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Ubisoft reveals big bet on motion-control Kinect games

In 2007, Ubisoft started investigating a 3D camera from PrimeSense, a startup that was exploring the idea of motion controls for video games. Ubisoft, the big French video game company, decided to invest a lot of resources in finding out how to make games more fun with new kinds of gestures.

The Nintendo Wii had taken off in 2006, and then Microsoft announced its Kinect motion control system last year. By that time, Ubisoft was well on its way to understanding what was possible with motion-control games, said Laurent DeToc, North American chief executive for Ubisoft, at a San Francisco event Tuesday where it showed off its Kinect games. The company revealed four major games for Microsoft’s Kinect, which goes on sale on Nov. 4.

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Community5005d ago
Philoctetes5005d ago

"That said, the company has made it clear that it believe Kinect can be attractive to hardcore gamers (its primary audience) as well."

I don't see a lot of hardcore gamers lining up to buy something that can't go beyond on-rails games right now.

Cratos87805005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

"Xbox 360's Kinect 'Leapfrogs' Past Tech, says Ubisoft"

READ: Ubisoft will dump shovelware on Kinect like they do on the Wii.

tacosRcool5005d ago

Exactly with crappy everything. Did anybody read the requirements to even play the Kinect?

5005d ago
HolyOrangeCows5005d ago

Ubisoft is putting out more software than Microsoft on day one with this thing. What are you expecting? That they're going to say "it's a worthless pos that pales in comparison to other technologies"? I don't think so...

Imperator5005d ago


It's a LOT more than the Wii and PS Move require. I can play my Move/Wii 3 ft from my TV, in the dark, sitting comfortably down, with my floor cluttered. And they both work perfectly.

I cannot do any of that with Kinect and I simply have no space for it. It asks for too much.

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commodore645005d ago ShowReplies(3)
M4ndat0ry_1nstall5005d ago

"I don't see a lot of hardcore gamers lining up to buy something that can't go beyond on-rails games right now"

I don't see a lot of "hardcore" gamers lining up to play with a wand (move) or no-buttons (Kinect).

Also what were your feelings on motion controls BEFORE the announcement of Move/Kinect? Casual? The fact that these companies offer the ability to choose a control pad or motion controls in enabled games says Move and Kinect are for casual gamers not the "hardcore".

Philoctetes5005d ago

I've been skeptical of motion controllers all along. I haven't bought Move yet. I *might* buy it when Dead Space 2 comes out, but first I want to read some first-hand reviews of whether or how much it adds to the gameplay experience. Same with KZ3.

The difference between Move and Kinect, at least for me, is that I know that Kinect wouldn't be able to offer anything that I'm interested in. The jury is still out on Move.

gamingdroid5005d ago

"The difference between Move and Kinect, at least for me, is that I know that Kinect wouldn't be able to offer anything that I'm interested in. The jury is still out on Move."

To me it is completely opposite. I enjoyed the Wii with the family and I get the sense that those type of games will come to Kinect. I also like the idea of controller less interaction with the dashboard.

With PS Move, it is identical to the Wii except better fidelity, but instead they aim to replace (or at least in addition to) the regular controller. If I pick up KZ3 or Dead Space 2, I will play that with the controller, not the wand.

I didn't care for that type of controller on the Wii for core gamers, nor do I care for it on the PS3. Especially when I can feel the lag relative to the controller and the PS Move wand doesn't bring me any tangible difference in the experience over a regular controller, but actually degrades it.

Some will get hung up on the fact that I mentioned lag is an issue, and I know it supposedly is almost as good as a pad, yet I can feel it while pointing it around. Ruse was far the worst offender (admittedly I tried the demo, so I don't know if the final product is better).

Now if developers would use PS Move to create something unique, something that isn't tacked on and highlights the strength of PS Move, I might strongly consider it.

Until then, I will wait for a sale or official price drop.

divideby05005d ago

I consider myself hardcore gamer and I aint buying the shovelware or Kinect for my 360 this year.. When I can play real games, I will buy it..

Sez 5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Well I'm a hardcore gamer and yes I am buying kinect for when I have guest over. And I agree with gamingdroid with his arguement on move. To me it seem more of a tacked on feature for games than for dev's to make a game from the ground up to make it seem more hardcore.

I see many people on this site say MS won't take risk. But to me this is a big risk for MS with kinect. Especially with the fact that everyone expect it to fail. Where as Sony took a safer route with move which has already been proven a success with the wii-mote.

Edit: I know a lot of fanboys ( not fans) glorify the move like it's the second coming. But honestly can you give me a link,poll,forum complaints,ect of people saying they are tired of the wii-mote because it wasn't 1:1 precision.

KingME5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Can someone please explain to my why PS3 fanboys have concerns about kinect whatsoever. I seriously can't grasp why they feel a need to fill "EVERY" kinect thread with a bunch of hate and FUD.

Seriously, what makes you guys so magnetically attracted to troll kinect threads, I seriously don't underderstand why you don't just read the title and "MOVE" on? (PUN Intended)

Please explain.

@Alpha-Male22 - you appear to be a well balanced N4G user, perhaps you can share your philosophy on this anomaly.

xAlmostPro5005d ago

i did notice he said he cant wait to see his 6 year old pull faces at it?.. does this mean or prove the exact market kinect will cater for? i think so

Lastcall5005d ago

I absolutely believe that Microsoft Pays their developers for this Kinect to hype the tech up..Microsoft always hands money under the table for getting publicity on their products..Example: Giving each member at E3 a new 360 slim..Closest thing to kissing ass in my eyes..

tinybigman5005d ago

just gonna say hahahahahahahahahaha because i know as well as others that shovelware is incoming in the biggest way from ubisoft. hey ubisoft i didnt buy your shovelware garbage for wii, and i sure as shit wouldnt buy it for kinect(if i was ever stupid enough to buy an overpriced camera).

5005d ago
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Zir05005d ago

Kinects 3rd party support it pretty crazy especially considering its not even out yet. But apparently Gamestop has already stopped taking preorders for Kinect due to high demand and its already outselling Move in online charts such as Amazon. So obviously its going to be huge so everyone wants to support it.

8-bit5005d ago

I didn't know that MS had anything other than 3rd party support.

WLPowell5005d ago

So laser tag, red steel, and rabbids w/ kinect?

I'm sooooo excited. /s

xstation795005d ago ShowReplies(5)
limewax5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Maybe where you are, but in the UK the support is miles lower, all the local shops who are doing pre-order are saying dont worry, just come in on the day as they have way more stock ordered than pre-orders are suggesting will sell.

Cant really leapfrog tech for one reason, MS have never and will never be the leaders in technology, lots of people like to assume because they are so heavily related to pcs that they are the king of tech, false.

Strikes me as marketing BS considering they said that they plan to be the lead third party developer for kinect.... How does it smell in that end of MS hey Ubi?

Im not here to anti, just clear marketing BS should be called

New? lol yeah right. Eye toy hasnt been around since ps2 then hey, guess sony decided to make it when they saw kinect. Its about as new a whitney houstens cleavage. When and if they can make these gadgets work at even 20% the ability of mocap then im interested, until then enjoy your Shovelware games that may as well be wii ports. 2 years ago the xbox people would have shunned this soooo hard, What happened guys? xbox live used to have core gamers, and lower prices.

Try justify it all you want, your getting ripped from all angles and you know it, same as the move buyers who own wii's. Only difference is there is a couple games that are core getting move support, and I still dont want them, same for kinect. But let me ask a question, If kinect daunts move, why are capcom making RE5 move compatable instead of kinect compatable?

Zir05005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

UK is already suffering from shortages too

No need to spread lies now ;)

There was never a fear of limited stock for Move by any retailer. It only ever sold out because Sony sent limited amounts. Preorders are massive for Kinect compared to Move and it currently outselling Move it all charts and its still a month from release.

jneul5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

the same thing happened for move game was urging everyone to pre-order move as it would be liited
kinect is about innovative as man returning back to being a cave man, eyetoy been there done it before, adding 3d body tracking is an improvement not an innovation

GamerSciz5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

Just one question...What fantasy world do you live in?

5005d ago
Bigpappy5005d ago (Edited 5005d ago )

I knew he was lying base or previous article I read. You posting those link showed him up for who he is. Not that he cares though.

@bigwheelstuntshow: That has been happening for quite a while here on N4G. The mods are getting a little more even handed in dealing with the attempted harassments form PS3 crow on other members, but this show that they have a long way to go. If you submit news on this site, you might have also noticed that by in large, there are some people who come up with some stupid reasons to report Kinect related news. I will leave it at that for now. Because if it continues, I will bring it to the attention of someone with more influence on the site.

gcolley5005d ago

it is really a representation of the user base, yet PS3 fanboys claim it is the 360 users that are immature. they are at 'religious nut' levels now pushing their opinions on everyone and anyone in vast numbers.

hey guys, use your fricken brains, if there are 100 agrees to a BS statement by an idiot PS3 fanboy, it does not actually back up the statement, it shows the huge unbalance of this site, nothing more. agrees don't turn cr@p into fact

n4g please solve this problem, i am sure the unbalance is getting worse because you fail at controlling the flaming on your site to the point that actual gamers give up on you. can't remember the last time i was able to read decent comments.

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xboxlj5005d ago

That Kinect will outsell Move by the end of the year.

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Ubisoft Forward 2024 start date, time and how to get free rewards

Start date and time for when Ubisoft Forward 2024 will begin along with a guide for how to get free rewards by just watching.

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Ubisoft Forward: Official Livestream - June 2024

Ubisoft Forward is back and live from L.A. with an exciting line-up of games and announcements. Watch live June 10 2024 at 12PM PDT/9PM CEST. Preshow starts at 11.30AM PDT/8.30PM CEST

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Garethvk9d ago

Star Wars Outlawa has some real potential. I loved the Fallen Order games but the abundant timed jumps at times took me out of the narrative as they could be come frustrating. The branching options and status with factions looks great.

-Foxtrot9d ago

Prince of Persia 2026…REALLY? And that’s all they had for us…a candle.

Jesus. Imagine if they didn’t give it to a shitty support studio and tried to sell us a sloppy remake years ago

Now we have (no hate on quality here) two PoP games no one asked for. We could have been anticipating a Warrior Within remake by now.

Elda9d ago

LOL!! They should have even announced it. They should have just waited a year from now to announce it with some gameplay. Lame.

Terry_B9d ago

Sorry for everyone who watched this ;)

Elda9d ago

No surprises just updates on existing games & games that have already been announced. A lame show.

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Christopher20d ago
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Garethvk20d ago

We can hope. Especially if the rumors of Cillian Murphy and Alaska are true.

RaidenBlack20d ago

That'd be too good if true.
But Henderson also leaked that next Far Cry setting was targeting some asian island.

jznrpg19d ago (Edited 19d ago )

With their shitty practices I really don’t care what Ubisoft announces until they reverse their course

Relientk7720d ago

Assassin's Creed Hexe is what I wanna hear about most. Yes I wanna play as a witch with magic during the 16 century witch trials in Germany (as per rumors). Sign me up

Huey_My_D_Long20d ago

Yeah, Hex sounds amazing to me as well, and I've been playing since AC 1. I'm real curious how are they gonna fit the magic into the game, maybe in similar way the dlc introduced gods and god abilities. but I love that I've heard its gonna have a horror vibe.

Garethvk20d ago

Hopefully it is full of good stuff.

Garethvk20d ago

I would love The Division 3.

RaidenBlack20d ago

The studio just completed Avatar and busy with Outlaws and also got their F2P Heartland cancelled ... IMO, Division 3 will surely come but it'll take more time.
I'd be most thrilled if Ubisoft greenlits a sequel or at least a remake of the studio's first game i.e World in Conflict

anast20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I would get hyped about Hexe. If the rumors are true, UBI might get a gold edition purchase out of me.

Demetrius20d ago

Hopefully gameplay of ac shadows or star wars outlaws, if they finally announce the new far cry I'm definitely getting that, far cry still fun af and gorgeous games, yeah ubisoft has their faults but atleast they're not copying souls like games their titles still have identity

neutralgamer199220d ago

We will definitely see gameplay for star wars and AC. Farcry let's see

OtterX20d ago (Edited 20d ago )

I'm going to be an outlier amongst the rest of these comments.... give us something NEW! I'm pretty burnt out on Ubisoft franchises, unless you're giving us a new Rayman game!

*Edit - imagine what they could do with a Rayman 3D game in this day and age. I say now is the time to revisit the series.

RaidenBlack20d ago

Would love a AAA PoP too or a back to roots Ghost Recon (none of the open world stuff)

MeatyUrologist20d ago

Hell yes! Ghost recon in the style of the originals with real consequences, permanent and all!

jznrpg19d ago

I love Rayman, played it a ton with my kids years ago. But Ubisoft puts dumb crap in their games. MTs , paid tiers , always online requirement for single player games and as they stand now I could see them doing that to Rayman

OtterX19d ago

Yea unfortunately, you're right. :'(

Garethvk20d ago

Beyond Good and Evil 2: It is coming really; we promise.

OtterX20d ago

Their microtransaction monetization scheme on it will lie somewhere between good and evil!

Haha JK.... it'll be completely evil. 🙃

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