
Interview - Media Molecule | MyInsideGamer

MIG: We got to sit down with James Stafford and Mark Stephenson from Media Molecule recently and quiz them on all things LittleBigPlanet. Below you can find a transcript of the interview.

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Media Molecule’s Next Game is Going to be a New IP

A job listing published by the UK studio reveals that its next project will be another entirely new IP.

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Inverno148d ago

The only PlayStation dev I care about tbh.

Inverno147d ago

Dayum did I hit a nerve. Sorry for not liking most of this gens games coming from PS, not really doe.

Cacabunga148d ago

Hopefully doesn’t take them a complete gen to release it

TheColbertinator147d ago

Good. Something not boring, not one of those "make your own game" crap and also on Steam would be nice.

Stopac147d ago

I too like to look for things in the wrong places.


Dreams Dev Media Molecule Says Layoffs Impact Planned Community and Curation Support

IGN writes: "Media Molecule has said the layoffs at the Sony-owned studio have affected plans for ongoing community and curation support in Dreams."

Inverno182d ago

How self sustained can DREAM be when it's basically stuck on PS4? I don't think it's even gotten a PS5 upgrade. Ending support for what is essentially a game making engine is basically death. SONY did DREAMS dirty.


Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?