
SOCOM 4: A Better Experience For The Hardcore Fans

Despite all the MAG updates showered in from Zipper Interactive, the team behind the seal team objective based SOCOM 4, is looking to shake things up with their upcoming shooter while keeping the hardcore SOCOM fans right at home with what they know and love about the series.

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Joni-Ice5029d ago

So excited for this game. Im a long-time Socom fan since S1.

mike90775029d ago

definitely one of my most anticipated titles for 2011 since this socom is being developed by zipper it will be the first true socom on the ps3 none of this laggy broken glitchy confrontation.

ilikestuff5029d ago (Edited 5029d ago )

SoooooCooooooooM! i love me some socom, ive been told confrontation sucked and i loved that game (it was the only one ive played) so im assuming that im in for a treat with socom 4

himdeel5029d ago

I really want Zipper to give us a demo this year but I know it's not happening :(

morganfell5029d ago

Has anyone attacking Confrontation played the game recently? You will find it isn't the same game that launched. It isn't the same game it was 4 months after launch. A great deal of listening went into all the updates and right now that game is really tight.

It just didn't get the breaks other titles did when they had their faults overlooked.

BattleAxe5029d ago (Edited 5029d ago )

I'm looking forward to seeing more on this game, but I don't think its going to have the magic that all of the Socoms on the PS2 had. This is going to be a completely different formula.


You gotta stop sticking up for Confrontation. It was really bad when it was released, but I do agree its a better exerience nowadays. The problem is that there are alot of other games that are out and that are comming out that people have more fun playing. Besides, most of the people on Confrontation are a bunch of jerks that have no patients for newer players, and theres way more smack talk then there ever was on Socom 2, 3 and CA. Its just a crappy community these days.

MeanOldman5029d ago

Got to agree with the morg. SoCOM is not the same game that came out. An no more smack talking than they had in the others, S2 included. Most the people still playing are past the smack talk and are actually dedicated dudes.

badz1495029d ago (Edited 5029d ago )

my first SOCOM was the one on PSp but don't really like the control. then I got Confrontation for the headset and although so many complaint on the game, I think it's pretty ok. tbh, I've never once struck with the problem and I'm actually clueless about all the fuss about it. and then there is this thing called "SO MANY NEW GAMES" comes out, I barely have time for MP only games like this and Warhawk and that's the reason I'm not on MAG. but SOCOM 4 is shaping to be a great game with the highly acclaimed creator Zipper on the wheel, I'm pumped. call me strange or whatever, but I'm looking forward to the SP campaign. maybe this is the game I will buy the nav controller for MOVE for.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5029d ago
MariaHelFutura5029d ago

Does anyone know if Multiplay has re-gen health?

Cause I don`t want that.....at all.

joydestroy5029d ago

can't remember the last time a multiplayer shooter had something other than regen health...

MariaHelFutura5029d ago

No Socom has ever.

I saw re-gen health in the SP (which I don`t mind) but if it`s in the MP than this isn`t Socom.

killcycle5029d ago

Regen health encourages players to run whilst losing then return for a second chance.

I agree 100%. Socom FTB on psp didn't have health regen and that was one of it's greatest aspects.

krauler5029d ago

for me, no regen health makes the game much more intense. It's the way it should be.

Dnied5029d ago

good old counterstrike.

How I miss the days of HP :(

Ps_alm3k5029d ago

Yes only cod should be allowed health regen. ?

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FanboyPunisher5029d ago

Any true vet is upset with the direction S4 is going, I am...Socom turned mainstream - S4.


NoOoB1015029d ago

I agree Punisher.
It looks like SP is going mainstream. But they said MP will be different from SP so I'm still hoping they stick to old school socom in MP. So far I just don't know yet =/

Bloodraid5025d ago

Being a long-time fan of the Socom series, I honestly don't give a damn what they do to the single player (as no one bought the original games for single player anyway. So it can only get better).

However, no matter what they do with the online mode, I hope they do a few things.

1. Keep the lobby system - (It's a shame most games have ditched these now).
2. Bring back classic maps - (Or at least the classics like Frost Fire, Crossroads, Desert Glory, Fishhook, etc. [Although, it'd be better if they brought all of them back from 1-3]).
3. Classic-mode - (Basically; no health regeneration, level requirements, melee, perks, vehicles, etc. Just keep a lobby open for classic Socom).

scar205029d ago

I want it so bad.

*During the podcast it was mentioned that cover will be fully destructible.*I'm sold.

Is there a release date yet?

gon-freaks5029d ago

Sometime in March of 2011 but I think it will get pushed back.


Gon-Freaks: Why would Zipper Interactive push back the game even more? They already did it once or twice. From what other people are saying here, Zipper is almost finished the game.

Tdmd5029d ago

I hope you are wrong! Can't wait for this game any longer!

Shadowolf5029d ago

Based on the interview, Zipper is more than 85% complete with the game. Most of what the development team has been implementing lately has been ironing out the game faults and hiccups making it a problem free play-through. You can never have too much polishing.

Venatus-Deus5029d ago

Game is already complete. The main reason for the delay was to implement 3D. The earliest release window is March after K3. One of the developers is on my Friends List.

Shadowolf5029d ago

That's good to know. The 3D update was left out of the podcast and rightfully so. However, based on the interview, game director Seth Luisi mentioned that the game was between 8 to 9 complete out of 10. Regardless, there shouldn't be any delays at this point.

Venatus-Deus5029d ago

How did you reply and sent me a mail at the same time? Is that a new function of this site or am I that stupid?

Yeah, my guy said everything was in place for the last release date, they could have released and then Sony wanted 3D support. So basically the finally six months will be that (which apparently is a big job on an already developed game) and polishing/debugging the MP maps and some of the SP levels.

Which ever way, this is likely the MP I play most next year.

I also asked about a beta twice he ignored both mails. I guess they will after Confrontation, however I don't have PSN+

theonlylolking5029d ago

I hope with the move controller I can set little to no deadzone and high sensitivity so I can use it like a mouse and pwn.

dkgshiz5029d ago

We need a new good Socom game.

theonlylolking5029d ago

After the patches slant 6's socom was good.

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Top 10 Forgotten Sony Franchises

Alex S. from Link-Cable writes: "Gaming’s past is full of wonderful memories, many of which include some of our favorite moments in all of video games and helped shape our current gaming habits. And, thanks to the awesomeness that is the PlayStation, many of these memories can be found in Sony’s franchises. But what happens when a great franchise or IP just disappears? While sometimes its just forgotten, never to be heard from again that’s not something that we here at Link-Cable can bear the thought of. So for this week’s Top 10 we are taking a look at the Top 10 Forgotten Sony Franchises and also crossing our fingers that someone with the power to bring these back just happens to stumble across this list."

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PhoenixUp2411d ago

Don’t forget Dark Cloud, Rogue Galaxy, Legend of Dragoon, Freedom Wars, Invisimals, Lemmings, Modnation Racers, Pursuit Force, Resistance, Siren, Soul Sacrifice, Mark of Kri, & Wild Arms

darthv722411d ago

To be fair, many of those are not forgotten. They just ran their course while others were not given the respect they deserved to garner a continuation. Games that are one-offs probably had no intention of making them into series but I do wish they would rethink that. Some deserve to be given a follow-up.

UltraNova2411d ago

Agreed. Maybe Sony can contract Bluepoint to remaster Heavenly Sword, see people's reaction to the game and decide wether to give the go for a sequel.

Also Lair can be remastered es as a PSVR game and take it from there.

2411d ago
Michiel19892411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Legacy of Kain would fit right in there, although sony has no rights to that IP as far as I'm aware.

Ah later instalments were not sony exclusive, so dont mind me sir :p

Xenophon_York2411d ago

Remaking the very first Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen would be amazing.

MWH2411d ago (Edited 2411d ago )

Maybe one day the coin will land on its edge.

Michiel19892411d ago

I'd prefer Soul Reaver but Blood Omen would do just fine as well

Godmars2902411d ago

To be fair, Wild Arms did run its course, was effectively run into the ground, going by example of last entry using characters from all games. Being an STG title on the PSP.

Could always revive the western/steampunk setting.

_-EDMIX-_2411d ago

I know right! I'm still waiting for someone at Sony to make the Getaway 3 lol

I always wondered what the PlayStation 3 version was going to be like.

SuperSonic912410d ago

CTR Remake please. Best kart racer ever made by Naughty Dog

Rangerman12082410d ago

Finally someone mentioned Soul Sacrifice, Siren, Legend of Dragoon, and Freedom Wars. Those games are in desperate of a new installment. Especially with Folkore.

Sitdown2410d ago

Lemmings is a PlayStation franchise? I would say Battle Arena Toshinden.

frostypants2410d ago

Lemmings was a franchise waaaaay before even the PS1 saw the light of day. Nobody's forgotten it.

thisismyaccount2410d ago

and ALUNDRA .. dunno if it´s a Sony IP or not.

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GBG_Jason2411d ago

I'm not sure single games would be considered franchises. If you want to say Heavenly Sword is one, I'd also put Enslaved on the list. Loco Roco is in the same boat as Patapon. But things like Tomba are certainly missed.

GBG_Jason2411d ago

Never mind me, you are absolutely correct.

Kleptic2411d ago

yeah, it was the Ninja Theory (same dev as HS), just not a ps3 exclusive

Michiel19892411d ago

It was a good game though, I wouldnt mind seeing a sequel at some point

Yui_Suzumiya2411d ago

There was going to be a sequel to Enslaved. Unfortunately it never left the drawing board. Hopefully someday it will be realized.

jznrpg2411d ago

Enslaved was super undervalued, loved that game

UltraNova2410d ago

....and in dire need of a Remaster!

FallenAngel19842411d ago

How can you all something a franchise if it only has one installment?

At that point it’s just an IP. You can only call it a franchise when there’s multiple installments.

SamPao2411d ago

you should look up the definition of a franchise.
If there is more than just a game, say merchandise its already a franchise.

_-EDMIX-_2411d ago

I understand what the Fallen is trying to say, simply saying how could you suggest a game with only one installment as a franchise in regards to a series in terms of multiple games.

Even though, yes franchise can be considered what you stated in this context that's not really what's being talked about.

SamPao2410d ago

yet still its what he was talking about. Maybe nexttime you should say "series"...

SurgicalMenace2411d ago

Legend of Dragoon? Sly Cooper?

Araragifeels 2411d ago

Sly Cooper is not forgotten. They even making a TV show, I am hoping they Remake the first 3 games from scratch like Ratchet & Clank did.

2411d ago
Araragifeels 2411d ago

@DJK1NG_Gaming I didn't mention the movie because probably got cancelled since Ratchet & Clank movie flop and Sony might not take another chance but Sly Cooper is having it own TV series.

FallenAngel19842411d ago

Sly Cooper is getting a television series. Sony hasn’t forgotten about it

2411d ago
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Games to Play if You Miss SOCOM

Last year I wrote an article titled, The State of SOCOM. I discussed my
love and history for the beloved third person shooter that helped pioneer
online multiplayer on consoles. It has been six years since we last had a
new SOCOM game.

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LOOK_AT_THIS_I2588d ago

Baffles me as to why they have not done anything with this franchise. Seeing as how it was #1 on the official PlayStation poll.

With all the trash put up weekly on the App Store why has nobody done a clone of this yet. I've been playing Defiance as my go to 3rd person since 2013 but still nothing like that old school Socom/Socom 2 up all night gameplay.

ONESHOTV22588d ago

the only game on that list that's like socom is wild land if you want socom type games then you will have to invest in a PC

USMC_POLICE2588d ago

You are looking at the view point I.e 3rd person view. Rainbow six siege is probably most like socom aside from H-Hour

Majin-vegeta2588d ago

Army training grounds its F2P.

ion6662587d ago

Insurgency Socom mod perfect adaption. Play it

C-H-E-F2587d ago

RAINBOW SIX: is the closest you'll get to Socom.

Also, in response to @lookatthisi

They let go the creators, and I think socom is a game that's hard to clone even the creators had a hard time making Socom 2, Socom 3.

LOOK_AT_THIS_I2587d ago

No way man. The devs at Trion made Defiance. I know different genres different games but this could have very easily turned into a war game rather than a kill the mutants/aliens games. Ghost recon actual gameplay is about the closest to the old Socom feel due to the squad format and team commands but it was still clunky at times. Using the wheel was cumbersome to command teammates and strategies on how you approcahed a scenario.

FFS you could control your teammates with a microphone in the ps2 days. You can't tell me that it is that hard when people throw up mods on the pc all the time that mirror the original games using random game engines. These are professionals with money/tech that most people don't have access to.

(Seth Luisi was the problem at zipper, he tried capturing ghost recon/cod fans with Socom by slowly turning the Socom series into Frankenstein GR/COD lite games)

C-H-E-F2587d ago

Getting that feel, that rush being the last one alive, Rainbow Six is the closest I got to that feeling since Confrontation. And we all know that was a horrible Socom, but looking back at it, SC was a great game just had a horrible release.

I didn't play defiance, but ghost recon is and was trash.

InTheZoneAC2586d ago

A lot will defend Seth saying he was a puppet, but his inactions or actions didn't help. He helped ruin the franchise.

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Dear Sony – It’s time to revive SOCOM

Sean @ FG: "Dear Sony, We need to talk about SOCOM."

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Neonridr2627d ago

Aim Controller support too, heck just throw in VR while we are at it.

Neonridr2627d ago

to which one? You wouldn't like to be able to use the aim controller for socom? Using a dual shock is more believable?

And why can't VR be an option? I never said to make the game VR exclusive did I?

Silly gameAr2627d ago

No to both. If Socom comes back it needs to come back in all of it's old school glory.

Neonridr2627d ago

@Silly gameAr - so not giving people options is the way to go? I mean if you are so against the aim controller couldn't you just use a dual shock instead? Maybe I am asking too much to have choices to suit different play styles.

Kribwalker2627d ago

I agree liquid. Make it like old school socom. I wanna hide claymores in the grass again 😎

Silly gameAr2627d ago

It's good to have options, but those options just wouldn't suit a game like Socom.

XisThatKid2627d ago

Bring MAG back instead. Zippers last successful game

JackBNimble2627d ago

Not this shit again... you socom fans need to move on

morganfell2627d ago

I want the biggest challenge again - win Enowapi as a SEAL in Breach Mode.

Liqu1d2627d ago

@Neonridr No to both.

Socom 4 allowed you to use the PS Move, it was trash and a waste of development time. They could do a VR firing range or something and I'm sure it would be alright, but if Socom is going to return then they need to stick to basics and provide what fans of the franchise liked. Pointless additions like aim controller and VR support will only bloat development costs and make a revival more risky.

Skull5212627d ago

SOCOM was easily the best franchise on PlayStation, it is sad what has happened to it. I do however have a bad taste in my mouth after SOCOM 4 coming out then PSN immediately hacked and offline for a month... Still to this day I do not trust Sony with my credit card information.

sonarus2627d ago

Big yes to socom will pass on the vr tho

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
USMC_POLICE2627d ago

They did that with move on ps3, it was absolutely horrible. Then again all of socom 4 was a train wreck.

Neonridr2627d ago

meh, would never hurt to give options. Move on PS3 was absolutely horrible because the camera sucked real bad. Fairpoint accuracy with the Aim Controller is picked up quite well.

Der_Kommandant2627d ago

No thanks, SOCOM 4 with move was the worst thing ever. The game was bad and that thing made it even worse.

SOCOM Confrontation was decent though.

XisThatKid2627d ago

Wasn't made by zipper it was a glitch mess and people hated on it until people didn't know what they had until it was gone. Then we got SOCOM 4. :(

madforaday2627d ago

Socom Confrontation was GREAT 6 months after the release of the game. Also, once they added the stupid Tilly that was when I quit. I tend to not complain about guns but the Tilly was a sniper rifle/shotgun. That gun was more broken than the IW-80 in Socom 2.

Liqu1d2627d ago

@madforaday That's when I quit as well. Pretty much everyone was using Tilly.

Movefasta19932627d ago

Confrontation was my first socom game and I loved it dearly...I would love a remaster of that if Sony aren't that bothered

madforaday2627d ago


Yeah, it was awful I remember in Blizzard you will have people camping with the Tilly and rushing with the TIlly, it was soo annoying.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 2627d ago
madforaday2627d ago

That is THE worst idea for a Socom type game. You can have the option of course, but no one will use it because a controller will take you down so easily.

WeAreLegion2627d ago

No, it won't. Even on Socom 4, the Move guys were owning the controller guys. It's much faster. Why would you think a controller is faster?

madforaday2627d ago


HAHAH I really hope you are kidding I am sure the 20 people who were using it were owning with it lol ;)

madforaday2627d ago

Also, On VR I don't know how many 3rd person view games there are but I think that would be weird in VR having a guy right in front of you. If you make it 1st person you would be at an unfair advantage compared to the people who aren't.

WeAreLegion2627d ago

3rd person works really well in VR. Maybe games have it.

Movefasta19932627d ago

Socom is for the hardcore/competitive gamer,focus on making a great mp game first then add the bullshit for people who want it

LP-Eleven2627d ago


OT: I'd be all for it! SOCOM is still one of those franchises that a "hidden gem" feel to it!

XanderZane2627d ago

Dear Sony, it's time to revive Syphon Filter.

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Kribwalker2627d ago

One of my favourite games on the ps2. Socom 1/2 got a lot of playtime by me. This one, madden football and ssx3 were my first foray into online console gaming

81BX2627d ago

No sh!t. I was just looking up socom 4 videos last night lol

hit173882627d ago

Yes, slant six did better than them last time. Socom 4 was horrible. confrontation was the last good socom. Well after patches .

Sunny_D2627d ago

I remember that... the load times were haunting.

SolidDuck2627d ago

Not just normal patches. Like a year and half worth of patches. After that it was pretty good.

XisThatKid2627d ago (Edited 2627d ago )

Lol where you there during beta it was absolutely hilarious. GOD I miss that game.....i miss MAG too

81BX2627d ago

Confrontation had the best sounds in any shooter at the time.

luis_spartano2627d ago

Slant Six was shut down a while ago.

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SquidBuck2626d ago

Let's all write Sony that we want Mag 2! Let's make it happen!!! Come on people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hit173882627d ago

Yes to this. It's time look how well battlegrounds is doing. 3rd person shooters are doing a comeback and it's the only game PS4 is missing to make my dream list complete since monster Hunter already is coming and we have crash and a few other classics coming back.

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