
CES 11: Mayor Mike Haggar Trailer

The new Mayor of Metro City has dismantled the Mad Gears, now his sights are set on the ensuing battle with the fate of two worlds at stake in Marvel vs Capcom 3.

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Every Marvel vs. Capcom Character, Together At Last

Artist Chris Cayco, who we’ve featured a few times before on Kotaku, grew up playing Marvel vs. Capcom (and Marvel vs. Street Fighter) games. His tribute to this, which took him over 175 hours, was to combine every single character to ever appear in Capcom’s crossover series in the one enormous image.

PurpHerbison1570d ago

Love art like this. Good stuff.

PhoenixUp1570d ago

Makes me despise Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite that much more

So much wasted potential


Everything Razer Announced This CES 2020

Razer has been surprising us every CES and this year is no different.

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ssj271610d ago (Edited 1610d ago )

Can anybody explains me why they mention xcloud and stadia as could gaming as if they invented and are the only ones doing it when playstation now exist and also does it or shieldtv ? I have steamed game on playstationnow and i can also play any game on steam streaming it through my shieldtv without the need of owning a pc.

Lon3wolf1610d ago (Edited 1610d ago )

They don't mention it like that at all (they say more cloud gaming implementations which means they acknowledge others already exist):

Sila is made for cloud gaming-ease as we see more cloud gaming implementations such as Stadia or Microsoft’s xCloud.

ssj271610d ago (Edited 1610d ago )

Still playstation now is older and Sony is bigger name better known. Its like Microsoft is paying every mainstream news media to mention themvs stadia when it comes to streaming games. But Microsoft competition is not stsdia its playstation now . Everyone knew before it luch that stadia will fail huge time .. but they can still make money saling their tech patents servers to sony or Microsoft or anyone else who wants it.

Point here is that when people mention game streaming its very weird suspicious not to mention playstation now.

Lon3wolf1610d ago

MSoft pay for this lol (why not Google paying for Stadia to be mentioned?). You say that after accusing a writer/article of pretending other services don't exist (even though they acknowledge such just not by individual names). I know what does look suspicious.

ssj271610d ago

Microsoft and google are trying to appear as they are the blue and red. The rivals in gaming streaming. Google doesn't need to pay for this they are this. Lol they controls YouTube and google if i need to explain this weird blue vs white you must be living ubder a rock the last 50 years. Playstation vs xbox messi vs cr7 etc vs etc give more hype . Anyways I'm just pointing out this is a marketing they sre using microsof and google to create a fight that doesn't even exist


CES 2020: Dell and Alienware Bring Their Battle Cry To CES With A Range Of Gaming Innovations

Dell and Alienware continue to showcase their relentless commitment to gaming innovations at CES. Kicking things off with the new redesigned Dell G5 15 SE (Special Edition), the latest product in Dell’s G Series portfolio for new and price-conscious gamers. You’ll also learn about a new software to help monitor in-game performance without having to …

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_SilverHawk_1611d ago (Edited 1611d ago )

Hopefully there are a few alienware ufos made because I know a lot of people like portable gaming but have to suffer because the ones available are weak and have hardware issues that need to be sorted. Some people say power doesnt matter but are wishing everyday to have a more powerful switch. Now people can have way better technology with a lot more available pc games.

timotim1611d ago (Edited 1611d ago )

Certainly a nice looking device. I might be interested if the price/power ratio is reasonable. Knowing Alienware though, thats a not so good chance. Steam, xCloud, Play Anywhere, apps, media, possibly navigation and maps...could be a nice little multimedia handheld device.

Leeroyw1611d ago

I would love a powerful handheld you can tether to your phone and play high level games.

Xaevi1611d ago

I'll always be interested in dedicated gaming handhelds, but seeing as this is Alienware I doubt the price will be anywhere near affordable

TheColbertinator1611d ago (Edited 1611d ago )

Even for those who can afford Alienware, the price tag is simply unreasonable considering there are better and cheaper options for the same specs

Sophisticated_Chap1611d ago

The Alienware UFO looks bad ass! I would seriously consider getting one of these things.

glennhkboy1611d ago

The same old dream of PC-on-mobile again....... This dream has never/ will not ever be realized, at least in the business sense. Games in each game-eco system must cater to the specific requirement in order to success. Mainly the different screen size + control method (PC vs Console vs mobile phone vs Nintendo). Most PC game are designed around the control method of mouse + keyboard. It will be very difficult to translate this into a console-like mobile machine. Also, game developer would have to do a lot of optimization for their PC game to work on this new machine.

RazzerRedux1610d ago (Edited 1610d ago )

Controller support with PC games is fairly common except for some games where it just doesn't make sense like RTS or Civ. This is more than likely going to run off of Intel graphics which is enough to run more games on Steam than you would think. Rocket League, PUBG, League of Legends, DOTA 2, CS: GO and the thousands of indie games out there will run on Intel's integrated graphics without any changes from devs.

Having said all that, whether this is an option for gaming depends primarily on price. This doesn't look cheap at all.

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