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Rumor from The Net: Could Blizzard's Titan Be A Halo MMO?

G4TV doesn't usually post rumors and theories on TheFeed but sometimes it's fun to shamelessly wonder. Gaming podcast Legendary on has a very interesting theory.

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Community4909d ago
ddelella4909d ago

Microsoft owns the rights to all future Halo title releases. There is 100% no chance that Blizzard is creating a Halo MMO. I would not mind seeing a MMO FPS come from the minds that made Halo but it won't be Halo. Besides Activision would probably want like $20 a month for a subscription fee, greedy a**holes.

thehitman4909d ago

Ya but u dont know if MS got blizzard to make it for them which is possible since MS and Activision are in bed together. In the end though I dont see it happening blizzard has better profile games to work with then to make a Halo MMO.

karl4909d ago

exactly... halo as awesome as it is

i just dont see it as an MMO ... what would be the classes? or skills...

everyone shooting.. just sounds boring

well i would like it if it was a first person MMO .. that would be interesting

Chris3994909d ago

I'm not sure where people get off thinking that Blizzard are some noble developers who wouldn't sell their talents to the highest bidder. Talented, heck yeah. But you have only to look at WoW, which is the most successful, money-milking machine in the industry (next to Cityville) and realize that ethics don't mean much. They have perfected the milking of their customers, it's almost an art form. They have legions of subscribers and from a design standpoint do whatever they want (check out the QQing post Cata - yet still the WoW faithful, are faithful - that's one Hell of a brand they've built).

They're in it to make money. Period.

Let's review what we know. A bunch of old Titan devs WENT to Blizzard, the new Blizz MMO is called TITAN. Activision + MS = BFF.

I'm not into sci-fi MMOs (Star Wars being a possible exception), so I don't care much either way. But to utterly dismiss the possibility that this could happen is a bit blind to reality. MS can easily licence the IP to Blizz for the game, it's not as complicated as people are making it out to be.

captain-obvious4909d ago

Blizzard making a Halo MMO

thats funny

RockmanII74909d ago

Why does everyone say that MS and Acti are in bed together? Only thing Acti has done for MS is give them timed exclusive DLC for one game series.

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JsonHenry4909d ago

I just puked in my mouth a little.

NYC_Gamer4909d ago

i thought this rumor is true since halo is owned by MS

awi59514909d ago

Well blizzard totally ripped off Warhammer to make World of Warcraft they may just rip off Halo lol.

BlackTar1874909d ago

You mean ripped of Warhammer to make Warcraft not World of Warcraft.

If thats what you meant i agree Warhammer and Warhammer 40k are so awesome

JohnnyMann4204909d ago

Impossible, not only for the fact that MS owns the title "Halo" but also impossible because Blizz said themselves that this was a new IP.

New IP = not old IP simple as that.

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Top 10 Games We’re Happy Got Cancelled

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Sometimes, a game getting cancelled is actually a blessing in disguise that either helps the developer or game series reach new heights with what actually does come next or just saves our time and money by keeping what would obliviously have been a bad time lost forever."

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Community1772d ago
harmny1771d ago

You're happy for the lay offs too?

PiNkFaIrYbOi1771d ago

Why would anyone be happy about any game being cancelled?

1771d ago
0hMyGandhi1771d ago

okay, I'll bite.
I friggin adored Arkane's version of Prey (it's basically the spiritual successor to System Shock that we never got) but I would have loved to see the bounty hunter iteration of the sequel as well, perhaps as it's own IP.

2ndhandcorn1771d ago

Scalebound for me was happy it got canned , the concept seemed picked out of a hat lol terrible.

Knightofelemia1771d ago

That RE title on Gameboy colour looks like an Atari Lynx game


Gaming Steve Episode 77 – The Secret History of Titan

Never before released details about Blizzard's cancelled Titan!

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stonesnake2964d ago
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stonesnake2964d ago

"There is definitely a lot of Titan influence in Overwatch," says Blizzard

"There is definitely a lot of Titan influence in Overwatch," Blizzard's Jeffrey Kaplan told Gamereactor. "We spent a lot of years working on Titan and we thought a lot about that universe as we were working on it. So there are game mechanics. There are technology concepts. There are art concepts that we wanted to carry over from Titan. But at its core Overwatch is a brand new game."

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