
IGN: Mario Party 2 Review

If you became a Nintendo gamer in the last decade, missed Mario Party 2 back in 2000 or if you just can't play it on your N64 any more because someone broke your controllers with an ill-advised extra round of MP1, then definitely jump on board for this VC re-release. It's well worth its asking price in Wii Points and may make you the life of the party.


RETRO Review - Mario Party 2 (N64)

Grab your friends for more anarchic boardgame madness in Mario's second party release

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roadkillers904d ago

My favorite Mario party, yet the hardest to find.

jambola904d ago

Absolutely loved this game as a kid 😁
Everything was great


Mario Party 2: The Best In A Bad Series

Mario Party 1 has been regarded as one of the worst Mario titles ever: Nintendo did a better job with Mario Party 2.

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Poopmist1843d ago

The greatest "drinking beer with your friends and like 1 of their kids is there too" series of all time deserves more respect.

Nintendew1843d ago

Mario Party 1 still my favorite.
2 comes close.


How Nintendo Reacted To Very Bad Reviews For Mario Party And Mario Party 2

This week, Game Informer published their review for Super Mario Party. They described the game as something that’s fun to play.

What you may not know is 18 years ago, when Game Informer reviewed Mario Party and Mario Party 2, they gave both games very negative reviews.

How did Nintendo respond to these negative reviews? They sent a framed poster to Game Informer.

franwex2180d ago

Those games were fun, wtf game informer.

2180d ago Replies(1)
Seraphim2180d ago

Not sure about the OG Mario Parties. I did play, 5 (?) on the Gamecube and it was definitely a blast. An interesting and fun take on a video game/board game. Best with friends but even alone it had it's value for being fun; albeit limited.

Teflon022179d ago

1 to 3 are the best Mario Party games. 4 was good but they started to fall off from that game going forward. 5 was good to though

3-4-52180d ago

Mario Party 1,2,3 are classics......I can't recall anybody we played with back in the day not liking these games.

Some critics think it's their job to be negative.

2179d ago
FlyingFoxy2180d ago

Eh i really enjoyed the first game on the 64, but as with everything else.. each to his own. I'm not fussed on Smash brothers or Pokemon either but plenty seem to like them.

People just love to bash at the end of the day. I don't pay attention to game reviews all that much unless they are all rated low, like in the 4-5 range, same with films.

strayanalog2180d ago

The first two were the best ones, at least in my opinion. The first was an interesting, and skin losing, experience. The second outing really expanded on the formula and delivered some fun mini games. Nevertheless, I appreciate Nintendo's humor, or Howard Lincoln's rather, and Game Informer's "glowing" opinion.

Geobros2180d ago

It is my opinion too. To be honest I have not played all Mario Party games but almost all 1 to 9. I dodn't have Wii U, so I don't play the 10th of the series. So, 1 and 2 were the best.

The only problem with those games was the N64 control stick fatigue of the controller. I had to repair it very often.

Concertoine2180d ago

Some passive aggression from Nintendo, lol.

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