 🤡 much!

BTW, I bet most whiners 😭 complaining don't have or even care about Gamepass. They whine simply because it's Microsoft.

isarai6d ago

We were very vocal and many people including myself cancelled their subs. Tf are you talking about? 🤣

outsider16246d ago

As isarai..said. even i cancelled it when they raised their prices. Im enjoying single player games now.

shaenoide6d ago

It's not the price increase the main problem. It's the removal of day one releases for console users while PC user are safe (for now). It's a weird message being send to console fan ( "You should have bought a PC bro !)

Reaper22_6d ago

Well said! They truly are huge hypocrites.

Einhander19726d ago

This has nothing to do with PlayStation, this is about Microsoft breaking its promises.

Bringing up PlayStation is just a petty deflection attempt to not take responsibility for their own actions.

People are unhappy because this has caused thousands of people to lose their jobs, four studio closures and xbox owners should be mad about price increases and the fact that Microsoft paywalled day one games breaking their promise to their own consumers. Now even if you don't want Call of Duty you're paying for it.

The xboners like you who keep defending this type of stuff are actually making things worse for yourselves because you keep sending the message that no matter how much Microsoft bends you over by breaking their promises you're still going to defend them.

Xbox gamers make gaming worse for everyone every time they defend this type of crap.

lelo2play6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


When ponies like you accept anything Sony does without complaining, that's the major problem here...

Sony can do anything they want, and people like you will simply take it with a smile.

Einhander19726d ago

This has nothing to do with Sony.

It just shows how weak the argument is when the best you and Microsoft can can do is deflect with whataboutism's.

This is about Microsoft buying a huge publisher then going to court and saying things they knew weren't true, then going back on their own word. They went into court and knew telling the truth wouldn't be popular with either the court or the public so they lied in court. That is what is being judged here, not anything that Sony did.

You claim we are defending a price increase, but you are defending outright lies that have caused studio closures job losses and your own price increases and new games are paywalled to a higher tier.

And what did you get? Games that you were already going to get without buying these publishers. And on top of that now regardless of if someone actually wanted the games they are forced to pay extra for them.

The scale difference between our two arguments is huge.

MetroidFREAK216d ago

I canceled my yearly subscription after the price increase :)

Outside_ofthe_Box6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

"Sony can do anything they want, and people like you will simply take it with a smile"

Isn't that what you are doing with Microsoft's price increase you hypocrite? I bet you were the first to complain about Sony's increase, but not surprisingly first to defend Microsoft's increase because you are a hypocrite.

GamerRN6d ago

They didn't "remove day one" for console users, they created a tier that doesn't get them. They basically brought back Live Gold with GamePass games instead of monthly drops.

Profchaos6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Yeah I complained when Sony increased their prices it was dramatic and they didn't even comment on why it was fine and I'll complain here to

In fact there was a huge outcry just because you missed it doesn't mean it didn't happen

StormSnooper6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

It wasn’t the same thing. Sony’s tiers didn’t take anything away from people. Two of the tiers already existed. No promise was broken. Xbox tiers are breaking promises MS has made regarding day one, while also increasing price.

Angyobangyo6d ago

People were complaining and pissed. Only you seem to think Sony gamers graciously accepted it. You sure do whine a lot don't you

Hotpot6d ago

Nope, I cancelled my PS Plus already.

Your turn, criticize MS yourself, right now.

Outside_ofthe_Box6d ago (Edited 6d ago )


"Your turn, criticize MS yourself, right now."

He's a hypocrite so he won't. He's going to simply take it with a smile on his face like the pic in his avi 😭

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 6d ago
XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

No it ain't mate essentially ftc has a case here

CrimsonWing696d ago

I’m not trying to be an ass here when asking this, I just genuinely want to understand more. What’s the case that the FTC have?

XiNatsuDragnel5d ago

Microsoft said to courts when they purchased Activision they wouldn't raise the price with gamepass but they did after they got Activision.

1Victor6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

@slave3: “It a warp lol ftc is need but this case against Ms is over.
GEAR is next on the list of lubricants before they ram the big HALO on PlayStation.
So enjoy winning that FTC battle to badly loose the war 😭😭.
Edited for typos

ThinkThink7d ago

I mean, yeah.. if any of these tier options aren't right for you, you can always just buy your games the old fashioned way.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

Fair but this is about lying to the courts not lovely options

ChasterMies6d ago

You can buy games the old fashioned way now. Microsoft’s end game is releasing Call of Duty exclusivity on Game Pass.

Rude-ro6d ago

For now.
I can assure you, Microsoft wants subscriptions to access their games.
Just a matter of when not if or optional.

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

Lol still lying about not raising prices in court eh? Can we address that plz

TheNamelessOne7d ago

If the price raise was attributed to the acquisition. Nobody can make that claim, and every sub service has been raising their prices. Sony made a massive one not long ago.

lodossrage7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

The problem is Gamepass price was already raised last year, just for them to raise it again this year. That right there will help the FTC's argument

It's only gets magnified when Spencer's words don't match what the company does. He said publically gamepass wouldn't change as a result of COD. He said the price wouldn't change. Both of those things were clearly untrue. Among other things

Einhander19726d ago (Edited 6d ago )

They didn't just raise the price though, they also removed day one games from the standard tier and paywalled new games behind a more expensive tier which they also raised the price on.

And the FTC's appeal also brings up the job losses and studio closures as evidence that this deal should have been blocked.

Einhander19727d ago

Well, one thing is for sure Microsoft knows more than anyone about misleading people.

The fact is Microsoft said they wouldn't raise prices due to the merger then they did including making a new tier of game pass. They said they wouldn't fire people and they did. And they also closed studios so it's hard to argue that the effect on the consumer and the industry hasn't been negative.

This is a incredibly weak rebuttal.

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

Exactly ftc has every right to fight this

Reaper22_6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

Go and google the FTC case against Sony for misleading it's customers about the PS Vita. Then come back and discuss who knows more than anyone about misleading people.

What you claim Microsoft said is just lies. They never said they wouldn't raise prices or fire anyone. And even if they did it's their right. You statement is pretty weak and proves nothing but you have a bias just like so many other people here. You guys are just butt hurt that Microsoft won this case and it backfired in Sony's face because they threw stones and thought their own deals would not be a factor but they were. As a matter of fact it was one of the factors that helped MS win the case. Just take the L because it's a done deal. It seems the only effects from this deal is upset playstation only fans who thought the deal was never going to happen. Microsoft won. Get over it. Stop worrying about things we have no control of. Just play games you like and don't focus so much on who made it and all that petty stuff.

Doomeduk6d ago (Edited 6d ago )

You're here again Sony grrrr in a MICROSOFT article
Just chuffed you've given up the obsession with Jim Ryan with just a few more sessions and you'll be able to comment on the actual article you can do it reaper the community is right behind you
Chin up

Einhander19726d ago

You don't understand.

Sony is not part of this appeal at all. Sony wasn't even a part of the original FTC case. The FTC brought this case aledging that Micrsofts buyout of ABK would have a negative impact on the industry. They claimed that it would cause job loss and and that the consumer and the industry would be negativly effected from the buy out including from price increases to game pass.

Sony was only there to provide testimony on how they expected the buyour to negativly effect thier buisness.

They did not file the suit.

This appeal is of the ruling that blocked their injunction, and the FTC is presenting evidence that the buyout has in fact had the negative impact that they said it would and which was the basis for their injunction call.

The fact that you and Microsoft need to keep bringing up Sony instead of actually defending the actions themselves shows that you don't actually have a defense at all.

7d ago Replies(1)
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FTC Calls Xbox Game Pass Price Hike 'Exactly The Sort Of Consumer Harm' It Tried To Stop

Despite losing its lawsuit seeking an injunction to freeze Microsoft’s purchase of Activision Blizzard in July 2023, the FTC appealed the decision with the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit. While it awaits a final decision from those justices, the FTC’s been filing additional evidence to support its claims that the merger would hurt competition in gaming and hurt customers, including a letter from earlier this year after Microsoft laid off nearly 2,000 employees across the newly acquired teams.

lelo2play8d ago

FTC never heard of inflation. Did they expect Gampass to remain the same price forever?
Would be funny if Gampass remained at 10€ fifty years from now...

Einhander19728d ago

"Microsoft insists Game Pass prices ‘will not increase as a result of Activision merger"

"It says a price rise “would be counter-productive as it would increase subscriber churn rates”

8d ago
lelo2play7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

"Game Pass prices will not increase as a result of the Merger"

Gamepass wouldn't increase in result of the merger... but it doesn't mean it wouldn't increase due to other reasons, like inflation, extra expenses, etc. Do you expect Gamepass to remain the same price forever?

All other online services have been increasing prices.

boing17d ago

I cancelled my Ultimate sub after the announcement, so they were right. And yet, they still did it. That is so MS.

Einhander19727d ago

Inflation is down since they made that statement.

They also call into question the 2000+ people Microsoft has fired from the developers they bought.

And again, this is contradictory to what Microsoft said they would do.

They lied in court.

Reaper22_7d ago

Lol...they never said gamepass wouldn't increase and they never said it would because of the merger. And even they did it's their right to do so. So what's your point?

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
Inverno8d ago

So we blaming this on inflation now? Lol ok

lelo2play7d ago (Edited 7d ago )

Sony and other streaming services (Netflix, HBO, ...) have been increasing prices and altering their services. Do you expect Gamepass to remain the same price forever?
Others can increase prices and alter their services, but Microsoft can't?

Hypocrite much!

DarXyde7d ago


Ego inflation.

IRetrouk7d ago

Lelo, they upped the price last year, along with their xboxs......

waderae7d ago

I believe they call it mental gymnastics.

Profchaos7d ago

Exactly let's not forget this deal was done under the same economic climate this was predictable yet they maintained they would not be increasing prices yet now the merger is done they increased prices and split tiers to avoid further scrutiny.

This is and always has been how Microsoft do business deflect blame and increase profits

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
andy858d ago

Inflation doesn't double something in a few months.

anast8d ago

You are correct. It's actually lower. It was around 7% in 2021 and now it's around 3%, which is ideal.


Dude they are lying. That inflation low keeps getting silly and silly.

gold_drake7d ago

inflation aint the same thing as to lock stuff behind a paywall that was previously not. lol

Hotpot7d ago

*activate clown vision*
*everything looks exactly the same*

KwietStorm_BLM7d ago

Yeah you're right. It's just a coincidence that this happened after spending billions of dollars buying up the industry. And closing studios. And firing thousands of people. All while barely being able to give away Xboxes. It's all because of inflation. LOL

XiNatsuDragnel7d ago

Fanboyism bro this is pure fanboyism, it's bs we all know it so stop defending Microsoft.

thorstein7d ago

You said it all, my friend, you said it all.

jznrpg7d ago

But inflation has gone down in the U.S.

ChasterMies7d ago

Except $/mb of broadband, $/mb of storage, and $/compute power only gets cheaper over time. As Microsoft’s overhead has gone down, it’s prices have gone up.

1Victor7d ago

@lelo: “FTC never heard of inflation. Did they expect Gampass to remain the same price forever?
Would be funny if Gampass remained at 10€ fifty years from now...”
I see you got the industrial size chapstick truck from Microsoft and put it into use already.
Add one more backpedaling to Microsoft and Phil rhetorics

VincentVanBro7d ago

Look in the mirror. You’re a clown 🤡

shinoff21837d ago

Gamepass price was going up regardless of inflation or not and you know it. Hey atleast you guys have an excuse to ride for a little bit

7d ago

Need I remind you of how much MS is worth? There was no need to let anyone go or any studio. MS are just cancer and should leave the industry.

+ Show (15) more repliesLast reply 7d ago
8d ago Replies(1)
GamerRN7d ago

Apparently it's ok that they raised PSN prices, but Xbox can't compete?!

The "Standard" is just a rebranded Xbox Live. Not expected but not crazy since they didn't really have a proper entry level subscription to match PSNs entry level.

IRetrouk7d ago

Xbox raised their prices last year too though, their entry level was core or gamepass console.

-Foxtrot7d ago

The whole "Bu bu but Sony" thing with the PSN doesn't take into consideration Microsofts whole argument to the FTC during the entire Activision merger court case is that they wouldn't raise prices due to the merger, nothing would change.

Sony never said shit about raising prices and the like so while we can think it's scummy the FTC won't have an issue with it because the argument wasn't towards them, they never swore against anything.

If the Activision merger never happened and Microsoft raised their prices as a standard thing, like Sony with the PSN or even how Netflix has done it with their subscription it would have been business as usual.

GamerRN2d ago

I'm so tired of the Sony defense team. Pay off me thinks a lot of these comments come from Sony shills

RhinoGamer888d ago

All the judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit just got a free windows 11 upgrade!

badz1497d ago

Err...W11 upgrade was always free

GamerRN7d ago

The price hike just brings it closer in line to PSN, yet it still has greater value. The standard sub matches the lowest PSN sub.

FTC trying to seem relevant. Claiming their multi million dollar case was to stop a $3 dollar price hike is a stupid argument and embarrassing for them.

Einhander19727d ago

$80 per year cheaper
More total games
Retro Games - Added monthly
VR games - Added Monthly
Ubisoft + Classics
4 k Streaming of nearly all games including ones you own digital not on the service. (xbox 1080p series s)
Sony Pictures Catalog
Anime from Crunchyroll
Full Game Trials with Trophy Support

GamerRN7d ago

PSN absolutely does not have more total games. I have PSN Ultimate or whatever it's called.

They don't get day one exclusives.
They don't even have Last of Us 2 Remake on there yet! Or Last of Us Part 1!!
You get Ubisoft classics, so does Xbox. But w Xbox also get EA games!
VR games don't matter to me, but Xbox also gets PC games that don't matter to me.
Both have classic games.
Streaming means nothing to me, it's still a failed concept, Digital Foundry tests it often, and it's not there yet for "serious gamers". The lag is intense!
Sony pictures and anime are neat, I'll give ya that.
Full game trials are cool, but Xbox gets the full game day one, so.... 🤷

I haven't had a good game in PSN since HellDivers, this year has been dead.

Honestly, once Xbox starts dumping all these exclusives on to GamePass, it's gonna be a flood of great titles

Einhander19727d ago

It's $80 cheaper, you're paying $240 a year in hopes of getting Microsoft games, and things aren't looking great on the development side of things beyond all the stuff they started 5 years ago. There is no guarantee that some of these studios will even exist going forward.

No, game pass does not offer Ubisoft Classics, and you only need Extra unlike EA Play which requires Ultimate.

And it doesn't matter what you don't want, xbox isn't offering it for people who do. Those things add value for a lot of people.

What digital foundry found was that PS+ Streaming was vastly superior to xcloud.

Full Game Trials include 3'rd party games.

PlayStation get's "good games" all the time that aren't on xbox,GranBlue Fantasy Relink, Final Fantasy, Helldivers, Rise of the Ronin, Stellar Blade, Zenless Zone Zero, Pacific Drive ect. every week something new comes out or is announced for PlayStation that's not on xbox.

And you're bragging about day one but that keep proving to be unsustainable. That's why studios got closed, 5000+ people got fired, games got ported to PlayStation, the reward system got gutted, prices were increased multiple times and those new games got removed from game pass and paywalled to a more expensive tier.

MrNinosan7d ago

I guess you don't subscribe to both services.
PS+ Premium has close to 1000 games.
GPU has less than 500.

GPU doesn't come with Ubisoft Classic.
However, the do have EA Play instead.

GamerRN3d ago (Edited 3d ago )

I pay 120$ a year by using for GamePass Ultimate

And I definitely have both... My main gripe is PSN extreme or whatever it's called is u don't have all the 1st party stuff I want. That being said I just started up Death Standing Directors cut (terrible game, cool story)... I really want Last of Us Part 1 and Part 2.... Other than that, I don't think I have access to Ubisoft games? Where do I access those? Are there any good ones? The menu system is very confusing trying to go to classic games, PSN collection, etc etc etc

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3d ago
TheColbertinator8d ago

The FTC should give up. Microsoft owns the US Government and then someday the world and all its useless masses.

Eonjay7d ago

When they run out of fish of course!

The_Hooligan7d ago

So long and thanks for all the fish lol

S2Killinit7d ago

Sounds strange coming from a MS die hard.

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Xbox Game Pass Only Has 3 More Games Coming in July 2024

The low number of new games coming to Xbox Game Pass as part of July 2024's Wave 2 lineup couldn't have come at a worse time for Microsoft. Just recently, Microsoft raised the price of Xbox Game Pass, and not only that, but it's announced that major day one releases will be locked behind Game Pass Ultimate. These decisions have understandably upset longtime Xbox Game Pass subscribers, with analysts predicting that another price hike and perhaps an ad-based tier could potentially be introduced down the line.

Read Full Story >>
10d ago
OtterX9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

You'd think they would have packed the lineup after announcing an impending price increase in Sept.

Bathyj9d ago

That would just be throwing good money after bad at this point. Microsoft needs to just drop this failed experiment altogether, leave Xbox in the wind and become the biggest 3rd party publisher on the planet. It's the only way they will ever be successful in gaming.

darthv729d ago

They already were successful in gaming before joining the console space. And they already are the biggest 3rd party publisher on the planet. They are in this to make $$ from all fronts. So suggesting they bow out and only focus on one area is a stupid idea. They make $$ from all of them, some more than others... but they all make $$.

Bathyj9d ago

The console, and gamepass is just costing them money and splitting their focus. They would make more money simply being a publisher, not a platform holder, and SELLING their games, like publishers are supposed to.

They wouldn't be acting like they are if that wasn't true. Xbox is the red headed step child of Microsoft's gaming portfolio now. Just sell games. You've bought enough Dev's and IP now to do that.

Petebloodyonion9d ago

Rumors are circulating that Microsoft may add Modern Warfare 3 to Game Pass this month, as suggested by the current game release schedule, which lists only five games instead of the usual seven.

OtterX9d ago

That would be a smarter move on their part.

TheColbertinator9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

I welcome that. I could use fresh meat for MW3.

--Onilink--9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

They released 8 games during Wave 1 for July… and the 3 coming now are all actually quite interesting.

Flintlock: The Siege of Dawn (Cloud/PC/Xbox Series X) - July 18
Dungeons of Hinterberg (Cloud/PC/Xbox Series X) - July 18
Kunitsu-Gami: Path of the Goddess (Cloud/Consoles/PC) - July 19

I’d say releasing 11 games in 1 month for gamepass should be enough…

ChasterMies9d ago

The reason for the price increase is the same as the reason for procuring fewer games from their parties; more profit.

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anast9d ago

The PS+ model was always the end goal. I'm sure they got a few before closing he net.

TwoPicklesGood9d ago

To be fair, the July releases on Game Pass are great. I'd rather have today on my ps5 then the junk we are given.