
GoldenEye Producer Talks Online Multiplayer, Wii Remote and Nunchuk Controls

NWR writes: "A recent conference call with Execute Producer Julian Widdows shed light on the online multiplayer and control of Activision and Eurocom's upcoming GoldenEye Wii game, as well as why Oddjob is the only one with a special ability and what Widdows thinks of the 3DS."

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The 7 Best Rare Games: A Pioneering Legacy

Rare has had an astonishing journey since being founded in 1985. But of the 125 titles released to date, which are the 7 best Rare games?

darthv72189d ago

I was always a fan of Cobra Triangle.


Goldeneye 007 deserves better than its fate on Xbox Game Pass

As Microsoft takes popular Xbox exclusives to other consoles, James Bond FPS Goldeneye 007 should get similar treatment on PS5.

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Jingsing198d ago

Maybe it is time to just let Goldeneye go. People keep e-begging for this game and it came back in various iterations; remastered and original and in the end it was just meh. The game was a product of its time like Perfect Dark and Timesplitters.

Father__Merrin198d ago

It's from a bygone era that was good at the time but is pants now. Same with turok.

NotoriousWhiz198d ago

Whoa whoa whoa. Turok still holds up great.

YourMommySpoils198d ago

Isn't that like considering every other game too.

P_Bomb198d ago

When in doubt, port it out.

jznrpg198d ago

The game was a lot of fun for its time but damn that was a long time ago.

anast198d ago

There are better shooters now and better worlds.

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Do You Prefer Single Player or Multiplayer Games?

BY WIL HARRINGTON: From GoldenEye to Fortnite, from Zork to Horizon Zero Dawn, gamers have long had a vast selection of great single player and multiplayer options. Is one mode genuinely better than the other or is a balanced experience between both best? Let us dive in, shall we?

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isarai502d ago

Single player or co-op, I usually have like one competitive MP game on the side I'll play for a couple years, BF used to be my go to but 2042 sucks and I haven't really found a good replacement

chrisx502d ago (Edited 502d ago )

I'll take Single Player over MP today, yesterday, forever.

Flawlessmic501d ago

Yep single player all day, everyday and twice on sundays!!!

1Victor501d ago

I prefer single player but don’t mind a fun addictive 3rd person shooter like Warhawk and Starhawk

RpgSama501d ago

Single player games 999 times out of 1000

blackblades501d ago

Always gotta have that 1 MP for that fun competive entertainment.

PhillyDillyDee501d ago

Im the exact same. Used to play BF all the time until they ruined it.

isarai501d ago

I miss that awestruck experience when I'd play BF4 in my ps4 for the first time, or the extremely defined classes of the bfbc games

Markdn501d ago

Yeah I prefer single player, but I do like the way destiny let's you casually drop in to public events and leave whenever, don't like the crucible mind.

neutralgamer1992500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

single player games

MP games are like work now with their seasons and battle passes. For most with family, work etc, there just isn't enough time to play

Notellin500d ago

Yeah then you throw in esports and twitch and there is no way I can keep up. The kids are getting practice and watching film.

Knushwood Butt500d ago (Edited 500d ago )

These days almost exclusively single player, but I have over 600 hours in Uncharted 4 MP.

Last thing I played online was Returnal co-op with randoms.

You know what? I could play Returnal again and I have 250 hours on it.

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-Foxtrot502d ago

Single Player

Having developers create rich, lore filled worlds and giving us great single play driven stories always appeal more to me. When developers do multiplayer games it always feels the effort just hasn't been put into it, like they are expecting replay value and overall fun to come from gamers gaming with each other, especially with close friends.

Rather having a well crafted level that will capture you and draw you in they'd rather create a short generic like level which you need to grind over and over with your party. It's like they are hoping you are so distracted playing with your friends, talking amongst yourselves that you won't realise and when you finally do click on and start to get bored they'll flash a shiny new update or expansion in your face which really is just the rest of the game you WOULD have gotten it if was purely single player.

The reason for that is by playing by yourself you don't have any distractions and you are concentrating more on the world on screen. You then start to notice if the gameplay is short, repetitive, not fun, buggy, generic etc which is why developers have to try harder when doing single player games. I always feel that's why developers want GaaS titles because it doesn't mean more money for them but less work as you drip feed the game content.

IMissJimRyan501d ago

I like tits growing games like jrpg and rage inducing games like Rocket League.

sadraiden501d ago

Genuinely curious what you meant about "tits growing games like jrpg".

IMissJimRyan501d ago

It's about my own tits. They grow when I play those games.

GoodGuy09501d ago

Singleplayer. But it is fun to play pvp/e MP at times.

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