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OC_MurphysLaw (2) - 6215d ago Cancel
MaximusPrime (1) - 6216d ago Cancel
HaKeRsCanRotINHEL (1) - 6215d ago Cancel
plastixblue (1) - 6215d ago Cancel
Vip3r (1) - 6215d ago Cancel
s8anicslayer (1) - 6215d ago Cancel
Douche (1) - 6215d ago Cancel
djt23 (1) - 6216d ago Cancel
Cat (1) - 6215d ago Cancel

Report Predicts Blu-ray, HD DVD to Co-Exist

A new report examining the evolution of the high-def market predicts both next-gen disc formats are here to stay, and that most studios are likely to end up supporting both formats.
Released today by UK-based media analysts Screen Digest, the report includes detailed forecasts of consumer sales and revenues in the US and Europe for both new video formats through 2011, with each predicted to establish a viable installed base.

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BIadestarX6216d ago

Than Sony already lost. It's important for Sony that blu-ray wins.

ISay6215d ago

ive been saying this for some time now. sony has to win and microsoft will just keep trowing money at it so they going anywere

eagle216215d ago

Target has doubled the space for blu ray. Hd dvd is weak because toshiba is selling at a loss. Standalone blu ray players make profits. MS will lose in the longrun. Blu Ray has the most blockbusters this year and will win xmas. MS price cut was not enough, at all.

Evil0Angel6215d ago

we will see studioes go dual-format.

HaKeRsCanRotINHEL6215d ago

Stranger things have happened! ;)

redsymphony6215d ago

somehow i think this is true but yet again we will see i have a ps3 and it hs my blu ray in there so im sold only reason i dont have a hd dvd is cuz it was not built in my xbox and i refuse to purchase it seperate so i guess blu ray wins for me

xfrgtr6215d ago (Edited 6215d ago )

Than toshiba has already lost it's important for toshiba that HDDVD wins,all the movies that are released on both format like 300 or The Departed have been selling more on Bluray since the hddvd installed base is miserable

cuco336215d ago

According to you, HD DVD is already dead. ;)

This Xmas07 season will show what's going to happen on whether or not dual formats will be the norm. To me, if they coexist (something I've mentioned a few times and was shunned since HD DVD is "dead") this is more of a loss to Sony since it's been estimated they paid quite a bit of money for studios to go exclusive/neutral, stores to promote, etc.

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Anniversary: Nintendo Is 135 Years Old Today

Where does the time go?

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Xbox: Gaming Evolved Interview

Xbox discusses the brand licensing strategies connecting iconic video game franchises with the world’s most diverse fan base.

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Community1d 6h ago
MrDead1d 5h ago

We asked MS, why are you so amazing and how do you come up with the ideas for creating such titles as Call of Duty and Elder Scrolls?


Italy's Crackdown on Counterfeit Retro Consoles Highlights Industry Failures in Game Preservation

In a major crackdown, Italy's financial police have dismantled a ring trafficking counterfeit vintage video game consoles, highlighting a severe issue within the gaming industry. The operation underscores the industry's failure to preserve classic games, driving gamers toward illegal alternatives as legitimate options remain scarce and prohibitively expensive.

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Community6d ago
Knightofelemia6d ago

Even if they do crack down all a person needs is an Everdrive and a regular old school machine. Or modify a disc based console that has a dead laser to boot off an SD card. Some of those illegal devices look neat and some of them are just plain crap.

XiNatsuDragnel6d ago

This won't stop it unless you have a great service.

Inverno5d ago

What a stupid thing to be wasting time, money and effort. Aren't these guys literally drowning right now? Maybe y'all should focus more on that instead trying to stop people from playing old games no longer being sold.

Inverno5d ago

Pretty sure I've read and seen parts of Italy experiences/ing pretty bad floodings. Id argue that's more important than trying to prevent the sale of emulation devices.