
LittleBigPlanet 2 Review By Videogameszone

Videogameszone reviewed LittleBigPlanet 2.

+ funky level design
+ epic editor
+ great power-ups

- Jump and run is very short
- fuzzy Sackboy control

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MintBerryCrunch5015d ago


F'nnnnn German, how does it work?

TheLeprachaun5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

I'll be picking this up regardless of reviews. Loved the first one. It's my favourite PS3 game apart from Heavy Rain.

Still curious to see how IGN rates it tomorrow. It'll cause a shit storm here on N4G anyway. Too low and the xbox fanboys come out of hiding to slander the game just as they did with GT5, too high and the fanatical PS3 zealots fly planes with 'XBOX HAS NO GAMES, LITTLEBIGPLANET RULES' written on the side, into the homes of xbox owners.

Retro_Zombie5015d ago

It's true the xbox has no games and LBP 2 does rule all. :P j/k

91/100 is great score no complaints here.

IGN can go fuck themselves with their half assed reviewing and obvious xbox bias.

rockleex5015d ago

Floaty controls are only with the official levels.

If you create your own levels, you can modify how sackboy moves and controls.

nveenio5014d ago

IGN had Greg Miller reviewing, and he's about as stupid as there is. He gave a good score (9/10), but he never explains his reasons for low scores very well. He'll praise a game to high end and then complain about one thing (in this instance, it's that the game still has a few control issues from the first one). Then, he'll say that it doesn't detract from the experience, and that it's outweighed by the pros. The why mention it, Greg? Heh?

Anyway, I know that's a little off-topic, but since this review is saying practically the same thing with its complaints, I have to figure that the frustration that comes from people not correctly laying out their structures between the three planes will still be there. Regardless, it's not something I'd take points for. Sometimes Nathan Drake doesn't go into cover when I want (and just rolls by), but that doesn't make me think it's not a perfect game.

Cyrax_875015d ago

Those "negatives" are pretty much the same thing. Not complaining about the score but WOW, nitpicking at its finest.

bviperz5014d ago

Eventually you come to expect it for PS3 exclusives. All that's left to wonder is why.

thorstein5015d ago

The Beta is 100/100. What the eff is this Xbot fanboy site saying now?

Haven't we banned videogames.de yet? They suck.

Matthew945015d ago

They should just ignore the SP and release the SDK.

MariaHelFutura5015d ago

Why? The SP is lots of fun. On of my favorite trophies I have is my "play" trophy from LBP1. Acing all the levels was ADDICTING.

ActionBastard5015d ago

The SP (hell, the entire game) is the SDK McFly.

redsquad5015d ago

Nope - Collecting all the materials and machines in SP to use on your own levels is a lot of fun.

garos825015d ago

forgive my ignorance but what is sdk?

Matthew945015d ago

software development kit, what you use to build a game and every1 mistakenly thinks is in LBP when its actually a very complex level creator

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5015d ago
GWAVE5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

I know a review is just an opinion, but I wonder what is a 10/10 in their book. The content and creation tools alone should warrant a 10/10.

The complaints about the jumping and running are stupid. The platforming physics are much tighter than they were with the first game.

And naturally, "fuzzy" controls deserves major markdowns in score, so I can understand that. /s

SuperLupe5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

Are you seriously complaining because the game didnt get a 10/10 ?

So now a PS3 exclusive cant score less than 10/10 without the reviewer being 1.) biaised 2.) an undercover MS employee 3.) a retard

Oh well whatever.

clank5435015d ago

Come on, man. 91/100 is an amazing score. While I too don't agree with the floaty jumping being a negative and it being just the way LBP is meant to play, I don't think this game is a 10/10 along with any other game. Uncharted 2 and Mass Effect 2 are two games that I believe have come the closest to being perfect, but LBP is just too hard to give a 10/10 to because its partly up to the users to create content.

DigitalAnalog5014d ago

Because this website is NOTORIOUS putting up PS3 flamebait titles. Scores are not relevant from a site who has shown clear bias.

-End of Line

A change in the wind5015d ago

91 isn`t bad at all, but somebody please help me figure out these cons.

- Jump and run is very short <---What?
- fuzzy Sackboy control <---Um?

MariaHelFutura5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

Those are the STUPIDEST negatives I`ve EVER heard....EVER. Besides GT5 being to much of a sim....that was pretty bad too.

Active Reload5015d ago

Whenever I see google translate or whatever, I usually got around to understanding that...things don't get translated well.

user83971445015d ago

I think everybody expected GT5 to have like a FPS, RPG, 3rd person shooter, pet simulator, 100$ coupon, a cure for HIV, a cure for cancer, a trip to Las Vegas for free and that's why it was receive the way it was..

blumatt5015d ago

Yeah those negatives suck. lol I'm pretty sure the jump and run is the same as in LBP1. Not every game has got to have the same run and jump of Mario. lol LBP is unique. And about the so-called "fuzzy Sackboy control" I don't agree. I've played the demo. It's the same as LBP1, which worked well.

MariaHelFutura5015d ago

Jumping is less floaty than in LBP1 and can be manipulated by the anti grav control.

blumatt5015d ago

I hadn't noticed any difference. It's been awhile since I played LBP1. I just got the demo and I thought it was the same, but I guess I was mistaken. Thanks for tellin me. The anti-grav control should make for some interesting level design. I hope they implement an "increased gravity" control as well, so sackboy feels heavier. Would be neat.

ReservoirDog3165015d ago

Well it's not hard to guess that means people who weren't satisfied with the controls in LBP1 won't be satisfied with LBP2. Even though they said you can tweak it so it's more responsive but whatever. I never had problems with the running and jumping in 1 so I'm sure I'll love 2.

Focker4205015d ago

Fuzzy..... Hmmmm??? Ummm??? Well?? Uhhhh?? Huh?? Wha???

Ya I don't get it. WTF does fuzzy mean?? The most accurate way to describe the controls was fuzzy??

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5015d ago
KingZFlipper5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

Good score. Definitely deserved. Looking forward to pick this up on Day 1 :D

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Dead Space Isaac Clarke: Every Cameo in Other Games

Isaac Clarke of Dead Space fame has appeared in many games, both as a playable character and an Easter Egg. Have you played them all?


Older PlayStation games that we'd love to see on the PlayStation 5

From Xfire: "For a company with a three-decade-long history in gaming, Sony has done a crappy job at preserving its legacy. "

Flawlessmic881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

All the mgs games, all the ape escapes, silent hill 1-4, croc 1 and 2, legend of dragoon, tekken 3,tenshu, bushido blade, vagrant story, okami, ico, crash bash, gt4.

Thats just off the top of my head that i would play immediately, still so many more though that id love.

Welshy880d ago

MGS, Silent Hill etc are no brainers, but you earned my thumbs up for our boi Croc. I talk about him all the time, it's an honour to find another man of culture.

Flawlessmic880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

Hahaha yea was one of my very first games i owned on ps1 as a child, great memories!!

Love to hear there other people out there that enjoyed the gem of a game that is croc 👌

RedDevils880d ago (Edited 880d ago )

Okami has HD version already. I want those Sly games though since PS3 and vita had it.

Flawlessmic880d ago

Yea sly would be cool, i never got into those so would be a good opportunity for me to do so.

But yea theres so many games in sony catalogue we coukd be here all day listing titles.

Hopefully we all get the ganes we are hoping for.

outsider1624881d ago

Tenchu 1 and 2
Socom 1 and 2
MGS 1-3

seanpitt23881d ago

RDR2 for me they can boost that up to 60fps with better graphic settings than last gen

Luc20881d ago

Folklore. It was such a unique and beautiful game. Great soundtrack. I still have my PS3 copy

The_Hooligan881d ago

YES please! Also I would love to see Warhawk come back. Such an awesome game.

moriarty1889881d ago

The Resistance and a killzone series for me.

Bigman4k881d ago (Edited 881d ago )

Infamous 1 & 2 probably will get remaster for PS5/4 at some point as for the others in that article idk

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An update on the LittleBigPlanet server and online services

Classic LittleBigPlanet servers are to be shut down permanently following hacks.
Sony’s drastic move comes after months of downtime for the older games.

darthv721108d ago

It was fun while it lasted. And some of the user created stuff was a blast to play with.

Snookies121108d ago

Whaaa-? That's crazy. Didn't expect it to be permanently shut down...

Teflon021108d ago

It's still up on PS4, they just shut down the PS3 end because hackers on PS3 can't be stopped and go on the game making announcements that can't be avoided without having to go back to all the old game codes and updating to remove the feature etc. It's one of those sad and garbage things where hackers ruined a good thing. I'm mostly sad about the Vita, I'm not sure if I have my music stages saved to my Vita, meaning they're gone forever if I didn't save them back to it. They were good too :(

Profchaos1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

Have to say I expected them to be permanently shut down problem would be in the underlying server architecture and possibly something like a depricated authentication protocol which has to be replaced that the PS3, PSP and vita can't support which is why they can't be securely restored on those consoles but the PS4 does support it.so lbp3 was restored on that.

Given the attackers were able to breach the server there was obviously a fear of lateral movement once inside their servers so I can't blame them for this and it makes sense despite the huge blow to the community millions of hours spent building that community.

Despite this blow I believe the millions of creations are going to be available via lbp3 and it's capability of backwards compatibility with user generated content so that's something to be thankful for still not a huge consolation to the many players who only own a older console but unfortunately that's the world we live in these games are old the older they get the more insecure the servers get which the company that make them.host them on and the more likely they need to be shut down.

MadLad1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.

Battlestar231108d ago

Nice edit to your troll comment.

MadLad1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

I reread the article, and changed it, to be as honest on the topic as possible.
Let's be real, it was an easy reaction to have considering their actions of late.

CaptainHenry9161108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

He's been on a roll and it's comical 😁

RedDevils1108d ago

This guy love stealth troll on playstation article as I see the pattern, but he doesn't want to admit that he's a MS fanboy.

Christopher1108d ago

I am also sorry people enjoyed the online aspects of the game?

mikey151108d ago

TheRealTedCruz10h ago(Edited 10h ago)
Feel bad for the people who dedicated so much time into this game.***

I'm sorry for the PC fans port begging for Dreams to come to PC... You do realise that


Little Big Planet 3 PS4 - PS Now PC gameplay
224 viewsJun 26, 2020

LBP is on PS Now and PC right?? So less of the crocodile tears/crap when you stated PS Now was crap... Clue

The man who earned a job by playing LittleBigPlanet
By GamesRadar Staff March 03, 2015
***“We've hired four people from the LBP community" reveals Alex Evans, co-founder of UK studio Media Molecule and creator of LittleBigPlanet. Including one lucky soul who dodged death to get a job on LBP2. Enter John Beech, or 'johnee' to his PSN friends. Two years ago John was a builder with absolutely no qualifications to speak of. But now? He's a full time designer at Media Molecule working on LittleBigPlanet 2, one of the most anticipated titles on PlayStation 3. This is his story.***

Dreams players are being employed by game studios

3RD MAR 2020 / 11:49 AM
Posted by
Tom Ivan***

The CREATIVE CONSOLE creates JOBS... What are they using to Sculpt??


the failure that is the MOVE controller. lolol

John_McClane1108d ago

Why would anyone disagree with your statement? I don't get get it.

mikey151108d ago Show
John_McClane1108d ago

@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.

mikey151107d ago

John_McClane9h ago
@mikey15 Actually my comment was for TheRealTedCruz. There is absolutely no good reason for all those disagree votes.***

of course there is.. He was stealth trolling stating all LBP contributors wasted their time making levels for LBP... I pointed out that some of the contributors for LBP + Dreams have actually got JOBs because of the CREATIVE console. Just like Gran Turismo fans


***Team GT Academy Competing at the Nürburgring 24hr This Weekend with Kazunori Yamauchi
May 18, 2012 (updated Mar 13, 2016) · News Article
by Jordan Greer · 37 Comments***

If you are so clever, step up and show me where I was wrong, or keep schtum and we'll see what a hero "John Mclane" actually is. lol

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 1107d ago
Battlestar231108d ago

Understandable they had to do this better to be safe then sorry. I just wish those right wing racists that hacked the servers and started posting homophobic slurs would get want they deserve a good few decades in prison.

Profchaos1108d ago (Edited 1108d ago )

That's the thing I guess if it wasn't them it would just be someone else and we would still be in this position regardless of their intent.

darthv721108d ago

What are you going on about?

Profchaos1108d ago

The attackers breached and manipulated the servers to place abusive messages all over the game ccontent https://www.ruetir.com/2021...

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