
HD remakes: friend, or friend (who isn’t really a friend)?

Play-mag: "So Prince of Persia is being HD and 3D-ified. Great. I’m fine with that. But I smell things might start getting a bit silly quite soon."

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FriedGoat5100d ago

Looking forward to THEM ALL!

deadreckoning6665100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

IMO a friend. Alot of people want to play old games with HD upgrades and Trophy support. I really don't see how this could be a bad thing.

tacosRcool5100d ago

I personally would like HD remakes over the originals. I have a 80GB backwards compatible PS3 and I have only played 5 of my huge PS2 collection. Its not like I don't like my old games but its like when I play my PC games, I can't stand crappy graphics

Cajun Chicken5100d ago

I love your bad taste avatar SOOOO much.

Malice-Flare5100d ago

makes it easy to pack away my original PS2 discs...

badz1495100d ago

how in hell selling some old games that many out there probably haven't play when they were 1st released, with upgraded to HD graphics + trophies and then 3D, packed in 2 or 3 in 1 BD at $40 not a friend?? stupid much?

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5100d ago
DelbertGrady5100d ago

A great way to make a quick buck.

George Sears5100d ago

One of the reasons backwards compatability will never see daylight anytime soon.

FAGOL5100d ago

As long as developers ar'nt wasting their major time on remastering the games then i'm ok with it. Ubisoft looks like they have a seperate studio for HD remakes from what I can see from the cover of the HD PoP Trilogy.

Cloudberry5100d ago

But unfortunately, mine is too old that it couldn't read some games anymore...

Such as Metal Gear Solid 2 & 3, etc.

Some cases like Sly Cooper trilogy are extinct / very rare in where I live.

So, I welcomed the HD collection as much.

MiloGarret5100d ago

I'd like HD remakes of the entire MGS series + ZOE.
And all the Onimusha.

kanetheking5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

and then fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!.then have a good old laugh. jk

Newtype5100d ago

You probably just have the first version of the PS2. I know, since I got a launch version of the PS2 and it had that disc read error problem.

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Ranking the God of War Games

Kratos has been on a rampage, killing Gods in epic battles since 2005. With each release managing to offer high-octane action, I explore each God of War title and rank every adventure from his journey to Olympus to his Norse tales of fatherhood.

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ClayRules2012678d ago

I won’t rank Ragnarok just yet, although it is honestly leaving me and my wife blown away…won’t go into details right now, not done as I assume others aren’t either, maybe some of you are, idk haha.

But here’s how I rank them

5. God of War 3
4. God of War Ascension.
3. God of War 1.
2. God of War 2.
1. God of War 2018.

MrNinosan678d ago

My same ranking exactly, with Ragnarök at #1.

ClayRules2012678d ago

Wow, that’s pretty interesting that someone has the same ranking as me haha. So, did you beat Ragnarok? I assume so with you placing it at #1

Flawlessmic678d ago

1. God of war 3
2. God of war 2018
3. God of war 2
4. God of war 1

Haven't played the others but about 30 hrs In to ragnarock now so safe to say if it keeps up it will end up being at the top of my list when I'm done.

CrimsonWing69678d ago

I will say the pacing of the original titles and the epic feel to them I feel is way better than the new one’s. Like, I could recognize and appreciate the praise God of War received, but it bores me to tears except for the pivotal moments.

However, that being said I feel Ragnarok is waaaaay better than 2018. I’m only on Ch. 6, but it’s pretty much rocked my face off from the get-go.

I’m really split between this being my GotY or Elden Ring.

robtion678d ago

I think different games in the series had different strengths but all are great. I liked the original as it was an origin story and the mechanics were fresh. The sequel added smoother gameplay. Three was just so far ahead of it's time graphically it wasn't even funny. Plus great gameplay and bosses and insane gore and nice use of sexy time. The reboot was cool but lost a lot of what I liked about the original trilogy (I don't need my games grown up, just fun). Will wait and see with ragnarok as haven't had time to play it yet.


GameStop Launches Four Pre-Owned Games For $20 Sale

Daily Video Game writes: "GameStop has just kicked off a new pre-owned game sale with a massive list of games that offers four pre-owned ($9.99 or less) games for $20 across multiple gaming platforms, including PS3 and Xbox 360 right now for a limited time!"

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10 Long-Lost PlayStation Franchises That Need a PS5 Revival

Nelia writes: "There are plenty of older PlayStation franchises that deserve a PS5 revival. Here's a list of some that deserve it the most."

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Alexious1430d ago

Parasite Eve would be great.

Ratchet751430d ago

That's a square Enix franchise.

Minute Man 7211429d ago

Shhhh 🤐 don't ruin it for them

phoenixwing1430d ago

Legend of dragoon would be good.

Pughski1430d ago

If only. One of my favorite RPGs as a kid

phoenixwing1430d ago

I don't know why more jrpgs haven't stolen off of the addition system in that game it's really satisfying

Pughski1429d ago

It was just so damn fun. Everything about it I loved.

Relientk771430d ago

Legend of Dragoon
Dark Cloud
Rogue Galaxy
Ape Escape
Syphon Filter
Sly Cooper
Twisted Metal
Tiny Tank

Hellcat20201430d ago

Folklore is a true hidden gem

RPGer1430d ago

Is it worth it for now? Or didn't aged well?

gold_drake1429d ago


its.... a good game, a really good game. but only if your into occult/fairytale stuff. but its definitely a watch/play :)

SamTheGamer1430d ago

Twisted Metal was so much fun.

roadkillers1430d ago

Yeah, give the crackball Jaffe some work. He may have went off the rails, but he is the father of both Twisted Metal and God of War.

1Victor1430d ago (Edited 1430d ago )

Jumping flash VR
Warhawk the original on VR and the remake plus sequel

SullysCigar1430d ago

Hell yeah, especially Warhawk VR!

Ulf1430d ago (Edited 1430d ago )

Folklore was top 5 RPGs of the PS3/360 era. Maybe Top 3... and we'll never see it again.

Ratchet751430d ago

Jak and daxter
Star hawk
The order 1886

jivah1429d ago

Id take a modern reboot on Brave fencer Musashi. Maybe a new Tenchu. Heavenly sword would be sick. Mention Klonoa and I might get a little excited too lol

Relientk771429d ago

Only reason I didn't mention Brave Fencer Musashi or Tenchu is because Sony doesn't own them. I'll take all the games you listed, they should all return.

Michiel19891429d ago

put Fear Effect on there as well, belong in that list with ps1 games ;)

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CrimsonWing691430d ago

I’m just shocked that Square doesn’t do more Remakes of older IPs. Xenogears and Parasite Eve would be killer... although 3rd birthday does make me lose faith in Square being able to make a decent Parasite Eve game, but if they treated it like Capcom treated RE2 then it’d be incredible.

Ratty1430d ago

Agreed. I'd love to see this come true but Xenogears and Parasite Eve aren't popular enough. Xenogears has an intense but small cult following. I'd rather see a new Xenogears but I'd definitely take a well-made remake or hell even a remaster with high definition sprites and environments. If they were to give it the same treatment as FF7 it'd probably take over a decade to make.

Parasite Eve might have more luck at a remake... especially if Square wants to ride Capcom's trend of remaking classic Resident Evil titles.

lonewolf101430d ago

PE and Resistance for me off of that list.

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