
Super Meat Boy Review (Gamergeddon)

Gamergeddon review the highly anticipated Super Meat Boy which is due for release on Xbox Live Arcade this Wednesday 20th October.

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Game archivists lament end of the Xbox 360 Marketplace

Today the Xbox 360 Marketplace shuts down for good, taking hundreds of games and DLC off the market, with no legal way to access them.


You can just buy a modded 360 off Etsy, like this for example: https://www.etsy.com/listin... You can also ask the sellers to fill up the 2TB drive with all the games you want or do it yourself. Hell get a few 2TB drives and just download the whole 360 rom collection from all territories. I have most roms that I want on my PC but if I was serious this is the way I would do it, screw all that legal shit non-sense haha.

Chocoburger48d ago

Good reminder, I already have an RGH, but I'm going to buy a back up.


Yeah, Etsy has been doing this for years with all consoles. Games never really go away we just find ways to get them and keep them 😁

Chocoburger46d ago

Piracy is the only true form of preservation.
F these big companies.

Rebel_Scum50d ago

So dont see a problem with closing old marketplaces. If no one’s buying whats the point in keeping them up.

If its gone just emulate. Its not hard.

XiNatsuDragnel50d ago

Fair but it just sucks in general

Rebel_Scum49d ago

When was the last time you used it?

I did a month ago just to get stuff I always wanted to get. Before then, must’ve been 10 years ago if that.

slayereddy49d ago (Edited 49d ago )

Nooo. Why Xbox.


"Wasn't PlayStation crucified?" Xbox Shuts Down 360 Store, Community Under Fire For Being Hypocrites

Microsoft has announced the death of Xbox 360 marketplace and with it comes some backlash against fans for treating it differently from PS3.

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darthv7252d ago

It sucks when any sort of store closes... at least Sony listened and changed their mind. MS was always going to close the 360 store, but they made some progress in bringing many games forward to the newer store. The sad part is all the ones left behind due to either licensing issues or lack of developer participation in making it happen.

Sony is going to close their stores too at some point, but they also have been making strides to bring some of those games forward to the newer PS4/5 store as well. I think, at the time, they didnt have any sort of plan to do that. which is why there was more of an uproar with Sony than when MS announced their closure.

hombreacabado51d ago

i hope all the rumors of ps3 backwards compatability are true and we finally get to download our older psn catalogues.

neutralgamer199252d ago

People grew up with playstation and the brand has more of a connection with gamers than Xbox. Just look at where Xbox hardware is compared to where it was during 360. But I do agree that fans were going nuts and so was the media reaction when Ps3 store was going to close and many well know Xbox fanboys were the ones making videos and creating noise on social media

shinoff218351d ago

It's practically been crickets with Ms compared to what Sony got from the ps3

CantThinkOfAUsername51d ago

Backwards compatibility with Xbox360 makes Xbox fans not care as much. You can play most games on Xbox Series. Can't say the same for PS3.

lodossrage51d ago (Edited 51d ago )


Ok, that's just not true.

You can only play about 30% of the library on backward compatibility for the 360 . Sure, it's better than what Sony has done so far obviously, but we don't have to sit here and exaggerate do we?


622 games out of 2155 is nowhere near most

Inverno52d ago

Nintendo gets a pass, and xbox players couldn't care less since they already have nothing worth playing so what's even less games to play to them?

rgraf7752d ago

Grow up. Real gamers play multi-platform. Leave the fanboy stuff to the kids.

DarXyde51d ago

Oh, stop.

I don't really agree with Inverno, but the gatekeeping over what constitutes a "real gamer" is silly.

OlderGamer1751d ago

Yeah fully disagree, i have one console and i play first second and third party games on one console, i dont have time, and not an urgery to own 2-3 consoles, i have a life to live and my life dont revolve only around gaming....

SeTTriP51d ago

No they don't.i gave up on Xbox a long time ago and I'm not going back.i refuse to elevate trash with my hard earned money.

shinoff218351d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Nintendo always gets a pass. They've shut down a few things and nothing. More crickets

Petebloodyonion52d ago

Here's the breakdown:
Microsoft announced their plans a full year in advance, offered sales for the last chance, and still has many games playable via Xbox1.

On the other hand, Sony wanted to abruptly shut down the PS3 store, along with the Vita and PSP stores, in such a short time that even some developers were caught by surprise, as they were still releasing new content.

blackblades52d ago

IDK about that I remember Sony giving an heads up like 3 or 4 months before doing it. At the end they listen and kept it up. Going by my recent trip to ps4 store it was horrible I can imagine the ps3 store being shyt.

shinoff218351d ago

Abruptly lol, little off there but alright

On October 15, 2020, in anticipation of the launch of the PlayStation 5, Sony announced that users would no longer be able to browse, purchase and download PS3, PSP and PS Vita content

The ps3 store was due to close in July 2021

Sure it isn't a year but it's a far cry from abruptly. Nice try on the wordplay though.

The difference really being. No one said sht about Ms and all the Xbox people bashed the hell put of Sony.

Petebloodyonion51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Care to name your source?
I recall the official announcement being on march 29 2021

Story was rumoured by the Gamer 1 week prior
"According to a source familiar with the situation (verified by TheGamer), the stores are due to be closed down from July. The announcement is planned for the end of this month."

lodossrage51d ago


Sony's closure wasn't abrupt. They DID give you about 4 months. Had to dig up an IGN article:


Petebloodyonion51d ago

Do you take the time to read people's replies to the argument before replying? If you did, you might have read that some developers were caught off guard by the announcement because they still had games planned for release.
2) Blackbades mentioned the 3-4 months heads-up.
3) I provided the exact date of the announcement along with the corresponding link, the exact same link you provided.

lodossrage51d ago


"Do you take the time to read people's replies to the argument before replying? If you did, you might have read that some developers were caught off guard by the announcement because they still had games planned for release."

Yeah, I know some devs still had stuff coming out and were caught off guard. But what does that have to do with the warning going out 4 months before the former closing date?

Petebloodyonion51d ago

"But what does that have to do with the warning going out 4 months before the former closing date?"
Because Sony was still selling VITA dev's kits before the announcement
heck even some devs mentioned they would like to have a year's notice

"PlayStation has sent emails out to developers that IGN has acquired that reveals the final day to submit games to the PlayStation Vita is on July 12 and the final day to release content for the handheld is on July 20. The final date to submit a game to Sony’s global quality assurance is July 6. However, Sony can't guarantee slots for review.

Johnson expressed his frustration and that he wished they were given a year's warning to finish up any projects. "

Perhaps you're ok with the 4 months' notice but clearly, some weren't.

lodossrage51d ago (Edited 51d ago )


Come on now, don't start putting ideas in my mouth. I never said I was "ok" with anything

YOU are the one that said the psn store closure was abrupt. I showed that it was at least 4 months warning. While not great, it's a FAR CRY from abrupt. Unless of course, you want to sit here and say the devs aren't aware of the same news the general public is.

You're conflating the store closure with the dev final submission date.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 51d ago
Einhander197251d ago

Why are we even discussing the date, the real issue here is that the xbox store closed down while Sony listened to its customers and the store is still open.

360 > Now Closed
PS3 > Still Open

At no point did the gaming media criticize Microsoft.


PlayStation where every website under the sun was writing articles calling Sony anti-consumer.

Petebloodyonion51d ago (Edited 51d ago )

Indeed, if we disregard the reasons and context, one might conclude that the media are biased.

However, this overlooks the fact that Sony attempted to close not only the PS3 Store but also the Vita and PSP stores. It ignores that Sony was still selling VITA development kits and that some developers were taken off guard by the Vita announcement.
It also omits that Sony planned to close its store two years prior, which would have rendered the PS Vita obsolete after nine years.
Microsoft provides a backward compatibility solution for all their published games, and you can still purchase Xbox 360 games through the Xbox One/Series X store.
The store closure was announced a full year in advance, accompanied by sales and events, as opposed to another instance with only a four-month notice and virtually no accompanying activities.

But as stated, no need to concern ourselves with trivial details because the media biased is clear as day.

52d ago Replies(1)
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These eight Steam Deck games for only $15 will take you back to the Flash games era

Humble Bundle is back with a new bundle, offering 8 classic titles for a low price - including titles such as Super Meat Boy and Worms WMD.