
Interview with Dylan Cuthbert - Pixeljunk

TheSixthAxis.com recently got the chance to catch up with a very busy TGS'd out Dylan Cuthbert of Q-Games and the creative mastermind behind the devilish PixelJunk Racers PSN game. In the interview he talks about creating games for HD displays, dodgy reviews and the possible title of his next game: PixelJunk Monsters.

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Underrated: Q-Games is a PixelJunk load of awesome

PSU takes a look at game developers that brought us great games this console generation, but didn't get the attention they deserved.

itBourne4027d ago

Q-Games is awesome. I want a Monsters 2!

mandf4027d ago

I want it bad too. I played the ps3 version first then the psp 2nd. The psp version is better with with more content. I love that game.

mondofish4027d ago

That would be awesome for sure! :D

Knushwood Butt4027d ago

I like their stuff, and 4am is awesome.


Pixelated Prices For The PixelJunk Series On PSN

Well if you are had the pleasure of owning a PS3 on release and are a regular purchaser from the PSN then you will already have most of the game titles from PixelJunk. Seen as the developer Q-Games have been producing games for the PSN since the PS3′s launch in 2007.
If you have managed to oversee these fab games and are also a PS Plus holder then you are in luck. As the games have been released from 79p.

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Lazyeye794403d ago

I want them to release a sequel or an addon for PixelJunk Monsters. My favorite game by them.


Did SCEE Get The PixelJunk Sale Completely Wrong?


Earlier in the week the US division of SCE had all but the very latest PixelJunk games on sale for a dollar. The expectation – rightly – was that SCEE would do the same, and we could grab some of the PSN’s best games for a matter of pennies.

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Yi-Long4408d ago

... not the first time SCEE screws their European customers over though, so TBH I really shouldn't have been surprised.

Would have loved to have picked these games up for a dollar, but I guess I'll hang on to my money.

Blastoise4408d ago

Disappointing. Would have probably bought them all if they were a dollar/pound each

GribbleGrunger4408d ago (Edited 4408d ago )

and that my friend is exactly the point! what people forget is that it costs Sony and the devs NOTHING to distribute a digital copy of a game. there's no retailer involved, no box or box art either and no transit costs. most people will have looked at that deal in America and bought them all which, when considered as a whole, makes them as much as if you bought one game at full price.

if this is successful and it drove revenue up substantially, we may see similar offers in the future for other devs. hopefully, it eventually comes to Europe and Japan.

Shazz4408d ago

scee will never change unless customers complain then show them you wont buy the games . if people still buy them then scee will keep on fcuking

mr_badhand4408d ago ShowReplies(2)
PirateThom4408d ago

Monsters, Eden, Shooter and Racers are 79p with PS+... where's Sidescroller?! :(

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