
GameSpot: The Shoot Review

The biggest issue with The Shoot lies in its length. With each of the five movie sets taking only about 20 minutes each to play through, the game can be done and dusted in less than two hours. A two-player mode adds some length to the proceedings, although trying to rack up multipliers means you'll have to coordinate very closely with your partner to make sure you're not shooting at the same targets. The Shoot also has an extra challenge mode that can be unlocked after discovering poster pieces hidden within each movie.

These challenges--one has you hitting moving targets with each miss costing you a "life," for example--are the toughest things you'll find in The Shoot and are well worth digging up for those eager to test their skills. For everyone else, The Shoot presents a few hours of good fun, but there's no need to see the movies on show here more than a few times.

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GaMe015079d ago

Ps3 is on my christmas list minus Move . I was actually interested in this game and Time crisis but both seem to be getting bad reviews

JoeReno5079d ago (Edited 5079d ago )

I own both games, and both are alot of fun. I was more hyped for Time Crisis, but I just finished my first play thru of The Shoot, and its good fun, maybe more fun than time crisis... In my opinion

I dont really trust reviews much any more.

Bell Boy5079d ago

Could be they are being reviewed as if they should be giving 10 hours game play.

Surely games like these are designed to be pick up and play fun...and the replay comes from beating scores...you know just like you would in the arcade!

kaveti66165079d ago

Maybe they're just not fun. I never saw the appeal of Move or Wii or Kinect. Maybe these reviewers are judging the games from the fun factor point of view.

Bell Boy5079d ago

However when you read the reviews rather than the final score they are pretty much unanimous in saying they are fun!!

sinncross5079d ago

I gotta agree Bell Boy.

I think, in reality, a game like TC, for instance, is not really ever going to get more then a 7.5.

If you ask me, the score the shoot has it actually decent enough considering the type of game it is.

KILLERAPP5079d ago

They review this now is been long since the launch of the move, when will kinect review begin to come out???? I know they been ban by MS but does that mean no reviews until the week after it comes out or even longer???

NoBUDI5079d ago

Shouldn't you be asking thing in an article is actually about kinect? Just seems like your comment isn't really bringing anything to the table as far as The Shoot is concerned. Then again, what do I know.

Imperator5079d ago

They review it as if it's a full priced game. it' s just a $40 that's meant to be picked up and played whenever you feel like it.

NoBUDI5079d ago

If I paid 40 bucks for something, I would expect a certain level of quality from it. Below 20 is a different matter

tunaks15079d ago

just 40?
I got L4d 1 and 2 for 10 bucks

ELite_Ghost5079d ago

yea like 2 years after it came out...

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Top five of the best PlayStation Move compatible light gun games for PS3

The top five of the best PlayStation Move compatible light gun games that have been released for the PlayStation 3.

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brianunfried3487d ago

House of the Dead 3 and 4 should be on the list. I still play Overkill on a regular basis, worth buying a move just for that game alone. The Cabela games that support move are fun too.

sypher3487d ago

Is Rambo, Move compatible? And there is also Child Of Light which is sort of a shooting game.

from the beach3487d ago

Rambo is indeed Move compatible. Child of EDEN is too - I've only got the Kinect version but it's the best Kinect game and probably the best Move game.

No idea how this site missed HOTD 4.. and it remains a great shame more of Sega's gun games from that era didn't make it across to PS3 via Move.

sypher3486d ago

Ah yeh sorry, meant Child Of Eden :p the mizuguchi game. Got the names mixed up lol

Ahmay3486d ago

i wish they also made light guns like the arcade ones. they r faster at aiming and more accurate..


Console Domination's Weekly News Roundup: 7/8 - 13/8

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Bigpappy4788d ago

This is my biggest leader board game ever. I am not trying to be number 1, but I have to beat my friends scores.


TSG's Deal Of The Day: Buy 1 Move Game Get 1 Free

Yup, its that time again. Time for the Deal of the Day. Today's deal comes from Gamestop and features 3 Move titles. Buy any of these 3 games (Playstation Move Heroes, The Shoot, and TV Superstars) and get one free. Just make sure to enter the coupon code B1G1MOVE at the check out. Read the full story to get the direct link.

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