
Retail Game Deals Round-up - Feb 20 - Bulletstorm and Killzone 3 combo deals

XMNR: It is the biggest release video game release week yet for 2011 with both Bulletstorm and the PS3 exclusive Killzone 3 hitting store shselves this week and there are a number of tempting deals for these and other games this week at local retailers.

Best Buy is offering the Gears of War Triple Pack for just $5 with the purchase of Bulletstorm while Toys R Us is offering either a $5 or $40 Gift Card for the two games. Kmart is still working on bringing back the old gaming coupons but do offer up a different way of getting a $20 value.

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showtimefolks4964d ago

already have my copy pre-ordered for kz3 at gamestop. since we will get the old kz2 maps for free in kz3.

gears triple pack what the heck is that?

i know they were releasing gears 1-2 in a combo pack i will pick that up in summer since i have yet to play either.

i am mostley single player on xbox360 gears 1-2 worth playing just for single player?

SSKILLZ4964d ago

Nice , I pre ordered kz3 at game stop too , but I think I'll take advantage of targets offer. So I can pick up LBP2 on the way. Come on LBP2 for $40 got to capitalize on that opportunity.

AAACE54964d ago

Can't pass up the Bulletstorm deal! Gears Beta and all the past Gears stuff for $5.

Still on the fence about Killzone 3 though! It looks good and they fixed some stuff from the past game... but it still doesn't grab me just yet! Probably decide in the store.

Queasy4964d ago

Gears Triple Pack = Gears 1, Gears 2 and all Gears 2 DLC.

Chapulin4964d ago

Toys R Us $40 Gift Card w/ purchase of two

* Bulletstorm (PS3, Xbox 360) - $59.99
* Call of Duty: Black Ops (PS3, Xbox 360) - $59.99
* Dance Paradise (Xbox 360) - $49.99
* Dead Space 2 (PS3, Xbox 360) - $59.99
* Just Dance 2 (Wii) - $39.99
* Killzone 3 (PS3) - $59.99
* NBA 2K11 (PS3, Xbox 360) - $39.99

Thats a great Deal!!

ABizzel14964d ago

Enslaved is a buy for $20.

K-Mart sales are basically buy the game get a $20 gift card.

Toys R Us, I want Killzone 3 and LBP2 for $100


Killzone 3 and Dead Space 2 for $120 with a $40 gift card.

I'll get the Killzone 3 and Dead Space this week, then buy Killzone and LBP2 with the $40 gift card. Then I'll take the extra Killzone 3 back.

So KZ3, DS2, and LBP2 for $220 - $40 GC - $60 take back extra KZ3 = $120 for KZ3, DS2, and LBP2. Great deal, basically Buy 2 Get 1 Free.

SSKILLZ4964d ago

Lol I got lost some where in this smart calculation ...

knight6265220d ago

Only game iam waiting for is for mafia 2 nothing else intrest me well only Metal gear solid peace walkers but ill get that soon

Conloles5220d ago

Mafia 2 lol all 2K get money from is GTA style games and Nba 2K.

MightyMark4275220d ago

The only game I'm waiting for is Mafia II

killyourfm5220d ago

O_O - Not interested in XCOM?

Syaz15220d ago

nice. waiting to see what mafia 2 and spec ops the line has too offer. not into rts games, so civ 5 not for me, and not too familiar with x-com series.

AliTheBrit195220d ago

I think 2K are probably the best Publisher.

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Duty Calls - Epic Games' Forgotten Call of Duty Parody

Back in 2011, Epic Games and People Can Fly launched a Call of Duty parody - Duty Calls - that has been lost to the annals of history.

closed_account464d ago

"Duty Calls: The Calm Before the Storm" sounds more like a massive case of the sh**s. 😂

I saw the parody mention, and half expected the ability to drop a deuce on your opponent... I left disappointed.

closed_account462d ago

Never too much Taco Tuesday!! Now if only we could just achieve eternal Taco Tuesdays without the inevitable Wipe-It Wednesdays!!! 😂😂

463d ago Replies(3)
Amplitude463d ago (Edited 463d ago )

Hahaha i actually just dropped a review of this game on my channel! I hit all the story beats for anybody too lazy to install it and play through it


Bulletstorm - A Cult Classic Worthy of Revival?

Bulletstorm will soon receive a VR remake, but is it worth revisiting? Take a look back at the original 2011 release.

IMissJimRyan472d ago

Absolutely. I remember when the game came out on ps360, I thought: "wow, another shooter" and in the 7th gen that wasn't an unfair reaction.

But when the game was re-release on ps4 I took my time an played it (it was on playstation plus at the time) because, ironically, I missed a shooter in that console. And boy, what a fun game! They made a game to be played and not to be watched. It was a fresh air in the genre that deserved better.

So yes. Maybe it find its audience this time.

SullysCigar472d ago

It's an awesome game. The only exception (for my taste) is the script writing, which is OTT, but I guess that's what they were going for. It does at least match the OTT action and gore. I thought it was great overall and actually being in this game is going to be bonkers!

IMissJimRyan472d ago

Yeah, I agree that storywise it's not an Oscar nominee, but it's like a porn movie in game format.

Abnor_Mal471d ago (Edited 471d ago )

Agree with the over the top script, and felt at the time that was the only thing that people were hyped about, the language and not game play.

But in vr this game is going to be great. It has everything that would make a great vr game. Lots of bombastic action, gunplay, blood, and that leash.

Looking at the gameplay now it seems that the game was ahead of it’s time and was perfect for vr before vr wasn’t even off the ground.

Venoxn4g471d ago

I loved the game back in the day and will love in VR even more!

Yui_Suzumiya471d ago (Edited 471d ago )

I got it on PS3 at launch and am still waiting for the long rumored sequel to finally be announced. Currently have it on Switch and wish a physical version of that would be released. Absolutely love it.

FinalFantasyFanatic471d ago

I actually feel like this game gets revived all the time, not that I hate the game, I actually quite like it, it's just constantly available, unfortunately I'm not a fan of VR so I'll be skipping this version.