
Best Ways To Die In A Video Game

Depending how many you’re given from the outset, you probably won’t mind losing lives to a games console. After all, you have a save point, it’s death at the hands of someone you love, and like Bill Murray in Groundhog Day you can pick yourself up again and drive off a cliff.

So if the missions are getting tiresome and you’re going to take yourself out, at least do it in style. Here are the best ways of meeting your end in videogames.

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GrandTheftZamboni4949d ago

Driving a jeep packed with mines into a group of enemies in Warhawk was always fun.


How Hidetaka Miyazaki Made 'Elden Ring: Shadow of the Erdtree,' His Biggest Expansion Yet

FromSoftware president Hidetaka Miyazaki on the company's newest release — and what he's excited for next.

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[Hands-on preview] Parcel Corps is jet set biking | SideQuesting

Part competitive courier service part Jet Set Radio, Parcel Corps is an interesting upcoming mix of biking and physics. Hands on with the latest demo at Summer Game Fest.

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‘I have always felt the world was a harsh place’: Miyazaki on why he may never stop making games

As Elden Ring’s much-anticipated final expansion is released, its designer gives a glimpse into how he crafts his harsh, beautiful, rewarding gameworlds

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Abear2147m ago

Isn’t this is how most PC users feel? That is why they have their head far up a motherboards socket, they fear the world and escape to 0’s and 1’s; thank god for nerds who fear outside or we wouldn’t have games /s