
Gaming Matters: Ode To The 'Axehead Army'

I thought about writing up this particular topic when it was time to pen my 50th Gaming Matters last year, but I decided to wait. Then I thought about writing it for Thanksgiving – but again, I deferred. Now, in retrospect, I am glad that I waited. I am glad I waited because I can’t think of a better time to write this article than on the heels of the recently released Episode 100 of EpicBattleCry. I was sitting at my desk, reading the comments section of the episode when I realized that now was the right time for me to say thank you. Thank you to You, the ‘Axehead Army – the most thoughtful, respectful, and interesting gaming community on the web.

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himdeel5011d ago

...turn on the Barry White!!


One Game Two Formats

Jen from The Game Fanatics discusses the discrepancies between PC and console gaming.

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reynod5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Dragon age on PC was awesome. Cant imagine playing that game with a controller. No surprise the devs had to dumb down the console version of game significantly for it to work. Even then the Graphics and frame rates were far behind the PC version.

dannybohy5007d ago

Iafter over 10 yrs playing PC FPS i thought id try a FPS on my xbox360 this weekend and OMG! never again! Gamepad for FPS= WRONG!!

imvix5007d ago

Haha FPS on a control pad is a joke. People who havent tried Keyboard mouse have no idea what they are missing.

I personally tried to play left4dead 2 on PC with a control pad just for the fun of it. Aiming with a control pad seemed like a chore. Just doesnt occur to me how anyone can enjoy an FPS with a controller.

NegativeCreepWA5007d ago

Just because you suck with a controller doesn't mean everyone else does.

Crazyglues5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

I'll agree with you that it's hard as hell to go from one to the other, as I did it the other way around....

I was a PC gamer years ago, then one day My PC was out of date, this was back when FarCry and FEAR for PC had just come out...

I started Gaming on Console and loved it.. COD4 day and night, Now I try to go back to PC playing Crysis and Crysis Warhead for the first time, and OMG!! The PAIN!!

Trying to use Keyboard again was frying my Brain... LoL (So yes I bought an Xbox 360 PC controller) and while it might seem harder to use for PC guys I loved it, got right back into the flow and was Loving Crysis...

Now of course keyboard and mouse has a much bigger range and more precision but I'm loving the PC 360 controller, it works for me for now..

By the time Crysis 2 comes out maybe by then I'll be back to keyboard and Mouse but for now, I'm loving the controller... Could be the 360 PC Controller is done really well or it's just hard to go back to the other way of playing... so if you do Controller, it's hard to do PC and if you do PC it's hard to do Controller..

Hopefully I can be one of those gamers who can do both, that's my goal...Like someone who can write with their left and right hand... -:)

We shall see what happens-Maybe I'll do a post in the forums on my experience after a few weeks of trying both... I might just end up frying my little Brain ..LoL


BattleAxe5007d ago

I love using my wireless 360 controller for PC also, but I only use it if the game supports Xinput natively.

BloodyNapkin5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

Here is how i put it. It is alot easier to pick and play with mouse and keyboard, acutally it makes it to easy for me. But it takes someone with true skill to be very good with a controller, and even more so is the one handed gamer.

If you are not use to a controller, then it will take some practice getting used to it. Thats how i love things stuff that is hard drives me to master it for the challenge of it.

BattleAxe5007d ago

I'm a natural with a Controller when playing my PS3, but even though I can play through a single player game using a Mouse and Keyboard, when I play online I get my ass wooped. Its all about what you're used to. I've been using a controller for 26 years as a hardcore console gamer, and for the last 15 of those years I've been a Playstation gamer.

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A LIVING LEGEND5007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

I lament daily the wealth of quality Rpgs on the pc vs. console.
It may just piss me off enough that this year I finally buy a decent gaming rig.
And strategy/rpg games.They seem almost afraid to even try them on console,at least anything on a grand scale.I wouldn't think it impossible...

Substance1015007d ago (Edited 5007d ago )

There have been great RPGs on PC exclusively. However even the ones that are shared with console, the console version usually never hold up:

Witcher (PC exclusive, one of the best rpgs out in a long while, Witcher with mods looks better then any RPG out there).
Dragon age(console version is handicapped by controller and has low fps and textures).
Risen (its available on 360 but the game is a mess on the 360).
Mass effect 2(xbox version is decent here, but still cant be compared to PC version).
Oblivion (even stock the game is much better on PC, after MODs its just a different game).

Then PC has shooters which have RPG elements like the Stalker series which is great too and specially after mods the games can look very good.

Up coming RPGs on PC to look forward to:

Witcher 2
Risen 2
Dragon age 2
Dungeon Siege 3

All of these will probably be around 50hour long, will be great games.

Xfanboy5007d ago

I'll choose the picture to the left!! slow motion turns ugh!!


A closing look at what CES 2011 Means

As CES draws to a close we examine what it means, and what is to come in the next 12 months.

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2011 Writers Guild Awards Videogame Writing Nominees Announced

LOS ANGELES, NEW YORK -- The Writers Guild of America, West (WGAW) and the Writers Guild of America, East (WGAE) have announced nominations for outstanding achievement in videogame writing during 2010. The winner of this year’s WGA Videogame Writing Award, which recognizes writers as key creative talent in today’s gaming industry, will be presented at the upcoming 2011 Writers Guild Awards to be held on Saturday, February 5, 2011, at simultaneous ceremonies in Los Angeles and New York.