
Neither the 360 or PS3 are Maxed Out

RevoltTech Writes:

Every time a new game is announced, or comes close to release, developers fan the flames of hype in many ways. One of the most common ways being the phrase, “We have maxed out the (insert console here)”. Fans go crazy at what possibilities this could bring, and developers enjoy the extra hype until the claim gets shot down in a few months by a different developer with a new game.

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Nitrowolf25015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

Pretty much. We keep hearing "Max Out" and yet every year we keep getting games that look and perform better. I guess it really depends though. A developer will say that they have maxed out a console and it may be true, but i think they mean by what ever engine/tool that they are using is maxed out, they can't do anymore with it. idk thats what i think, cause like i said we keep hearing this but when a sequel comes out it looks/performs better then before, but that's because they have upgraded their own tools.


lol i just read the article, so i wasn't that far off when they were referring it to as resources.

here is ND saying UC2 maxed out the PS3

and yet Number 3 looks better

DarthRevan5015d ago

Yeah. Once its truly, 100% maxed out it basically means we're like 2 years into the next console generation. I can imagine the PS2 is maxed out by now since they kept making games for it. But not the PS3 or 360, next gen consoles have architectural sophistication enough that it can always be pushed a little bit further

AAACE55015d ago

That's a bold term to put on N4G! Here we go...

Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls....


Ratchet5105015d ago

sony has no limit because the power is unpredictable not even pc can see the true power of sony. 360 max is mass effect 3.

GWAVE5015d ago Show
Nitrowolf25015d ago

@ Gwave
Although it's Multiplat, Crysis 2 seems to be far better in terms of graphics then Cod and prob. Gears. Crysis 2 is prob the best FPS for 360 when it comes the graphics.

Idk for me to see Devs make a game on 360 look like that, just shows that if you have the right tools you can make it work.

kancerkid5015d ago

Some people thing that as soon as a console is maxed out, the next generation should be around the corner.

I think that the developers should work with the maxed out consoles for long periods of time to make games that truly take advantage of what each console has to offer instead of constantly being in this race to max them out and then release a new console.

rroded5015d ago

so why do 360 exclusives look so much worst? and always end up laggy and bug ridden like fable 2 or 3 or gears 1 or 2?
sure halo was rock solid but its graphics are at best last gen...
while the ps3 puts out the best looking games and whats more there all rock solid gameplay wise...

Nitrowolf25015d ago


this has nothing to do with which console has the better game over the other. It just has to do whether or not the system is Maxed out yet. Obviously the PS3 produces better games, but that does not make the 360 maxed out.

Saying the 360 isn't maxed out yet does not mean that it can produce top notch PS3 quality games, it just means that it can do better games then what it (360) already has.

SaberEdge5015d ago

"However, 360 games definitely seem maxed out. We have yet to see any 360 game surpass the graphics of CoD or Gears 2. The PS3, on the other hand, continues to outdo itself year after year."

Gwave, it might seem like that to you, but I have seen improvement in 360 games. Gears of War 3 has a whole dynamic lighting engine that was completely absent in Gears 2. Fable 3 looks a lot better than Fable 2. Alan Wake was probably the best looking 360 game I had played up to that point.

The other problem is that Microsoft needs to get off its butt and invest in more first party talent. They need more of that if they want to continue to push their console to its full potential.

Headquarters115015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

M$ has yet to release a game that looks as good as Uncharted 1. I'd say the 360 is pretty maxed out lol.

Biggest5015d ago

Using Alan Wake and Halo: Reach (I know Halo hasn't come up yet, but in case it does) is counter productive to the point. Both of those games used methods of illusion to look better than other games like them. Games like Red Dead Redemption were more visually and technically impressive on the 360 than Alan Wake. Art direction can always improve the look of a game for people that enjoy that type of art. The PS3 and 360 are machines that have no sense of style or art. They do what the programmers tell them to. The programmers have shown over time that they can find more room to work with on the PS3. The programmers have shown that they are having trouble finding more room to work with on the 360.

CWMR5015d ago

No, Alan Wake looks good because of all the detail packed into every environment. When you go into any building there are all these little touches that make it seem believable. The lighting is also a standout feature. The amount of real time shadows and lights playing across the environments at many points surpassed anything I had seen in a console game before.

5015d ago
dantesparda5015d ago


really? like what?

ChrisW5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

Ratchet510, "sony has no limit because the power is unpredictable not even pc can see the true power of sony."

What? No console can run a game like Battlefield Bad Company 2 at CSAA x32, Anisotrophic Filters x16, and in 3D with a minimum of 1920x1080 at 120Mhz refresh rate and still maintain at least 60fps. Or any game that has better graphics than BFBC2.

Now don't get me wrong, the Cell is a piece of technical geniousness... But an up-to-date PC is going to be better, albeit at about 5Xs the price of a PS3, but better.

Thus is why you have 20+ disagrees.

5015d ago
RedDragan5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

No, Alan Wake looks good because of all the detail packed into every environment. When you go into any building there are all these little touches that make it seem believable. The lighting is also a standout feature. The amount of real time shadows and lights playing across the environments at many points surpassed anything I had seen in a console game before.


Then you obviously haven't seen a single PS3 or PC game before!

Alan Wake is not impressive graphically.

Immortal3215014d ago

Maybe so, but saying the 360 isn't maxed out seems to be a fanboy statement. Why, the 360 games visually and physically benchmark are not that far from it's multiplatform games. The benchmark for the 360 exclusive seems to be on par with multiplat games. This happens year after year, and to tell you the truth, there are barely any progression from the 360 camp.

How do I know? well the 360fanboy are sick and tired of hearing ps3>>>>360 and when its time for comparisons they say that statement over and over again.


I say gameplay is a given, its the graphics that are the treats.

ProjectVulcan5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Alan Wake was extremely low resolution, had a fair bit of screentearing and slowdown.

Im sorry i just cant be impressed by a game on a HD console that runs 960 x 544 - that is a pitiful 522k pixels. Thats only 55 percent of a proper 720p game like Uncharted or Gears of war! Unimpressive. It clearly damaged fine detail having to upscale the game massively, also the geometry on many parts of the game along with its textures looked very poor on a full HDTV (the game literally has NO texture filtering), to be expected when its running closer to SD resolution than HD!

Boggles the mind when people talk about alan wake as a graphical triumph. It looked badly aged and it played aged. The choice to create a completely dynamic forward rendering lighting system on this generation of consoles is usually a huge mistake because the resources required are massive. Hence Alan Wake barely rendering above SD and yet still struggling to maintain 30 frames a second without tearing.

Only PC games should use fully dynamic lighting engines (like crysis 1), until the next generation of consoles appear. The smartest developers know that with limited resources a mix of canned and deferred dynamic lighting gives by far the best performance for quality, as seen in killzone 2, uncharted 2, upcoming crysis 2 etc.

'Maxing out' a console is a buzz phrase but should still represent the ability of a developer to get the very best possible out of limited console hardware with the tools then available. Very few games really get the best out of a console at the time they launch, only a handful on PS3 and 360 have really taken advantage of the hardware to the fullest extent possible at their release.

Active Reload5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

"Although it's Multiplat, Crysis 2 seems to be far better in terms of graphics then Cod and prob. Gears. Crysis 2 is prob the best FPS for 360 when it comes the graphics"

Don't even mention Gears, cause apparently you haven't seen Gears 3 to make such a dumb comment.

doa7665014d ago

if the 360 is not maxed how do you explain:

-that the best looking exclusive on the 360 is still Gears of War 2 that's more than 2 years old?

-that Ninja Theory's "Enslaved" looks and performs worse on both consoles than the same company's 4 year old PS3 exclusive "Heavenly Sword"

-that PS3 ups the bar every few months by releasing a new graphical king (first Uncharted 1, then Metal Gear 4, Killzone 2, Uncharted 2, God of War 3) and the 360 haven't done that for years?

the 360 is maxed out and the PS3 is far from it

plenty a tool5014d ago

lol, at the idiots.

reason why no-one is pushing the 360 to it's full potential = no 1st party devs! 3rd parys dont really bother!

but the most important thing to consider is this: there is no console straining ENGINES being created ESPECIALLY for the 360!! i know fanboys like gwave and co choose to ignore this, but you have to face the facts.

and dont even get me started on gears, the unreal3 engine is nearly 6 years old!!! does that not make you think about things??

the 360 you could say is primarily a console of 3rd party games, hence no optimised-to-the-max engines crafted for it

IcarusOne5014d ago

@ Vulcan:
I see what you're saying, but by that logic, given the choice between a Michael Bay movie shot on HD and a Coen Bros or Scorcese movie shot on 16mm, you would choose the one with the "better tech specs." I'm always wary of these comparisons because artistry doesn't come from technical power, it comes from limitations.

I do think the 360 is approaching maxed out if it's not there already, but most of my favorite games from the last two years have been multiplats, with Arkham and RDR at the forefront. PS3 certainly has the graphics department locked down, but pretty comes a distant second to fun for me. And no PS3 exclusives, with the exception of inFamous, have topped the thrill of being Batman or John Marsden.

ProjectVulcan5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

No IcarusOne, thats clearly not what i said at all, mainly because games are not movies and movies are not games...

Its blindingly obvious a film can be near timeless although a game cannot hide its age from technical advances. Probably why all this talk of graphics is meaningless as soon as a new generation appears or you play on a modern PC.

Many of the former games that are graphics fests are exposed as shallow and not nearly as good as you remember then should you go back to play them after several years, because their technology has aged. If that is the primary thing you remember playing them for then you will be disappointed.

Biggest5014d ago

"lol, at the idiots.

reason why no-one is pushing the 360 to it's full potential = no 1st party devs! 3rd parys dont really bother!

but the most important thing to consider is this: there is no console straining ENGINES being created ESPECIALLY for the 360!! i know fanboys like gwave and co choose to ignore this, but you have to face the facts.

and dont even get me started on gears, the unreal3 engine is nearly 6 years old!!! does that not make you think about things??

the 360 you could say is primarily a console of 3rd party games, hence no optimised-to-the-max engines crafted for it"

You'd think that games made for the 360 only would find a way to "maximize" the system. Aren't Halo 3, Halo: OTSD, and Halo: Reach made for (and I mean ONLY for) the 360? Wasn't Alan Wake made for (and I mean ONLY for) the 360? Aren't Gears of War 2 and Gears of War 3 made for (you know what I mean) the 360? Even if Gears uses an engine that was meant to be middleware, I would have figured that it could have been tweaked into a 360 only engine after all these years. They make enough money off of the game to attempt an increase in graphical power, right? They sure talk about the games as if they're graphical landmarks, right? One of the biggest complaints about the PS3 was and is the difficulty in programming. The 360 was praised for its ease. Somehow the difficult platform is constantly being mastered and refined by developers. The praise-worthy ease offered by the 360 is too confusing to master all of a sudden?

BloodyNapkin5014d ago

@plenty a tool, lol at this idiot.

Halo Reach engine was strictly designed for the 360,and we see how well that turned out. Just face it you will never see big jumps in graphics on the 360, sure they will squeeze this or that out of it. But they will always just do major trade off instead of finding unused power of the 360.

And yes the UE3 engine is old the first release anyways, but UE3 engine for the 360 is updated for the 360 to take the best advantage of the system. And actually UE3 engine still has alot of code from the original unreal engine. Epic has never made a brand new engine since the aunch of the unreal engine, it always has been a updated engine with some decent overhauling.

el zorro5014d ago

Wow some of you are really ignorant on this subject.

First of all Halo Reach looks great. Quit acting like it is some pathetic looking game because it is clearly not. It looks much better than most multiplatform games and it looks better than most PS3 exclusives. The fact that it might not quite live up to a couple of the very best PS3 exclusives means nothing in the big picture.

I still think Halo Reach is doing some things that it isn't being recognized for which explains why it doesn't look quite as good as the best PS3 exclusives. You have to realize that Uncharted 2 and Killzone 2 are much more linear and they control where they want you to go to a much higher degree than Halo Reach.

You say "face it you will never see big jumps on the 360" which is ironic because Gears of War 3 shows a bigger leap over its predecessor than any upcoming PS3 game. Killzone 3 looks pretty much like Killzone 2, Uncharted 3 looks pretty much like Uncharted 2, LBP2 looks pretty much the same as LBP, well you get my point.

A whole major area of Gears of War 3 on the other hand has been completely overhauled: the lighting. Going from having no real dynamic lights and shadows to having a full blown dynamic lighting engine is a bigger upgrade than anything any PS3 game has got.

N4g_null5013d ago

Seriously? You guys should educate your self on what takes power and what doesn't your sounding like cave men throwing chicken bones.

No offense to those who do throw chicken bones.

To know if some thing is maxed out you need to know the specs of a scene. How many lights the resolution of texture true polygon count how efficient the culling is the effects verses frame rate etc.

The only thing you can see is the art. You know what you like and don't.

Basicly most games are maxed out to a certain threshold. Other wise they would all run 1frame a second just to impress you.

If you truly believe ps3 games can't run on a 2007 or 2006 pc then you are a fool. These games don't have excessive lighting, polygon counts, shaders that would justify those comments. Yet they do have different types of artist.

Plus I don't know many ms projects that where given as much time to make great engines or at least find a artistic look that would impress.

Seriously epic has never been a true power house graphically, bungie never was known for their engines. Yet their concept art was ace.

Crytek and id are the powe houses and their games are coming and once other 3rd parties get these tools uncharted might join tomb raider as a technical marvel. All Sony exclusives have is great art which can and will be over come.

Please don't bring up mg4. That just proves you don't under stand the tech and your looking at hype or character design.

Hell metal gear on the 3ds is way more impressive.

Until there is a true over kill hardware where developers are just cramming stuff on screen because they got so much extra power you can't really say some thing is maxed out more when it is obviously struggling.

The artificial hype in the cell is only going to get worst as developers squeeze less and less from it and rely on art.

So Sony and it's fans need to walk away from the tech battle. There is nothing close to what crytek and id has engine wise on consoles.

Even snes gamers had sense enough to just say they like the art rather the power.

In a very similar situation. The 3ds is coming and tech wise it is frigging amazing. No matter what the psp2 does it won't be in 3d. Out of no where nintendo has a handheld that looks like an hd console. So believe me when I say Sony doesn't want to rely on tech that will get erased for sure next gen.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
mastiffchild5015d ago

It's a BS concept. My mate is an amateur coder whop messes with old systems for a giggle(odd chap) and the things he gets out of ancient stuff like his ZX81 is WAY beyond anything I saw when I had one and was using software made by the best minds in the business at the time!

Point is we're used to the easy , and lazy, way forward of letting the new tech do the work for us and as a result we're left with systems that have never really been pushed as far as they could have been. Is my mate better than those who coded for his old machinery at the time? No, no he isn't it's just they never had the time on THAT tech to "max it out" and never do. I hate the term and you can tell it's bollox by games like GOW2 on the PS2 that came late in it's cycle as top console and show that there's clearly more under the hood than we'll ever get to witness.

With consoles I suppose it reaches a point where they get a little TOO far behind the PC and the companies have always felt they HAVE to move on to keep up and to compete with each other. All it means is these consoles never get to show everything they can do, or could, have done and sometimes it just feels a bit of a wasteful way of operating as an industry-even though I'm a sucker for a glossy piece of new tech as the next geek!

Maxed out though? Seriously, bollox.

AAACE55015d ago

Agreed Mastiffchild...

In the past consoles started to show their age, but with these newer consoles, I feel that they could possibly stick around longer. I believe Sony and MS realize this as well which is why they aren't trying to push out new hardware. The games look good and are fun.

I would much more enjoy fun games as opposed to having decent games with the best graphics. I did that with the original Xbox and reverted back to Ps2 because it had a lot of fun games on it! Then slowly eased back to the xbox when better games showed up.

CameronL995015d ago

Its not a hype term, if you know anything about computer programming or game engines, or processes in coding, then you'd know that if you do things a certain "way" which is inefficient, then you're going to max out the console based upon your current processing of code. Whereas if you process the code different next time, or you have a more efficiently run game engine (as you all know game engines keep getting updated to newer more efficient versions ie. Unreal Engine 3) then you'll squeeze more out of the hardware, that's the way games work, and its why they have a tendency to look BETTER with time and not worse given the same developer but with better tools to use.

N4g_null5013d ago

So the most efficient way to do 3d games is to make doom clones. It's not about that it's a give and take that gamers need to understand.

Back in the day we knew the biggest sprite size every one was fine with it and Devs did the best they could.

Now games are not bought simply because they are not the best tech. That is bad for gaming if it's truly the best they could do and it's still fun.

This is why the pc debate always pops up. This is the main reason so many pc gamers missed out on console gaming.

It's like an ignorant form of elitism. Then you all get mad when the tricks are not carried over to other games. Try gowAr graphics in a fps and it won't work.

Updating an shine with design flaws will not help.

It's like asking Maya to be zbrush. If you remember the artisan brush then you know my pain lol. Some engines don't solve problems they add features like ut3.

I think we have one more gen before we can say let's wait ten years for another console. With then new engines and more headroom things should get better v

Strikepackage Bravo5015d ago

whats odd is the only time I hear the term Maxed out used any more is if its some Sony owned developer, talking trash to hype up his game, or Sony fanboys claiming 360 is Maxed out and thus cannot hang with PS3.

Chromer5015d ago

Only time I see you post is when you are trying to troll anything Sony related. Give it a rest kid.

JBaby3435015d ago

^^ If you've been here for any length of time you know that's about right for strikepackage. He's always been like that. He just can't help himself the poor soul. You should've been here before when there were 20 Sony Fail Articles a day to watch him and the others troll. Now that the tables have turned their comments have decreased like their bubble counts. You'll notice they never site examples or facts though. For an example of that I refer you to his comment just above.

DaTruth5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Now they troll about Sony fanboys being the worst or pose as PC fanboys in Ps3 articles!

Ontopic: I played Hero of Sparta on the PSP recently and the framerates and loading are atrocious, but are we to believe that HoS maxed out the PSP and it can't run it, but Gow, a 1000 times graphically greater game runs flawlessly on the PSP.

It all comes down to the developers, whether less capable or lesser tools or just lazy!

JsonHenry5015d ago


WildArmed5015d ago

Yeah, no kidding.

I can write a code that'll use all of the ps3's SPU n GPU to 100% in just doing 1+1..
But that's called writting a super shitty code.

Anyone can use 100% of the ps3, even when playing PacMan.
It's about about optimizing your code.
There are some AMAZING devs that know how to optimize their codes, I salute them.

Then there are others, who don't even try and get their games running 'barely' even though everything they are dong is sub-standard compared to many other games.

Everyone uses the term as it's (from a technical standpoint) correct, they are running their engine on the ps3 by maxing out all they can.
So it's far from a lie, it's just a way to get more gamers excited about it.
people who aren't willing look deeper into wth they just said will still be hella confused when their next games comes out and it looks better and plays better.
and once again, the devs will say 'console X is MAXED OUT'

MNicholas5014d ago

Both console's GPUs have been maxed out for years. The 360's GPU, Xenos, was maxed out almost since launch and the PS3's GPU, RSX, was maxed out since Uncharted 1.

The reason the PS3's graphics have continued to improve while the 360's have not is because of the Cell processor.

Tests by IBM have shown that in some graphics tasks, the Cell is 5-10x faster than current console GPUs.

That's why the best graphics on the PS3 provide an unprecedented level of detail, shading, scale, and CGI quality post-processing.

the_best_player5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

PS3 Maxed out: No
360 Maxed out: Yes

Workshyskiver5014d ago

PS3 Maxed out: No
DVD Maxed out: Yes

SonyPS3605014d ago

First party support. The Ps3 is closer to being maxed out than the 360.

The 360 still needs to be pushed because M$ still need to invest in some first party support for it.

Sony fantards will disagree, but it's fact.

gta28005014d ago

I think the 360 is maxed out. It came out almost 2 years before the PS3, it's easier to develop for and all devs are really familiar with the hardware especially the first party developers....yet 360 has no exclusives that match PS3's top exclusives.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
DarthRevan5015d ago

Thats what I like about PC's. Upgrade every few years and you can keep running the best graphics

benandlol5015d ago ShowReplies(6)
snoopgg5015d ago

thats the very thing I hate about pc gaming, is always having to upgrade to run the newer games. I stopped playing pc games because of this.

FAGOL5015d ago

yep hundreds of pounds wasted every year for hardware not software. When I used to game on the PC it was the AGP to PCI-E transition stage. My god I had to spend a fortune to keep up. Plus alot of exclusives are on the consoles. I gave in to console gaming.

-Alpha5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

You don't NEED to upgrade constantly. Most PC games still look better without having to have the latest technology.

The PC has best of what makes both consoles so great: better graphics and better online, not to mention mods, free DLC, cheaper price for games, etc.

Gotta love PC gaming. I still love my console gaming and I'm primarily a console gamer for three reasons: exclusives, laziness to get a decent PC, and local Multiplayer. But the PC really doesn't get as much credit as it deserves around here

nickjkl5014d ago

i noticed you say pc games look better without having to upgrade the way you say it makes it seem like every pc can run every pc game at above console levels just because its a pc

i also noticed you bring up everything that puts pc gaming in a favorable light but bring up none of its bad points

another thing you say better online which consists of connecting people together through the internet exactly how does the pc do this better when it does the same thing a console owner can do chat and play online games

N4g_null5013d ago

Nick there are laptops the price if a ps3 that can run devil may cry and sf4 better than a ps3.

No hd game supports cuda or directs 11 most pcs games don't either. So pc development is tied to direct x 9 levels because of consoles.

This means if you have a 6 year old direct x 9 card with as much ram as a ps3 and a old core duo with 4 gigs of ram or less if you run xp still you will be fine.

Yet no one makes pc exclusives hardly any more.

Oh yah how is pc online better? Free content hosted by the actualy gamers and if a game server shuts down you can simply start your own and it's free and support various com protocols. You can also get the full benefit of your network thinks to updatable hardware that is cheaper due to competition.

I mean HDTV and an hd console is way more than pc gaming. It runs a lot better if you stop surfing porn and torrents with it.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5013d ago
ME19895015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

I like how what DarthRevan said is actually fact, yet still gets disagrees. This shows you the incessant fanboyism on this site.

I'm no PC elitist, actually I never game on my computer, only my 360 and PS3, but it's the honest truth. PCs have yet to be bested by a console. Can't really do anything about that.

Edit: @snoopgg, to be fair, all you have to do is probably upgrade the video card maybe once every couple years, and the CPU will last even longer than that if you get a good one...that's not expensive in the slightest.

GodofSackboy5015d ago

No but the point is that we f-ckin get that PCs are better, literally every single article remotely related to console graphics will always get a few PC fanboys in the comments, using their gay perfect grammar, "Oh yes, PC is by far the better choice." Then they say all this sh-t about complicated stuff like direct x that nobody understands or cares about, but they don't realise that they paid like £5,000 for their "gaming rig" (WTF?) and nobody apart from gay boys cares about games that much to spend so much. We f-ckin understand that PCs are better, OK? The point is that no normal people use PCs for gaming, they use them for Work, Facebook, homework etc. PCs just don't have the...fun-ness that consoles have

SonyPS3605014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

His point is that the Ps3 fanboys bang on about how a 5 year old console is pushing the technical boundries, when its hardware had already been surpassed before it was even released.

PC leads in terms of power, not the 360 or Ps3.

BrianG5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

I suppose I can agree when it comes to resolution, fps, all that stuff, PC can do it better. But you should realize that PS3 games are looking amazing, especially the exclusives like God of War and Uncharted series as well as the Killzone series. These games are constantly improving while PC gamers still crown Crysis as the king, how old is that game now?

Are PC developers getting lazier? Worse? Just not caring? Shouldn't the latest game out be the King? I have nothing against PC gaming, just trying to show a different light on the subject. They have so much RAM and CPU, GPU, power and they still can't surpass crysis.

Also PC's can play most games pretty good, but how much to you need to spend to play Crysis on the highest settings? Which seems to be the game of choice for PC gamers. Even moderate settings, I bet it comes to over $299. I realize highest settings aren't a must for some, but any half decent PC is gonna run over 300 bucks.

EDIT: Also realize the "boundaries" being pushed are for console gaming. Yes the PS3 has been pushing boundaries on what hasn't been done before on consoles. Are you going to use that same argument when a cell phone is as powerful as a super computer? "Well, its been done 200 years ago on PC" It is impressive for consoles because they are not upgradeable in the same sense as the PC.

N4g_null5013d ago (Edited 5013d ago )

Sorry but rage and zbrush are king. Your stuck in 2006. We are not even using the 400 cores that come on these cards right now.

You know it's maxed out when the game can not get above 15-30 frames a second or the input lags.

It's just hard to go backwards frame rate wise that's all.

It's not impressive because it's the norm. Only people who are new to it are impressed. It's like watching cave men watch fire for the first time.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5013d ago
Deathstroke5015d ago

The 360 is obviously maxed out. Not one game on that console matches the first Uncharted. Then you have other PS3 exclusives like Uncharted 2 & Killzone 2 that look even better than that. So the 360 is either maxed out or Sony has some exclusive contract with devs that says only the PS3 can have the best looking games.

DarthRevan5015d ago

Its not always looks. Though PS3 games look better 98% of the time, the 36 usually manages to get about the same level after a year or so.

The PS3 has an advantage with the cell architecture but the point is neither console is maxed out

MysticStrummer5015d ago

"The 360 usually manages to get about the same level after a year or so." ...except not really.

Ratchet5105015d ago

they said the 360 cant handle infamous 2 lol if you dont believe me you can google, infamous 2 tested on 360 and pc. people say pc stronger then ps3 but when i play COD Black ops there is a lot of lag but not as much as 360.

Nitrowolf25015d ago

Lag doesn't have anything to do with it blame the crappy P2P and not having dedicated servers for that game.

Also i keep hearing people go like "how do they know (insert PS3 Exclusive) doesn't work on 360 if they havn't tried it yet?"

Can you please show me a 360 game that has graphics on Par? I keep hearing people saying that and yet i have not seen a single 360 game developed that can produce similarty. It's funny then because pretty much people are saying that there are better devs for PS3 then 360, if they keep saying that these games should be possible. Why havn't we seen one yet???

Arup025015d ago

hahahahahahaha You're saying that PS3 is stronger than a high end PC? LOL FAIL.

SaberEdge5015d ago

Nitrowolf2, you're crazy if you don't think that Microsoft's small amount of first party studios is largely to blame. I don't see any developer under the Microsoft umbrella that I really expect will suddenly start pumping out bleeding edge graphics. The only way that will happen is if Microsoft gets some new studios.

If you took Guerrilla, SSM and Naughty Dog away from Sony people would be saying "why are the graphics on the PS3 lagging behind".

A couple developers can make all the difference.

jsc249jobal5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

I am a former 360 owner and a current ps3/pc gamer and love them both for gaming. PC has titles it's much better to play on and the ps3 has titles that feel better to play on etc etc

But I digress, I googled "infamous 2 tested on 360 and pc" and found 2-3 articles where different developers/PR people at Sucker Punch made claims about what could and could not be done on other consoles, but please, post a link showing fact that you so boldly claimed or just stfu.

Gamer tired of retards ruining debate forums

SonyPS3605014d ago

That's because your PC is a joke. :)

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5014d ago
ct035015d ago

"A game could be putting 100% load on both the CPU and Proccessor [sic] at all times"

Wow, just wow. No wonder the author of this article is not mentioned by name.

Any game that's not 1080p60 has maxed out the hardware. Plain and simple.

Ben Dover5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

Maxed out? No.. but the graphical power between the two consoles is becoming bigger and bigger. Where the 360 still needs to show a game as good as Uncharted 1, the PS3 is moving on and raises the bar even more...

CWMR5015d ago

Alan Wake looks better than Uncharted 1. So does Gears 2.

Ben Dover5015d ago

Kindly look here and scroll down where it compares them:


You have been served.

baodeus5015d ago (Edited 5015d ago )

then can you kindly compare any pictures of UC1, KZ2, GoW3, UC2 or what ever on PS3 to RE5:


Resident Evil 5 graphic (lighting, texture even up close textures) is the most underrated this gen. Only down fall is the animation.

I hope u give me an honest opinion on the comparison.

A game look good or not really depends on developers knowing how to optimize their codes. You know there are millions of ways to code for game right? and of course there are efficient and inefficient ones.

GodofSackboy5015d ago

You actually think that. The plants in Uncharted are breathtaking. As are the characters and buildings. Have you even seen the moment in Uncharted 2 where you are at the top of a hotel on the roof, and you can see the whole city, with mountains surrounding you?? It is one of the best things ever seen in a game. Or the train level?? A huge, moving set piece, with enemies crawling all over it and an Apache destroying it bit by bit??? Look at Ben Dover's (lol) comparison and oh, you will repent.

HappyGaming5014d ago

Are you fucking blind?

You think this shit:

looks better than this:

Please just shut the fuck up with your fanboyish crap.

Uncharted 1 > Gears 2
Graphically there is no comparison.

el zorro5014d ago (Edited 5014d ago )

Gumtrol, wipe the Sony cum from your eyes and wake UP. You guys always act like character models are the only thing that exists in a game. What a load of crap.

That's why that kineticninja blog comparison was so stupid. Practically all that fanboy compared was the character models. Not only that but he had to use a bunch of camera angles on the characters that you basically never see when you are actually playing the game.

The characters models look fine when you are actually playing the game. But the character models are basically the weakest part of Gears of War 2. Why don't you look at all the other areas of the game, instead of pretending that character models are all that exist?
When you actually have both games running on your hdtv they indeed look pretty similar.

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Report suggests the UK is a console nation

Bit-Tech: Perhaps the biggest surprise was that the tide of console gamers is a cultural phenomenon which does not appear to cross every border. According to NPD's research, while the UK has the highest incidence of console usage out of all the markets analysed Germany boasts the biggest number of PC gamers.

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Knight_Cid4595d ago (Edited 4595d ago )

"when NPD's analysis shows that gamers in most other nations have ditched theirs in favour of getting their portable gaming fixes on smartphones and tablets."

you mean like japan, europe or the US where the 3ds is breaking records?

People are ditching the 3DS so fast in the US, 3ds sales have doubled over ds first year sales and the year isnt even over.

No source, no truth

who approved this garbage?

Knight_Cid4595d ago

you shouldnt be proud to approve slander

ATi_Elite4594d ago

but 250 million global online PC Gamers say other wise.

Everyone with a Gaming PC can play Wii Games so does that mean the world is a Wii Nation?

I think people just enjoy Games and it really doesn't matter the platform.

Console Nation, PC Universe, iPhone Realm, doesn't matter just enjoy your Games.

StayStatic4595d ago (Edited 4595d ago )

Considering most PC Gamers will own 1 or more consoles , declaring the UK as a "console nation" is complete and utter bollox.

kevnb4595d ago (Edited 4595d ago )

owning a console and playing the occasional game once in a blue moon doesnt make you a console gamer. Just like owning a pc and maybe playing some random flash game doesnt make you a pc gamer. Alot of pc gamers bought ps3s, its a blu-ray player and media hub that plays games.

guitar_nerd_234595d ago

I'm from the UK and game on nearly every platform I can think of.

But yes in general I'm more thumbs than fingers when It comes to my games.


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