
Why Activision Should Buy Take-Two

With Activision killing Guitar Hero, True Crime and others and doubling down on Call of Duty and Blizzard titles, it's clear that the publisher could benefit from some more great IP. Although Activision does have a 10-year deal with Bungie, ultimately that's Bungie's IP to keep. The best way for the cash rich company to gain more properties, of course, is through acquisition. Sterne Agee analyst Arvind Bhatia argues that Activision would do quite well to pick up Take-Two.

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Solidus187-SCMilk4960d ago

because I hate activision.

Also, im sure the people at T2 would not be happy when Kotex keeps their bonuses for himself and fires them.

donniebaseball4960d ago

Ha. Yeah, but looking strictly at business it does totally make sense for Activision.

NYC_Gamer4960d ago

i dislike activision,but this move makes perfect sense from the business stand point

Seraphemz4960d ago

Yeah...totally agree with you!

UnwanteDreamz4960d ago

Activision just closed another development studio the other day. If Take 2 wants to be on the chopping block then its a great move.

NYC_Gamer4960d ago (Edited 4960d ago )

T2, has way more established franchises than the ones activision,closed down.millions of people buy titles from T2 owned studios.

Tony-Red-Grave4959d ago

whoever wrote this should shoot themselves if anything EA should buy them n merge their 2K sports division with tiburon n make a new 2K game in the form of madden. not activision go blow yourself both the writer n poster

Elven64959d ago

Since they were SO successful in 2008...

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 4959d ago
Forbidden_Darkness4960d ago

Would you like for the gaming industry to be RUINED? That would be the absolute worst thing that could have to the gaming industry right now. Take-Two has a wonderful amount of great IPs and I would not want to see those ruined by koticks money hungry BS.

NYC_Gamer4960d ago (Edited 4960d ago )

every industry is about expanding and making profit.this move wouldn't ruin nothing for the many shareholders it would increase their wealth.this gaming business is no hobby for the corporate suits its just another window to collect $$$ from...

Klepto4959d ago

Yeah it would increase a load of rich assholes wealth but fuck over every developer for T2. So yes this would be an awful thing.

NeloAnjelo4960d ago

How about why Activision should die a slow painful death?

dbjj120884960d ago

Please God, don't let this happen.

Raptura4959d ago

Fuck that, I don't want an annual GTA.

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Take-Two bosses get $25m performance-based bonus, despite sacking 550 people

Zelnick and Slatoff have received a $25m bonus for their management fund after sacking 550 people from Take Two Interactive.

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thorstein2d ago (Edited 2d ago )

Can't wait to hear how the corporate bootlickers defend this.

seanpitt232d ago

This is the world we live in and people seem to think it's acceptable

Cacabunga2d ago

550 probably consultants.
GTA6 is in tweak phase, no need for massive number of people for that.


Best way to get rid of people like this is to make them disappear, permanently.

purple1012d ago

Bury them deep, plant an endangered species of tree ontop- body can never be recovered 🧐

Don’t ask how I know this 😂

JackBNimble2d ago

So don't support take 2 by buying games... pretty easy to vote with your wallet.

Profchaos2d ago

They also just held a leadership vote I don't think there was any changes

Software_Lover2d ago

I really don't even think CEO's should get bonuses. If I were a CEO and I made millions, I would like to think I wouldn't. Or if I had to legally, I would maybe find a way to disperse among the lower tier employees. Take my bonus and turn it into stocks to disperse out to those employees evenly.

DarXyde2d ago

That would be the way to do it. Imagine thinking a CEOs "leadership" is worth that much money while the talent makes the product.


FinalFantasyFanatic2d ago

I remember when I started working, my department manager used to gift us stuff each year, one year I got a bottle of Scotch, another it was a small basket of treats... But that was also a lot less money than what we're talking about here.

It would be ideal if the CEO could gift a bonus to everyone under them.

thorstein2d ago

Monetary company bonuses (often referred to as Christmas bonuses) were astoundingly common.

The entire premise of Christmas Vacation was set around Clark's bonus.

MrDead2d ago

CEO's work for shareholders and are shareholders they also rely on share price to receive their multimillion dollar paydays and they will happily fire thousands to protect shares. CEO's are there to extract the most value out of a company and give it to the wealthy few.

redknight802d ago

That is so god damn fucked up!! Unfortunately...I know damn well I will be still buying their games but shit like this should seriously have some sort of repercussion of some sort. 550 people get their lives totally up-ended and the leadership get a bonus on top of an already high salary. 25M could set those 550 people up with an annual salary each of $45,000. Depending on where you live, that is a very livable salary even...

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Take-Two’s 2025 Line-Up Is Going to Be Absolutely Epic

The Take-Two lineup for next year looks epic, with releases like GTA 6, Borderlands 4, Judas, and Mafia: The Old Country all coming next year.

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RaidenBlack7d ago

Judas in early 2025
Mafia 4 in mid 2025
Borderlands 4 in late 2025
GTA VI in early 2026
All within fiscal 2025.

Demetrius6d ago

Well I know for sure mafia devs and gta 6 will be 2 of the games that finally utilize this gen consoles power


Activision Games May Feature NPCs That Use AI-Generated Audio Reactions For Realism

Activision has published a new patent that wants to create NPCs capable of reacting with AI-generated audio and animations in games.

Chocoburger31d ago

Have people forgotten that the 'A' in 'AI' stands for ARTIFICIAL? As in not real, as in the opposite of realism? AI-Generated content is the opposite of realism.