
The Beacon Fire: Dampening the difficulty of Dark Souls?

From Software announce the inclusion of The Beacon Fire - a device that acts as a checkpoint, healing station, and meeting place for other players | Raiding Party

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Focker4204811d ago

Sounds interesting, as long as the difficulty remains unforgiving.

rdgneoz34811d ago

They said it was gonna be even harder >:)

4811d ago
BlackTar1874811d ago

I hope that its harder and this doesn't take away from the difficulty.

TenSteps4811d ago

I need sleep I thought I read The Bacon Fire and got hungry

Kakihara4811d ago (Edited 4811d ago )

I'm someone who didn't even get close to finishing Demon's souls due to the unforgiving difficulty but I have to say, this does sound like a bad idea to me.

Most of the fun of Demon's souls for me was the fact that dying sent you right back to the start of the level. I'm glad each level had shortcuts you could open up but the best times I had in the game were the feeling I'd get when I'd been playing for about forty five minutes without dying or opening up a shortcut and knowing one slip up would ruin it all.

If these checkpoints are as rare as the shortcuts in the first game it could probably work, otherwise I think it'll ruin it. Demon's souls wouldn't even have been THAT hard of a game if it had a forgiving checkpoint system.

Petro4811d ago

Hmm... you guys do know that Dark Souls has no "levels" It's open game type. If you didn't have these checkpoints the game would always send you all the way to the beginning. So this ain't that different system from what Demons Souls had.

Kakihara4811d ago

Ah, didn't know that. Okay then that sounds fine.

ChronoJoe4811d ago

Well it seems this one will have more accessible co-op functionality and Demons Souls was easy as hell in co-op so you can just make use of that to reduce the difficulty, in short.

KingDustero4810d ago

There isn't a need to worry at all. There are no longer levels in the game. The whole world is open now. So these are here so one doesn't have to start back where they begin the game every time they die.

These fires probably won't be near any major bosses or anything. So you still have a lot to go through again if the boss beats you.

I can't wait for the game. Every new screenshot and piece of info makes me even more hyped for me.

From Software already has my money.

buckley4811d ago

It's all in how they implement it. The existence of a "Beacon Fire" doesn't mean it's gonna be in the middle of a short section. It could be the equivalent of the beacons you used to warp back to the Nexus in Demon's Souls. Just sounds like a slightly cooler way to explain it and give it more use and purpose.

videoxgamexfanboy4811d ago

To me demons soul wasnt that hard after the first boss. once i figured out hot to use combat it got pretty easy for me. of coarse that second play through is another story...

buckley4811d ago

I kinda feel like the word "difficult" is often used incorrectly to describe Demon's Souls. It's challenging, but it's more that you need to learn how it wants you to play it. It does require a lot of patience, though.


I’m Glad Atlus & SE Changed Dates To Avoid Competing With Shadow Of The Erdtree

Saad from eXputer: "I'm glad I don't have to choose between Square Enix, Atlus, and FromSoftware due to bad release windows and Shadow of the Erdtree."

H911d ago

More intelligent than guerilla games

raWfodog10d ago (Edited 10d ago )

Atlus is releasing their game one week before Erdtree, SE is releasing theirs one week after.

HZD released four days before Zelda, HFW released one week before Elden Ring.

It seems to me like they are still releasing their games too close to Erdtree.

VincentVanBro9d ago (Edited 9d ago )

What a word vomit, rambling, turd of an article that simply states the obvious. Classic exputer.


Larian and FromSoftware Show The Secret To Making Good Games Is A Healthy Workplace

Danish from eXputer: "FromSoftware and Larian Studios have shown that a good workplace environment is what it really takes to make good games."


I Wish More Games Embraced FromSoft's Approach To Difficulty

Danish from eXputer: "FromSoftware's unique approach to difficulty in their games allows players to customize their own experience, which is really cool."

Einhander197228d ago (Edited 28d ago )

"Souls Like" is a literal genre.

I'd just like to point out that Rise of the Ronin which recently released is in large part a Souls Like as is the upcoming Stellar Blade. And both games have 60 FPS.

ShwaaMan27d ago

More? Like every other game in the last
5 years has “Souls” elements or difficulty. I think we need to pump the brakes a bit Jesus they don’t all the the “grind or die”/“get good” mentality.

exputers27d ago

I would advise reading the article. What you're saying is not the point we tried to make.

GhostScholar27d ago

Yeah let’s have only souls likes 🙄

Ps5conehead27d ago

Expat I’m not turning off my add blocker