
Wired: Uncharted 3 Shouldn't Make Story King

Andy Robertson writes: "Games like Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2 spend too much time serving the story, rather than putting gameplay first. Sometimes this works. Heavy Rain is obviously an extreme example with its choose your own adventure delivery, and it is undeniably a compelling way to tell a story. Also, in a backwards kind of way I loved Uncharted 2 for this, but it means that I actually preferred watching the cut scenes to the gameplay sections."

Double_Oh_Snap4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

No just no, don't try to say uncharted serves narrative to much when both 1&2 had an awesome story with amazing gameplay nuff said. As for Heavy Rain leave that game the way it is it's one of the most intense and engaging games ever, I wish there were more like it.

TBM4976d ago

without a good/great story i have no interest in playing action adventure games. it's the main reason why i couldn't fully complete bayonetta, this game had one of the worst stories ever.

nix4976d ago

they say this.. only to deduct points for not having a story. UC2 was really good game to watch. trust me.. i had to play that game 3 times because my friends wanted to 'watch' the game/story. it was as good as a full blown movie. even one woman from our office sat and 'watched' the whole game.

Acquiescence4976d ago

Story/characters also mean a great deal to me in video games these days, and nowhere was that more readily apparent than when playing Bayonetta. I also couldn't finish it, pretty much due to the incoherent mess that was its plot and its unlikeable characters. It felt like a battle of wills just sitting through the cut-scenes! Then again, the gameplay wasn't much to ring home about either.

I_find_it_funny4976d ago

Uncharted naggers again, this is boring. Uncharted is pure, undeniable quality


TBM4976d ago


I had a friend tell me I don't know what cool is because she was a cool character, and it also had a good story lol.

Nowhere in bayonetta was the story any good, and your right the characters were annoying as hell. Also I wanted to rip of my ears because of the music.

Like I stated before a game is pretty much worthless without a good/great story; unless its racing, or sports.

Inside_out4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

It's common sense that will go right over everyone head here. Cut scenes are suppose to book end game play...NOT the other way around. If I want to watch a movie, I'll watch a movie not some half a$$ cut scenes.

The PS3, with it's blu-ray and Sony FORCING there devs to run a long and unnecessary cut scenes to create the illusion blu-ray is a must is ruining gaming. Actually, motion gaming is the anti blu-ray/cut scene movement...lol...Motion gaming wouldn't work with all those cut scenes would it.

Guerrilla has said that Sony told them to really make the story a bigger and longer part of the game...funny how reviewers were quick to point out the story as it's biggest weakness. Someone will say this isn't true...do your research...you'll see. It's a corporate thing. You didn't think 40-50 gbs was game play did you...lol...Some reviewers, speed run or not have finished KZ3 in 4.5 hrs...O_o...

Alan Wake uses around 3 gbs for ALL it's game play...the use of light was ALL in game and in real time...


Uncharted was an average game with zero originality. The gun play mechanic is near broken and needs alot of work to be compared to other games in it's genre. The platforming was stolen pixel for pixel from Prince of Persia: Sands of time and they have since hired the guru from the Tomb raider series to " help " them for part 3. The story is a complete rip off of Indiana Jones...Here's how Uncharted 3 is going to look...


The famous cover system that Gears perfected has also been stolen by these guys and yet were to believe it's the best...lol.

As for the UC cut-scenes...there all smoke and mirrors and Hollywood tricks...like this...


If you like Uncharted...that's great, to each there own but the best game released in 2009 was MW2. If you had a vote among those that actually pay and play their games...it wouldn't even be close.

MW2 has some of the best visual and game play this gen...even if it isn't the poster child like Indiana Drake for all things political correct in games...lol


Lykon4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

@ cez of rage , found your opinion interesting and was thinking fair play , it's his opinion etc until you mentioned MW2 then i just lol'd

but , on topic ... although i loved uncharted two it would be good to see a few more games offering a more player led experience in the action adventure genre. I suppose the pressure to produce corridors of fantastic graphics and events is higher now that production time and cost is so high. The article begins to look at an interesting subject, but i think he is basically trying to say that he likes Alan Wake more than uncharted 2 and heavy rain . sadly , i can't play AW as I only have ps3 , but hated heavy rain more than i hate cod version x.xxx.

TBM4976d ago

@ cez

Dude your so full of nonsense story wise CoD games shouldn't even be put in the same sentence as Uncharted games. The visuals are also nowhere in the same league.

All I've seen from you see constant hate for anything sony and ps3 so ill just disregard you and your opinions.

GarandShooter4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )


@ cez

You're such a transparent hater. UC2 had no originality, but AW does? Where?

The story? The town overcome by evil, the author's work coming to life, the light harms your enemies angle. No, none of it was original nor above average in content or delivery.

Game mechanics? Use of flashlight, gun play no better than UC if even up to that standard, the illusion of limited ammo? Please.

Maybe it was the awesome design choice to use an objective system in a thriller mystery to remove all the mystery? Or how about using vertical planking paneling in the artist's retreat, so every time you turned the camera you couldn't help but see the screen tearing as all those vertical lines didn't line up properly? Yeah, those two are original as most devs probably wouldn't have shown the weakness of their game design or engine so obviously.

Everyone gets it, you hate all things PlayStation and like the high hard one from Microsoft. I'm happy you're able to have choices available.

It's also nice how you use the common sense angle to open your post as a backhanded insult to folks that disagree. Again, completely transparent.

@ Everyone else

I don't mean to piss on AW or Remedy as the game was quite enjoyable, but this clown is a golden showers candidate if ever there was one. All games have their issues and things that could have been done better. I personally would like to see another AW game, but one where you collect clues, maybe log them in a journal, and decide where you need to go/who you need to see next to collect the next set of clues. I would feel more like I'm solving the mystery, instead of being dragged along by the game to the next check point.

badz1494976d ago

dude, your comments are getting dumber by the day!

"Sony FORCING there devs to run a long and unnecessary cut scenes" - tell THAT to Kojima and see if Sony has any string attach on him forcing him to put cutscene after cutscene in ALL his games!

and to call Uncharted cutscene as halfass is pure ignorance! oh well, I expect nothing less from a hater like you who never play the game at all! if not, you know those cutscenes are pure quality!

"You didn't think 40-50 gbs was game play did you...lol...Some reviewers, speed run or not have finished KZ3 in 4.5 hrs...O_o..."

at least devs has rooms to do that thanks to bluray and how much does PS3 gamers pay for their games? $60! - just like the other systems with DVD! BOOHOO! halo has short campaign, CoD has short campaign, Gears as well...so your point is? NONE, just TROLLING! your view on MW2 confirms that!

as for your comment on Uncharted, just STFU TROLL! you didn't even play the game! the game is so broken it annihilate every single game in 2009 for GoTY, right? yeah, THAT makes sense! /s

lh_swe4976d ago

@Cez - I think you are one within a minority holding that opinion, that being the fanboy minority.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 4976d ago
bageara4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Andy Robertson writes: "Games like Heavy Rain and Uncharted 2 spend too much time serving the story, rather than putting gameplay first."

Oh ok so now gameplay comes before story? well tell that to some of the Killzone 3 reviewers who seem to ignore its awesome gameplay and get hung up on the fact they think the story is a bit generic

also the Uncharted franchise has some of the greatest gameplay and storytelling this gen

sobekflakmonkey4976d ago

Agreed, stating that uncharted 2 doesnt have good gameplay is like stating that you are mentally challenged, cause lets be honest, Uncharted 2 has some of the best animations and controls known to any game thus far and it is the most fluent game i have ever played, to be honest, nothing competes with it in that market.

FailOverHero4976d ago

Here's the thing, one opinion does not equal the opinions of every other reviewer in the industry. So don't say 'they say this now but complain about killzone 3 story' because THEY aren't saying it, THIS ONE PERSON is.
Many games have had great gameplay and sub par storytelling before and have been marked down for it and nobody has made a big deal about it because we all agree, no game is perfect, more so if it lacks in a certain area. Come along killzone 3 with the same issue and now the whole internet is on a rampage about how unfair it is and how killzone 3 deserves perfect scores because it has a great multiplayer.
You know what else has a great multiplayer and a so so story? CoD and it scored 89 with nobody throwing a hissy fit.
But because it is a ps3 exclusive, it has to be bias and paid off reviewers, it cant just be because story has ALWAYS been important and the game is lacking in that department.
Ps3 players have carved out a reputation for themselves as being the most entitled whiney gamers this gen because they ALWAYS find a conspiracy or something to complain about when it comes to reviews.
Just look at lbp 2, recieved great scores, everybody knows it is better than the 1st one but they complain because it didn't score higher than the original. Everybody else knows that it isn't being compared to the previous game, rather being held up to the standard of games TODAY. Halo 3 scored 94, Reach scored 91, but we all know Reach is better than 3 and so 360 players don't go all rage spree about it because they know and understand that a perfect score in 2010 is more impressive than a perfect score in 2007

bageara4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

I was merely pointing out we saw the opposite to what this author is saying in the fact that in Killzone 3 gameplay does come first before story

I never mentioned scores or conspiracys.

Its just MY opinion I am just ONE PERSON so dont say the whole internet is rampaging or having a hissy fit

Istanbull4976d ago

Is the author serious?? PlayStation gamers like story driven games, thats what we're used to since PS1.

FailOverHero4976d ago

Playstation players seem to enjoy CoD and Gran Turismo...probably the least story driven games. And not every ps1 gamer made his/her way to the ps3

Thatguy-3104976d ago

That's the reason UNCHARTED SERIES is so successful !! It really focus on the story element and takes the player in a rollercoaster ride.. I for one look at the story first b4 buying a game I really can careless if it has multiplayer or not. For example Heavy Rain dilivers something incredible, the story sucks you in as soon as Ethan begins to look for his son and starts to do the trails that the origami killer gives him...Story Driven games are ART it's just incredible when you create emotions towards it. sO I disagree and Uncharted should remain story kind and will have no problem teaching other games how to do it ;)

Andronix4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Lesson 1: A game is about gameplay. We all know this. But we also understand that a compelling story and characters emotionally connect us to the game on a far deeper level.

How many times have you read a review complaining about stereotypical macho characters lacking depth?

I bought the first Uncharted 1 and loved it for its pure and unpretentious adventure/platform gameplay (and I love that great musical score.)

Uncharted 2 developed that gameplay, it starts with you right in the middle of an action scene hanging off a train, and the game continues up from there. I can understand this criticism if U2 was all story and no game but that simply isn't true. What the team have Naughty Dog have done is compliment that great gameplay with an immersive story and gameworld.

What this Wired writer is doing is criticise a game that has actually done so much to progress the genre. The legacy of Uncharted is that other developers will take story more seriously and hopefully we as gamers will have the opportunity to play games that have a fine mix of gameplay and story.

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Rainstorm814976d ago

Cant games have both? Great gameplay and great narrative?

Why choose if you can do both...

clrlite4976d ago (Edited 4976d ago )

Exactly, a talented enough team can put together both without breaking a sweat. UC2 has enough of both and is lacking in neither(IMO anyway), so apparently ND has found a pretty good balance. It is only when one is emphasized more than the other so much that it becomes a detriment to intended experience that it becomes a problem.

"Games like .... Uncharted 2 spend too much time serving the story, rather than putting gameplay first " Interesting perception...
How many other games that year won 50+ GOTY awards?

Glad the author likes the games though.

Tristanh824976d ago

stupidest article so far from 2011.

nevin14976d ago

MGS1( PS1) was the last time I was impressed with a story.

darkdoom30004976d ago

MGS is awesome, but It couldn't have been the last time unless you just played it, or you removed all media from your life.

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JagX22407d ago

Wouldn't the answer here be ... all of them?

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VenomUK416d ago

It's now time for somebody to go up to Xbox Live Gold whilst it's fast asleep, then hold a pillow tight over its mouth until it stops breathing.

crazyCoconuts416d ago

This is game pass though. Doesn't seem that much better right now.

Profchaos416d ago

Looking at the quality of games mixing the two up in this case it's an easy mistake to make

BrainSyphoned416d ago

I forgot Everspace 2 released so I'm happy with this month.

Profchaos416d ago

Well I guess we know where all that gamepass money is going right into a giant s labelled bucket

ChasterMies416d ago

Microsoft is spending $70B on Activision. That doesn’t leave a lot left over for other AAA games.

monkey602416d ago

I've really wanted to play A Short Hike and Airborne Kingdom for a while now so it's cool they've been added but yeah I don't see this exciting the masses

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