
A word of warning about PES 2008

HEXUS.gaming talk about their frustrations with the new diving system in Konami's latest soccer title.

Will it ruin the beautiful game and does it set a poor example to our future football stars?

"This new diving tactic has also caused a bit of debate amongst friends and long term fans of the Pro Evo series, who have long thought that the game is the best and most true to life footballing experience in a videogame. That debate revolves around the question that, while FIFA and the FA are actively trying to discourage diving in the real world of football, should Konami have included this diving tactic in their extremely popular football series? Aren't they actively encouraging our future footballers to use these dirty tactics?"

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HeartlesskizZ6231d ago

I think is aswome, not all the times you will be getting away with it, and it makes a bit more realistic.

yes I know it can cause u the game but thats how real life football is.

cant wait for it.

RuffRyder6231d ago

Weather we like it or not players dive or try to cheat in real football matches so if it happens in the real world then it should also be in a football sim.

jromao6231d ago

Yes ZilveR_, Konami try to approach the game as usual to the real world, and that diving feature is good, but would be good idea if diving is option for any game, letting players choose if they want to play that game with it ON or not.

Even if that diving isn't possible to turn off, the player will take the risk for diving and get a yellow or red card for it, it's balanced gameplay, fair.

I play it since ISS version in the 90's and the game got good improvements till today, always keeping the good gameplay, for example since PES 5 the game is bit slower than PES4 and previous.

So, the point is, Konami is adding that feature and well done, in future releases, maybe PES 2009, maybe it will be improved or even removed, who knows, lets wait for PES 2008 and then check if it's good or not.

Note: And Boys, treat Girls gamers as equal, as in everything else.

Lygre6231d ago

Cheating is for cowards. If you aren't an honest enough person to not cheat when you're playing football, a game, poker, whatever, then you, my friend, are a coward.

I hate it when ppl dive and cheat in the beautiful game of football. If they can't play it fair then they can start up acting instead.

Diving in a videogame of football might not sound like a big deal. But when the youngsters see the players in the game do it, and they see their idols in Premier League (for instance) do it, then they will copy that and do it themselves. And everyone will be "everybody else is diving, why should I also?" - Because it's CHEATING.

Cheating is for cowards.

Vojkan6231d ago

Diving was possible on old fifa games. Last FIFA game i played was 99 or 2000, but i am sure there was fake diving to simulate foul.

Since 2000 i have been playing PES games.

AliC6231d ago

WOW that will keep the Chelsea fans happy, they will be able recreate all those moments they see on the pitch.

Lygre6231d ago

Robben has now gone to Real Madrid.

But they still do have Drogba. So yeh, you're kinda right.

HeartlesskizZ6231d ago

My favorite player is C-Ronaldo from portugal. he is so cute, and also
I like Del piero, very talented player!!

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Goodbye Youth - The End Of The PS2.

This Is My Joystick NEW Celebrity Games Columnist OJ Borg Laments The Death Of The PS2.

The power of the PS2 was the social aspect; that dragged Gamers in. Nowadays we don’t need to see, smell or entertain our friends as we have Xbox Live and the shabby PS3 online thing, but back then, we used to have to be in the same room to play these games. This wasn’t a new thing, but the games just made it all-encompassing.

Games like Tekken Tag Tournament were great for a night of lazy boozing and gaming. Track and Field with a Multi-Tap was where we would give different names to the competition, depending on who was there (“AAA” if it was the poorer player’s, right up to an Olympics once every four weeks). We even had a little drugs scandal, when we decided to ban the use of socks on fingers to help mash the buttons.

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Jek_Porkins4271d ago

The PS2 was a once in a lifetime machine, but honestly I hadn't seen a new one available here in the states in almost 5 years. The news that they have ceased production worldwide is basically symbolic.


PES vs. FIFA detail comparison: 10 years of rivalry

The epic fight between the two soccer giants Pro Evolution Soccer and FIFA has been going on for over 10 years now. Cynamite takes a look at the scores from both games and shows, at which point PES overtook the FIFA series.

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Cheeky Gamer5105d ago

PS1/PS2 - PES by far
360/PS3 - FIFA by far

I can't see that changing until the next generation of consoles.

presto7175105d ago

Fifa 10 was good, but have you seen Fifa 11? NOt that much of a step up from 10. Pro Evo 2010 was not that good, but so far, what I've seen of Pro Evo 2011 blows anything and everything Fifa out of the water.

Pro Evo is back to reclaim the number 1 spot.

ad4mb5105d ago

just because pes has improved alot over pes 10 dont mean much, its still the same robotic game it has been for a while. and if you have played fifa 10 then moved to 11 its improved on a lot on what was already a great game.

Anderson85105d ago

agreed, pes11 is an improvement on last yr but it still lags way behind fifa at this point.. all the same issues that make it bad are still their

nix5105d ago

PES 11 is the Demon's Souls of soccer. and I LOVE IT!

Samus HD5105d ago

pes was good till 2011
it's a fail - they tried to change the gameplay for good but they ruined it

Cheeky Gamer5105d ago (Edited 5105d ago )

It's a shame that people such as yourself are still stuck in the dark days, clinging onto the hope that PES will be what it once was.

I was a huge fan of PES back in the day - as big as you could get, really - and I still believe that PES 5 and 6 are the best football games of all time. But I played the PES 2011 demo and deleted it after two games, because it's just horrible. Passing is decent, but that's about it; the player movement still borders on robotic, shooting is way too floaty and the presentation is mediocre.

If you really believe that the 'King' is back, then you must have a very short memory. PES this generation has absolutely nothing on the old games, nor does it have anything on FIFA this gen either; its rival is superior in almost every way.

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hennessey865105d ago

to its awsome best, therefore alot better than fifa arcade football 11

Jamaicangmr5105d ago (Edited 5105d ago )

It's actually a step down, they ruined the Fifa 10 formula and this is coming from a Fifa player. Am not a PES fan so i really don't know if the new one is good or not. My angle is the fact that EA messed up Fifa 11, i have spoken to many diehard fifa fans that feel the same way. Some are considering to just stick with 10 and see what 12 is like.

Cheeky Gamer5105d ago

FIFA 11 is superior to FIFA 10 in practically every way, without a doubt. I find it laughable that anyone could think any different.

FIFA 10 was a great game, but it had way too many flaws. FIFA 11 is a much more refined experience, and is all the better for it.

e-p-ayeaH5105d ago

2000 - 2005 -> PES dominated since the PS1 days but then it came PES 2006 it was a major letdown

2006 - NOW -> Fifa started to show its quality on this current gen and it evolved year after year while PES was still way behind.

A shame that games like "This is football" just vanished during the PS2 days

ELite_Ghost5105d ago

pes2011 is much different from any next gen pes, this is really a huge improvement

AKA5105d ago

Its funny to read or talk to the FIFA fanboy they cant accept the true and hate PES.

If you go to the FIFA forums they talk Bs. About pes and they hate it.
In the Pes forums they respect Fifa and many will be getting the two and we aré confidente that PES11 is better and the kind is back

5105d ago
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Boomtown Editorial: Football Rivalries

Boomtown writes: "No rivalry in the world of gaming is fiercer than the one between competing football franchises. It almost mirrors the strength of feeling people have for their club. Crossing the divide to support another franchise is a relatively rare occurrence. There are two major derby matches in the football gaming calendar and they feature a bitter enmity which has built up over the last few years. The first is Pro Evolution versus FIFA and the second is Championship Manager versus Football Manager."

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