
Black Friday gift guide for Xbox 360 gamers

The Game Guys on news10.net realize that while it's easy for gamers to know what video game gifts they may want, those who aren't into gaming probably have no clue what's good to buy or what's a good deal. That's where the below little list comes in, designed to help those who don't know much about video games look like they know almost all there is come this year's Black Friday.


GameStop Boss Says Disc Drives Should Be Required On Game Consoles

"It would be great if people had to buy more of the thing," says guy who makes money selling the thing.

XiNatsuDragnel275d ago

Absolutely consoles needs disc drives.

wesnytsfs275d ago

Nah should be optional. Not a PS fan but I like their strategy of selling an optional external optical drive. Its all about Options and this will let everyone get their way. Cheaper for digital only and then you can chose to pay more for the optical drive if that is important to you.

Profchaos274d ago

That's not official yet it's only a rumour

Eonjay274d ago


But what he describes already exists in the 2 base models. If it is a rumor you can blame Microsoft for really backing it in court but if we are honest we all know it's true.

Profchaos274d ago

@Eonjay I'm not denying the appeal of it I can see it being a useful mechanism for allowing gamers to upgrade as needed however until there's concrete proof and not speculation and remember ms still bases that court submitted document off of the same leaks we see on Reddit, 4chan etc I just can't believe it.

The system would be further opened to exploitation and they would need to release an overpriced drive for consumers to buy for it and sure as they do we will hear complaints over the cost of it

ChasterMies274d ago

Absolutely consoles don’t need disc drives. My house has 2 PS5 digital editions, one since launch. Zero issues with the lack of disc drives. In fact, the digital purchasing lets us all share each other’s games, usually mine, and play the same game at the same time on-line.

shadowT275d ago

Optional drives would be best strategy.

-Foxtrot275d ago

If they did then collectors wouldn’t be getting f***** over with discless collectors editions

jeromeface273d ago

yea they would, discs cost extra... even when you're already paying a premium

-Foxtrot273d ago (Edited 273d ago )


We are paying roughly the same now without the discs. There’s literally collectors editions which are roughly in the same price range that have a disc.

I’d rather pay a little more for something physical anyway

RupeeHoarder274d ago

No shock, GameStop is alive because of trading. If they don't have used games on their shelves they are absolutely donezo.

darthv72274d ago

Well of course the GS boss thinks this... that's their bread and butter business. That and funco pops and clothing, though those two were added as a means to supplement the decline in people buying used games or even new games. GS just sucks overall when it comes to gaming. I buy my physical stuff on Amazon or Best Buy.

As for "requiring" disc drives... nah. Not anymore, but i like having them as an option. They had a means back when games actually ran off the discs and were more/less complete. Now they are incomplete and the disc is really an installer with a license to play. If you want to change games you have to take out the disc and put in another. Its more convenient to just use digital. I have been into digital for years now and when the PSPortal comes along i wont even have to go into my game room. I will just play my PS5 from my couch downstairs. I have a bunch of digital installed games to my 5... I'm all set.

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Xbox Series X owners can effectively grab a 'free' PlayStation 5 right now

Gamingbible writes: "Luckily, if you’re living in the US you can trade your Xbox into Gamestop, where you’ll receive a hefty amount of cash as well as a $50 bonus for certain customers, just short of enough to buy the PS5."

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Jin_Sakai303d ago

A good deal for those who want a console with games.

S2Killinit302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

Lol well, we tried. But you cant save a person from drowning if they wanna hold on to their fur coat.

Im kidding off course.

Hypertension140302d ago

@Julion0715 @ichdich

So you guys won't change consoles?, give me reasons.

Your answers will probably explain why I'm so f**cking pissed off at Microsoft for buying two large mulitplatform publishers.
It isn't easy right? but you guys don't care because is not happening to you.

Lightning77302d ago

No thank you? N4G won't stand for this blasphemy!

SF releases next month hopefully that should give ppl incentive to keep their console. I know there's PC you can play there to but not everyone wants to play on PC.

Rockstar302d ago (Edited 302d ago )


My guess is they love either their piece of plastic, their corporate overlords or gaming on the cheap.

Likely a combination...

itsmebryan302d ago

Gamepass and I have a gaming PC so, I can play all the Sony "exclusives " at a higher frame rate and graphical fidelity. Why would I trade my Xbox for PS5.

After adding ABK they will have even more games at a great value.

Lexreborn2302d ago


By that same logic what would be the point of having an Xbox? If you have a pc that handles both ps5 and Xbox games you don’t need either.

Rockstar302d ago

@ Lex,

Bringing logic into it?
That's low!

itsmebryan302d ago

I got my gaming PC last year to replace my old PC and I already had a XSX. It's pretty simple.
So, Zero horizon was disappointing and Spiderman/ miles ( got both for $50)are just ok. I might get R&C when it goes on sale.

Zhipp302d ago

If I had time for a PS5 I would have bought a PS5 by now. I intend to someday, but at the moment my backlog is too big. Not only would I have to trade in all my games (for pennies on the dollar) and rebuy them for PS5, but Xbox actually finally has some exclusives coming out in the near future that interest me. I'll get a PS5 whenever Naughty Dog's next game comes out, at the latest.

fr0sty302d ago (Edited 302d ago )


"I can play SOME the Sony "exclusives " years later. Some of them run better, some run worse." - Fixed

MrNinosan302d ago

Your logic is amazing.
Not even close to all the Playstation games is being released on PC, and if they are, it's years past release, and often in a state when PC masterrace people cries anyways.
By logic, you should have a PS5, a PC and maybe a Switch if you're into that crap.

Especially as 100% of the Xbox games is also release on the PC, day and day.

Toncsipapa302d ago

Obsivously you get dislikes on this ps fanbooooy page :D

+ Show (8) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
Rockstar302d ago


Judging by the replies here some of these people don't prefer games :).

On topic, I wish I could trade in my xbsx for a steam deck!

Julion0715302d ago

Then sell the x and get a steam deck 🤦🏾‍♂️

Rockstar302d ago

Why didn't I think of that?
Thanks for the tip! /s

goldwyncq302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

What games? FFXVI is the only true exclusive PS5 has right now and that's going to PC eventually too.

itsmebryan302d ago

What games are you looking forward to this year?

Jin_Sakai302d ago

Spider-Man 2 and there’s plenty of great games to play that released over the years. Can’t say the same for Xbox.

DarXyde302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

There's a pretty decent slate of games coming out this year for all platforms. Armored Core looks great, Mortal Kombat 1 looks great, the info we're getting on Tekken 8 has me thinking it's coming this year. Sea of Stars can't be slept in either. If we're just talking about PlayStation games, Spider-Man 2 and Stellar Blade are expected to release this year and both look great.

I believe jin-sakai has an Xbox Series X (I could be wrong), but I reckon they're interested in those games, along with Starfield. That aside, Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG, Star Ocean, and Suikoden I and II are all very welcome titles for the rest of the year.

I think no matter what platform you're playing on, there's enough there to generate a backlog.

EDIT: How the hell did I forget Lies of P? 🤡

shinoff2183301d ago


"Starfield. That aside, Mario Wonder, Super Mario RPG, Star Ocean, and Suikoden I and II"

Enough said. That's my game slate for the rest of the year.

DarkkMinion302d ago

That ain't a deal at all. Trading in a beast of a console for that, I don't think so.

Jin_Sakai302d ago

It’s a beast alright. Lol

“Digital Foundry about XSX teraflops advantage : It's kinda all blowing up in the face of Xbox Series X“

Jin_Sakai302d ago

All these “No thank you” comments from duplicate accounts. Lol

Christopher302d ago

I mean, I wouldn't trade in one console for another but instead buy both, prioritizing one over the other based on games I like.

Jin_Sakai302d ago

That would be the obvious choice but some might only be able to afford one or the other. And you have fans who will only support their console of choice regardless.

FinalFantasyFanatic302d ago (Edited 302d ago )

The PS5 is a better deal in the end, I really can't see the appeal of sticking with the Xbox.

DOMination-302d ago

"A good deal for those who want a console with games."

Like what? After all that bravado, the only game you could name was one that isn't out yet (Spider-Man 2)

Don't get me wrong, the XSX lineup in pathetic. But lets not pretend that the PS5 is any better. You can count the number of console exclusives for both on one hand.

If you're looking at games announced with release windows, there's only one console to get as it stands if you want games and it's not the PS5.

Jin_Sakai302d ago

PS5 has one slow year yes but they will start pumping out games soon and everyone knows the quality of their first party games are unmatched.

shinoff2183301d ago

Did the Xbox get any legend of heroes games, alot of jrpg type games skip the Xbox so unless your not into those types of games Xbox isn't a good choice at all. Alot of us from what I see have stuck with sony for the longest because they've had a great jrpg catalogue from 3rd party developers that xbox just can't touch. Those of us that enjoy alot of different games will get both consoles , I bought my series x about two weeks ago for starfield. It will only get used for a game here or there, most likely anything rpg related.

crazyCoconuts302d ago

Hard to tell who are in the Xbox Ambassador program from some of these comments. But for the masses, the console sales numbers are telling us which way the winds are blowing. XBox is in an important/pivotal moment right now imo

The_Blue301d ago

It's cool, I'll stick with my Xbox.

+ Show (10) more repliesLast reply 301d ago
Elda302d ago

At this point in time If I didn't own a PS5 I would have done this in a heartbeat but I had already acquired a PS5 first before I acquired an XBSX.

darthv72302d ago

I'll stick to keeping both. Gamestop though... seems kind of desperate to take in Series X units. What could they be plotting???

Eonjay302d ago

Almost certainly their plan is to charge obscenely high prices for a used Xbox.

myfathersbastard302d ago

They make pure profit on used consoles. They don’t share any of it. And they’re generally only like $50-$100 cheaper than new.
So they “sell”a PS5, make their small cut from that. Then sell the refurbished Xbox and get to keep all of it. It’s win win. They get a small cut on PS5, and a large cut from the Xbox.

Profchaos302d ago

Could be two fold sell as much base ps5 stick before the slim or pro drop and resell the xsx for those after a starfeild machine

jznrpg302d ago

PS gamers buy games number one. And they make money off used consoles. It’s a double benefit for them

Charlieboy333302d ago

Collecting more Series X consoles to sell on to MS for the cloud

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 302d ago
Lexreborn2302d ago

I just want some games for my series X I have both since release and after weighing the offerings in PS Essentials to Gamepass I quickly realized I Owned anything of worth in both catalogs. And, the things I didn't I didn't see as justifiable for maintaining both subs.

Since then my series X is a legacy machine that I play my old games on and that's it. 3 years ago I really thought from that Xbox showcase we were going to have some great games by now. Instead, it's just been a lot of meh

Chevalier302d ago

Yep. That's why I waited this generation to have a reason to buy the Series X. Got horribly burnt buying the Xbox One because I decided they had games I was interested in then they canceled the games I wanted right after.

Was tempted after they had that great showing awhile back and am glad I waited because it would have collected dust for 2 years otherwise. Couple games out and on the horizon that look pretty good. Might be a good purchase in a couple years.

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Target Confirms PS5 Consoles Will Drop to Just $450 This Weekend

PlayStation 5 consoles will once again drop to just $449.99 on August 6 in the US.

fr0sty307d ago

Sony's going for the jugular.

crazyCoconuts307d ago

Strike hardest when the enemy is weak

darthv72307d ago

the price drop should be $100 (at least) for that... haha

fr0sty307d ago

@darth the sales numbers in the UK, where this price cut has already been implemented, strongly disagree with you.

seanpitt23307d ago

Have you guys heard yourself!

darthv72307d ago

sorry frosty... I thought this was in the US.

InUrFoxHole307d ago

No. They are going for off loading before the slim. I'd save my $ till then. Unless that kinda thing doesn't matter to you.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 307d ago
purple101307d ago

That's November..

This is for kids on summer holidays

Not everywhere is hot and sunny like California, some kids, need things to do when it's raining/cold and this, is it.

anast307d ago

They going to bury Xbox. Xbox will turn around and justify the mobile/streaming shift.

fr0sty307d ago (Edited 307d ago )

They already are burying Xbox... this is just another nail in that coffin. Sony put the hammer away and busted out the nail gun.

purple101307d ago

Its airline too .not even battery powered. They are going full Bosch on M$ ass

fr0sty307d ago

Like "oh, you wanna buy up a bunch of publishers with the expressed intent of putting us out of business? Hey y'all, watch this! Hold my Dual Sense..."

neutralgamer1992307d ago

i believe they want as many gamers to buy PS5 as possible because once someone buys into the ecysystem they are a lot less likely to leave for another platform

Eonjay307d ago

Will be interesting to see if Amazon takes the bait.

jznrpg307d ago

They usually match other places so I wouldn’t be surprised

ChasterMies307d ago

This is how Sony goes for the jugular. Microsoft can’t afford to make games exclusive if it doesn’t have any marketshare. Also clear that the discless PS5 will be the single PS5 going forward and the disc drive will be an add-on. When the $300 PS5 slim launches, the hot sales of PS5 will go super nova. (Don’t feel like you need to wait. On an annual cost basis, you may be better off getting a $400-$450 PS5 that you can use now versus waiting for a console that will be obsolete sooner.)

Ryuk_2007307d ago

"Microsoft can’t afford to make games exclusive if it doesn’t have any marketshare".

Sheesh, and here I thought M$ had a monopoly on the gaming market. Sony owing most of the market means it'll be easier for M$ to buy publishers to compete lol

InUrFoxHole307d ago

Stand by my boy. Digging up this goal post. Pardon while I write my new narrative.

EasilyTheBest306d ago

Looking forward to when Microsoft drops the price of the Xbox Series X & the comments will be that Microsoft are desperate lolol

Magatsuhi307d ago

I'll just wait for a sale on Best Buy or Amazon. F target!

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