Thrillville - Info and Screen

Today, Frontier Games Development Ltd., one of the many independent games developer announced that their project - Thrillville for the PSP - will be relased on Christmas 2006. Thrillville is an all-access pass to adventure and fun, allowing you to party nonstop in a fully interactive and customizable amusement park that you create.


Xbox - September 2022 Games with Gold

"September's 2022 Games with Gold lineup includes the Xbox One titles Gods Will Fall and Double Kick Heroes, and through backwards compatibility, the Xbox 360 titles Thrillville and Portal 2. February's lineup provides over $66.96 dollars in value and up to 3000 in gamerscore."

darthv72696d ago (Edited 696d ago )

Not a bad month. Thrillville and Portal 2 are fun and Double Kick Heroes looks like a blast.

Crows90696d ago

Sure. If you want the oldest games possible.

porkChop696d ago

A good game is a good game regardless of time.

Between GWG and Game Pass, where do you think publishers would rather put their newer games? MS can't force publishers to put their games on GWG.

Asplundh696d ago (Edited 696d ago )

Yeah so they should stop investing money into games that only a very small percentage of their users will play. It's month after month of lackluster titles and they need change it up, I'd rather them just do 1 worthwhile game a month than 4 that most users will never touch, because as of now they're just wasting their money and most users are seeing 0 benefit from it.

porkChop696d ago


I do agree. Hopefully once the OG Xbox and 360 games stop we'll see some bigger games hit the service.

CaptainHenry916696d ago (Edited 696d ago )

Lol I have to agree with you on that. Old games 😂 I also hate when publishers and developers rely on remakes

695d ago
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EmperorDalek696d ago (Edited 696d ago )

Considering how expensive portal 2 still is in the store, and how rare the physical copies are these days, I'd say that's a good addition. It's also upgraded to 4K on the X consoles.

Don't know much about the other ones, but it looks like a better month than usual. Which probably says more about how bad it usually is.

MontyeKristo696d ago

Nah. Free games still good, regardless. Someone will enjoy it.

Eidolon696d ago

There's someone for any niche. But people mostly given up on GWG a long time ago.

MontyeKristo695d ago (Edited 695d ago )

garryxcs - Eh, semantics. I pay for a large amount of content, through Gold/Game Pass. Technically, sure, you are right; however, they are games 'given' to me under the umbrella of the platform, that I've not had to outright buy..

If they didn't offer them to me for "free," I would have had to spend *extra* money for them.

Free. 🤷‍♂️🤣

Chance_of_Raine696d ago

Huh, decent bunch this time around IMHO.

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Thrillville: Off the Rails Review 7.9 (IGN)

Thrillville: Off the Rails is a theme park manager, rollercoaster builder and mini-game collection all wound together into a fun little package. Developed by Frontier Developments and produced by LucasArts, this sequel manages to do a whole lot of things quite well, but sports a few faults that keep it from being the truly impressive title it could have been

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G_CodeMonkey6126d ago

I have four kids, ages 5, 7, 10 and 13-- they argue over who gets to use it. It has a ton of minigames and you can build race tracks, coasters, and log rides. You can get fairly deep, setting the prices for all the things to do and even changing colors/etc. on the attractions. For $50, one of the few things that we all play on the 360. If you have kids (or even if you don't), its a strong rental that you may just end up purchasing. gCM


LucasArts Announces Thrillville: Off the Rails For Consoles

LucasArts is making a new Thrillville game. It will be a sequel to the first and will be called Thrillville: Off The Rails.

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