
Gorgeous indie game Braid to be released for XBLA

Braid is an odd (but completely engrossing) puzzle/action/platformer hybrid starring a guy in a business suit on a quest to save a princess in a wide variety of fantasy worlds. Most noticeable, the game sports some beautiful, hand-drawn 2D graphics that are displayed from a sorely missed and breathtaking Lode Runner-esque vantage point (translation: far away camera) that allows the player to see more of the game's lush vistas.

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nurayi6219d ago (Edited 6219d ago )

I've been wondering when these guys were going to finish their game. curious on how they plan to bring it to PC. they are talking about steam over on the braid site. Some games like flow are more fleshed out on the console version than the PC (thus the PC ver is free) but I wouldn't mind paying for this one at all.

kn6219d ago

I love the art style. Hopefull these types of indie games remind the big publishing houses that gaming coming first and hype has no place. It seems VGs are headed down the same path as Movies -- hype the crap out of the blockbusters that end up as "meh" movies but the indie films often are absolute works of art...

urban bohemian6219d ago

Art style remind anyone of that game?

ngg123456219d ago

Was wondering whether it will got to xbla, or psn.

creeping judas6219d ago

still after reading the headline im not sure if its going to XBLA

"this is Gorgeous indie game Braid to be released for XBLA"

are you kidding me ngg?? did you not read the article or the headline??

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The Most Famous Video Games Made By Only One Person

BLG writes: "Do you know any famous games made by one person? Well, we’re here to educate you on some of the best one-man projects out there."

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franwex848d ago (Edited 848d ago )

Nice list.

I’ll add 9th Dawn III to that list. Great game made by one person.

Always Sometimes Monster is made by two people technically, but let’s do an honorable mention.

NecrumOddBoy848d ago

I’d add HABROXIA 1 & 2 on here as well. Berry does pixel wonders with the Game Maker engine.

848d ago Replies(1)
ABizzel1848d ago

Technically speaking Minecraft should have been on the list. But it's nice to see these single devs thrive.

Rebel_Scum848d ago

Some of these arent exactly “made by one man”

Looking at you Braid and Fez.

AmUnRa847d ago

Theyr is no game made by one man. Theyr is always a team of developers behind them.
However there is always someone who comes up with the idea of a game.
When i would give an example of one man with that idea for me its Hideo Kojima....

LabRat847d ago (Edited 847d ago )

No there are certainly games made by 1 person, start to finish. Maybe after it launches and becomes a big enough success the 1 person will reach out for help maintaining it or updating, but games have been made by 1 person.

Unless of course you are being insanely nit-picky and trying to claim "the engine they used was made by Unity" or "the assets they put in were made by someone else"

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Xbox Live Gold Subscribers Can Claim These Three Additional Free Games

Microsoft is offering three additional free games for all Xbox Live Gold subscribers in addition to the regular lineup of games this month.

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darthv72875d ago

Joe Danger is hella fun. Nice bonus from GwG.

deleted875d ago

I enjoyed Joe Danger back in the day, it's pretty fun. What's amazing is how Hello Games went from a few of these rather simple games to the ultra-ambitious No Man's Sky!

875d ago Replies(1)
Orchard874d ago

I would love a sequel to JD - although I do realize that Hello Games have kinda grown beyond that scope of game.

Godmars290875d ago

And still the contradiction of getting something for "free" from a service you pay for continues.

CrimsonWing69875d ago

But isn’t the service for online multiplayer? So, technically it’s “free games” included with your online subscription? I mean, what was the point of Xbox Live? To get free games?

Godmars290875d ago

Only, after they tried doubling the price of another online service, some similar nonsense, isn't Xbox online multiplayer suppose to be free?

darthv72875d ago

"isn't Xbox online multiplayer suppose to be free?" No, it was always been a paid premium on console. The free games was not related to the rumored price hike. They were giving them away long before that.

If there was a service for free online multiplayer on console, it was PSN. Until the PS4 came out.

Jericho1337875d ago

How would you have worded it then? I’d say ‘subscribers claiming free games’ is about as clear as it gets.

Godmars290874d ago

"As part of", "In addition to", "As an extra bonus". Anything better than, "Get this with no strings attached or requirements" which is what "free" implies.

Jericho1337874d ago

That’s like saying ‘buy one get one free’ doesn’t apply because it’s not technically ‘free’. Stop trying to find a problem with something when there isn’t one.

gangsta_red874d ago

** "Get this with no strings attached or requirements" which is what "free" implies.**

No, it actually doesn't, it's just like when you get a free refill of soda after you purchased your first cup.

I think we are well enough into these console gens to stop bringing up this tired argument

CrimsonWing69874d ago

You always had to pay for Xbox Live to
play online multiplayer… this was the case way back during the original Xbox when it was released.

I don’t understand what you’re hung up about when plenty of subscription services give free things as a perk or benefit to a user who subscribes to a service.

Hell, Nintendo Power gave me a “Free” Strategy Guide of my choosing for paying for their magazine subscription way back in the day.

You’re getting the games that you’d need to pay for regardless of the subscription for free, bottom-line. The service you’re paying for is the online multiplayer service Xbox Live. You aren’t paying for Xbox Live and paying for the game you were handed out for free, you’re still just paying for the online service and nothing more. Hence, why the game in itself is free for Xbox Live subscribers.

sinspirit874d ago

It was originally just for online access. It had updated and began monthly game releases to compete with PS Plus. Monthly games have been a part of Live for many years. It is more recently that the releases are getting worse and worse.

Godmars290874d ago

Its been a majoritively dismissed point as DLC, MTs and now subscriptions became things. Failed protest against policies meant ultimately to strip consumers of ownership rights over media in general.

Still, may as well keep pointing it out.

sinspirit874d ago (Edited 874d ago )


I guess people are just missing the point. And, now we got people thinking Live is still just an online sub and games are a generous inclusion like it's not a feature of the paid service lol.

Live officially on Microsofts site lists, "Free games every month. Now that’s Gold.
Get 2 free games a month, including backward compatible Xbox 360 games".

But, many are starting to say that Live payment is still just for the online access. Which, if that's what they're believing then I'm worried about why they'd pay just for online access. Paying for it back in the day was already a ripoff since they didn't even host dedicated servers to ensure the best quality connection. You'd pay for it just to host it on the internet provider that you also pay for lol.

I do think it's great to offer extra games on top of the existing ones. However, Live has repeatedly offered very lacking games, has listed the same games more than once, and even listed the same game two months in a row one time. They need to have a solid consistent history of delivering quality monthly releases.

traumadisaster874d ago

And still the contradiction of bringing up a decade old tired complaint knowing we’ve all moved in but you. We all agree it would better if the author was accurate but this argument is so old now, move on.

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Father__Merrin874d ago


I've just redeemed knights quest needs GP/gold membership etc

874d ago

5 Great Games With Time Manipulation

KeenGamer: "Time manipulation concepts have been the foundation of many great games, including these 5 greats which do the them justice. Because every Back to the Future fan needs a bit more time manipulation to fulfil their time traveling fantasies."

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GamerRN1091d ago (Edited 1091d ago )

Im thankful Quantum Break ended up here! The only thing that stopped this game from being talked up was Xbox exclusivity and the live action scenes being way too long...

Otherwise, it's basically Control with lighter visuals

Godmars2901090d ago

Isn't the AI broken? Physics issues as well?

Why, if it wasn't actually a broken game, possibly less so than Blix the Time Sweeper, would being an exclusive be an honest mark against QB?

GamerRN1089d ago

Because people LOVE to HATE Xbox

NecrumOddBoy1091d ago

TimeSpinner is a good time based metroidvania.

Also, Singularity rocks a a time-theme Bioshock-like FPS.