
IGN: Tetris Review

IGN already knew Tetris was a great game, but the multiplayer and online functions EA brings to this version make it an easy recommendation for puzzle fans. It's rough around the edges in terms of nitty gritty online stuff, but they definitely like what it does overall.

Presentation - 7.5
Graphics - 7.5
Sound - 7.5
Gameplay - 8.5
Lasting Appeal - 8.5

GWAVE4916d ago

So in IGN's eyes, the 10,000th Tetris remake > GT5.

Prototype4916d ago

I don't get how a remake is rated higher than a sequel, then again if it was some 360 exclusive it would automatically be 9 or 10, be as big as the second coming, and pay Oprah to advertise it to the soccer moms.

King-Leonidas4916d ago

IGN gotta pull their shit together

Arup024916d ago

Now every game released after GT5 MUST have a lower score. Sincerely, i don't understand the fanboy's mind.

despair4916d ago


Equating a tetris game to GT5?

Everything is relative, you seem blinded by fanboyism,I mean even if you don't agree with the GT5 score, and I personally think its an amazing game, you have to take into account a few other things; who the reviewer was for either game, the type of game it is, the cost of the game, the genre of the game hell even when the game is released.

I mean just using a score as your excuse for ranting against a website is not exactly doing a proper analysis of the situation.

kramun4916d ago

Stop going on about GT5's review scores already. We get it, you think it should have scored higher. PS3 fanbois are the worst ones for crying about games not getting the scores they think they deserve. Just play the games, quit the endless sobbing.

ambientFLIER4916d ago

GWAVE aka Troll:

PSN games are rated compared to other PSN games, not full releases. A 9.0 for a PSN game could be equivalent to a 7.0 for a regular release.

Nice try, loser.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 4916d ago
dkgshiz4916d ago

I think its time to stop with the Tetris games.

Lirky4916d ago

Ea should of added wonders where all the lines you earn are collected and stored to build structures.

---stone---4916d ago

Tetris: The real puzzle simulator.


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franwex468d ago

I couldn’t keep up. Haha.


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franwex989d ago

Sounded pretty defensive there with Zelda 2…

Jiub989d ago

Ahhh Contra. My first Shoot 'em up. Good times