
Chasing the dream of a video-game "everyman"

Why do so-called "everyman" video-game characters fail to actually meet the definition of an "everyman"?

choadley4907d ago

One of the big hurdles in narrative-based games.

jeeves864907d ago

Amnesia--certainly has Daniel portraying an everyman. But I mean if Isaac Clarke 'were' an everyman, he'd be cowering in the corner all day.

This was one of the (ahermmm) few things that I liked about Resident Evil: Outbreak. It took everyday people and threw them into extraordinary situations - sure there was a journalist, a doctor and stuff, but the rest of them were pretty damned average people with no concept of how to appropriately deal with the situation at hand. Which left some of them hiding in closets and under beds.

I'm thinking I'm part of a small few who really want the next RE game to start fresh with a new cast? Anyone else? Anyone?

ironfist924907d ago (Edited 4907d ago )

The best 'everyman' was the protagonist of Bioshock. He did basically what anyone wouldve done to survive and get the hell outta Rapture, and also the fact that he didnt have a voice or a face means it can be mapped to anyone's imagination.

Sadie21004906d ago

Hmmm...I'm not sure I agree. I get what you mean, but I don't think an "everyman" is someone you can map yourself to. I think he still needs his own personality, a la Nathan Drake.

RockYou4906d ago

don't most designers make game protagonist that every (white male) player can map himself on to? I remember seeing a picture that just showed the dozens and dozens of bald/short haired male leads from various games, and they all look quite unsurprisingly generic and similar.

SybaRat4906d ago

This is actually EXACTLY why I'm holding out hope for I Am Alive.

LockeCole4906d ago

Way easier to make your character an "everyman" in a horror game because the point is to feel helpless, or at least relatively weak. No one would play a shooter where your character is just average at shooting. No one would play Prince of Persia if the Prince was a fat schlub with glasses.

(Actually, now that I think about it, that would be hilarious.)

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The Best Cowboy Games on the PS4

Yeeehaw! Howdy, partner! Saddle up and mosey on down to check out the best western-themed video games you can rustle up on the PS4 today.

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SimpleSlave3d ago

While not on the PS4, if you want a pretty imaginative and downright fun Cowboy game you should check out Call of Juarez: Gunslinger. Not only is it a great arcade FPS in its own right but one that has some Narrative Elements that interact with the Gameplay in a pretty surprising and novel way. Something a few of the AAAAAAAA games should be looking at in order to marry the Narrative with the Gameplay better.

The best part is that you can get it for a few dollars on GOG or STEAM during their sales.


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Rockstar Games may be preparing to release its open world action adventure game, Red Dead Redemption 1, on PC.

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Goodguy0131d ago

I just want 4k/1440p and 60fps support. And with little glitches too ofc.

Snookies1230d ago (Edited 30d ago )

This is about the PC version of RDR 1. The PC version of RDR 2 doesn't have a frame rate cap. Though I do agree, it is mind boggling that Rockstar still hasn't released a patch for consoles.

XiNatsuDragnel31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

It'll be great if true

LucasRuinedChildhood31d ago (Edited 31d ago )

Hopefully 60fps on consoles for RDR2 is next then.

LucasRuinedChildhood30d ago (Edited 30d ago )

Honestly, a PS5 Pro isn't even needed for 60fps in this case. But if they wanted to use it show a game running maxed out at a high resolution at 60fps, I wouldn't complain. Just give us 60fps. lol

I think the Series X might have an issue running the One X version at a locked 60fps as that version was a full native 4K but they could just lower the resolution a bit.

purple10130d ago (Edited 30d ago )

I wish to play both stellar blade, and rdr2, on the pro, maxed out like an expensive pc,

would be good, especially for the price, even if thats £499/ £549

last I checked, a rtx 4070super was £580 for just the card!

DaReapa31d ago

There aren't many games I'd double dip for, but having originally gotten this for PS3, I would happily get this if true.

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