
Gaming going digital could shift the balance of market leaders

According to Phil Harrison, former Sony Worldwide Studios president, the transition of the games in retail form to digital downloadable ones could change the balance of the leading gaming companies in the coming years.

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monkeys5012d ago

THE GDAY DIGITAL TAKES OVER IS THE DAY I STOP GAMING. who wants valve in control of gaming?


Game investor Phil Harrison sees the broader view of games beyond Sony and Microsoft

Phil Harrison was probably the tallest person at the Gamelab gaming event in Barcelona, Spain, this week. And that, along with his decades of gaming experience, gives him a great view into the past and the future of games.

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joab7772545d ago

They just need to focus on games right now! I like how he says Sony is a more focused company out of necessity. I think the necessity comes from the fact that software drives console sales. That, and a reasonable price!

kevnb2544d ago

I think its because Playstation seems to be the only thing going well for sony.


Phil Harrison on Xbox One's upcoming Exclusives

OXM UK - From the earliest moments of its conception, Xbox has been an American console. It was invented in America, designed in America, and continues to enjoy its greatest successes in America. Its signature game, Halo, is about as Yankee-doodle as they come. But it's always had a strong UK showing thanks to Rare and Lionhead - internal studios that have flourished even while others like Ensemble, FASA and Aces were closed. Now, with ex-Sony man Phil Harrison in charge and a new console to support, more have joined the strength, and they've been charged with changing the way we play games.

GamerXD3829d ago

Give me more 1st party games then I'll buy X1.

JasonKCK3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Why does it even matter? Are first party exclusives somehow magically better? An exclusive is an exclusive, doesn't matter who makes it or how.

malokevi3829d ago

In other words: Titanfall isnt good enough.

Lol. Fanboys.

Abash3829d ago

Exclusives are starting to lose all meaning to me because they are talked up by company men so much.

Look, Im not going to be excited or sold on a game just because it's "exclusive", if it's a good game and ends up delivering then I'll get it.

thekhurg3829d ago

If Electronic Arts is involved there are immediate red flags of quality issues.

Bigpappy3829d ago

@Abash: That was a PS3 fanboy argument last gen, because they had a few more exclusives. The fact is no one buys a game simply because it is exclusive. Only good exclusive sell. Some of the good ones don't even sell either actually.

Why o why3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Exclusives are HOT again.... who would of guessed they would be so revered after the past few years on n4g hearing the exact opposite. Irony aside, this is good news. It was always about exclusives and reasons to own a particular console over the other especially when many are only going to own 1 console for a large part of the gen. With ms currently technically behind on the multiplat battle they actually need to excel on the exclusives front to garner gamers they may not of attracted without them.

Ms are also sitting on a few dormant ips from crimson skies, panza to cameo and the likes. Ms cannot afford for all of those to sleep for a whole gen again.

Bigpappy.....a few more....lmao. lets all forget that many of the exclusives were game of the year contenders and winners. Pound for pound they were better if you compare them to the amount of multiplats. Fact is having the choice of great multies and great exclusives is better than less of either. Their sales shouldn't be the deciding factor on tneir importance or impact on the industry.

Godmars2903829d ago

"An exclusive is an exclusive, *doesn't matter who makes it or how*."

Then its not an exclusive. Chances are that it wont benefit by exploiting the hardware its on and as ME and Bioshock, there's no actual guarantee that it will remain an exclusive.

Also, exclusive what? SP or MP?

JokesOnYou3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Nah, I like to have exclusives on my console but generally I just like ANY great game that's on my platform of choice. 1st party or not or "forever exclusive" or not really is just about fanboys waving their flags because as long as a game is exclusive to one console for a year or more then its basicly served its purpose. Seriously think about it, what is "exclusive" designed to do= from the platform manufacturer perspective its purpose is #1 Generate a profit from high sales, #2 Sell more consoles to gamers who are excited about the game itself so the decide to buy a console #3 Add excitement about the console overall= If its a great exclusive that all happens whether its 1st or 3rd party, whether its timed or "forever exclusive" and MOST IMPORTANT from the customer/gamer perspective= me/you we benefit by playing the game regardless of what happens years later.

I mean ps3 getting Bioshock so late is inconsequential because anyone at the time who's sold on Bioshock would get a 360, those who end up playing it on ps3 so late lets be honest are those who likely already owned a ps3 and don't want a 360, I mean almost nothing really is going to sway someone who hates/not interested/budget strapped into buyng a 360, it would be no different than MGS4 releasing years later on 360, unlikely any 360 fan who doesn't own a ps3 is holding out for it to come to 360, and IF they are I mean how much are they paying for it retail???, or worst used??? lol gamers realize that shipped has sailed and for any once exclusive arriving years later on another platform is just a minute plus but not really something you buy a console waiting for. I mean day and date exclusives and console features sell consoles, and make the lions share of profits, the old Gears of War games on a ps3 now would be great for ps3 only owners/late adopters who never owned either console and there would be a lot of fanboy talk but we all know that's not where the money is at, lol like my cousin buying his first console which is a refurb 360 for $60 and a few used games like Crackdown for $2 each fact is after the first couple years a timed exclusive has already benefited either platform as much as any "forever exclusive" could.

TheGreatAndPowerful3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

Oh so now exclusives don't really matter? lol I guarantee you that if MS had an ample list of exclusives similar to Sony's, he'd be singing a totally different tune right now.

AngelicIceDiamond3829d ago

"What I'm passionate about is creating those brand new game experiences. The Holy Grail, the perfect alignment, is when you get a brand new IP, on a new platform, that causes people to rush out and go and buy your console. And that's the kind of the trinity that you want to aim for. And we will achieve that goal as often as we can - creating those brand new game experiences."

Phil Harrison-

That's all I wanted to hear. In fact at this point it seems like hes stressing or constantly reminding us that there will be new Ip's not just the ones we know this year but beyond, way beyond.

All last summer long in his interviews hes talked about new Ip's. I'm really excited to see what they bring in the upcoming years. But Phil and the Xbox team need to stick to there word.

Why o why3828d ago


Timed exclusives definitely serve their purpose but real exclusives serve a legacy. If gears goes multi it will have the same affect dmc and all the other ex- exclusives that went multi the following gen did. Titanfall will leave its mark whether its timed or not but it leaves less and benefits ms less IF in a years time its multi and somebody who is undecided at that point in time see's it on another platform.. Its past exclusivity means nothing to those next year.


Its good news ms are investing more heavily in new ip's. The rehash of the magnificent 4 was papering over the cracks. I'm glad a 360 supporter can say that. Problem with new ip's was that they are riskier than tried and tested ones. Not all of ms's attempts will be successful but I'm glad they will at least try. Just imagine if ms and Sony spat out a comparable amount of games and new ips...madness wallet rape if you've got both and more reason to get both if you haven't.

As of now, ms has more to prove in this regards especially if you look at their output over the past 3 years. Let's see what they can do.

lolCHILLbro3828d ago


you are not allowed to like Xbox around here anymore so just leave

thank you

scott1823828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )


lol chill, bro.

^ haha, great minds think alike.

Godmars2903828d ago

Nothing wrong with liking the Xbox, just an issue of trying to defend it with inaccurate or made up facts. Accusing Sony or even Nintendo of doing something MS has done when they haven't.

I mean we've have the argument about XBL being better than PSN then PS+ with the Xbox fan camp repeatedly being unable to tell the difference between PSN and PS+. With many further unwilling to admit when PS+ improved in terms of value over time. They just crowed when Games for Gold was announced, continuing to defend as they five year titles many had already bought - and sold.

Skip_Bayless3828d ago

No he's right. If you own a X1 only then you're either just uninformed or your a core Xbox fan.

JokesOnYou3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

@GreatandPowerful, I know my post was long but nothing about it says exclusives don't matter, actually they matter very much, where they come from and how long their exclusive not so much.

@Why o Why legacy is made and broken every gen, ps2 dominated the gen prior to ps3/360 yet the ps3 fought tooth n nail with a the xbox predecessor, hell ask anybody back then and the only question seemed to be how could micro compete, the original xbox had a short life cycle, the expectation for the 360 was the same, 360 was already experiencing RROD before ps3 launched, 3rd party support was supposedly going to be a major factor in favor of sony and of course their experience in gaming/studio's along with the "sony brand" was suppose to seal the deal, it didn't and nobody can say with a straight face right now that prior to ps3 release they thought it was going to end in basicly a virtual tie in market share....why because legacy is history and if gamers wanted to play history they'd buy a ps2, some once great studio's fell off, some once underated/not well known studio's have become very successful= things CHANGE. No doubt sonys reputation means alot but it's always about what you do now and in the future so, so many company's have found this out the hard way, especially in the gaming industry where beyond that 10% hardcore fanbase lies gamers who are very fickle= No brand loyalty, deliver the goods and they go all in until there's something better. XBL imo was a major factor in 360 favor and it used to the dominant choice for online, although I still think it's a bit better and more reliable sony has closed the gap, but also now charges= again things CHANGE, and micro is going to have to be aggressive to keep that status.

Also just as micro is rightfully criticized for lacking exclusive IP'S in Id say the last 2 years, why o Why was it OK for sony to take so long to deliver them when 360 started with great exclusives? I say it's a myth that ps3 had the best games year after year, I think UC2 a few others were amazing games mid gen and ps3 finished very strong with the TLOU, still given the overall my 360 served me well and now that Kinect only full motion controlled gaming focus has passed hopefully micro will keep listening and continue on their current path back to original xbox years of great new games and the early years of the 360 focus which focused on core gaming, so far that's what they are saying and doing, but I take nothing for granted, except that one day things will CHANGE.

Why o why3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Its not ok for gaps jokes, no... I wanted more quality launch exclusives...its not blasphemous for a ps fan to be critical and want more than whats being provided.

The slowdown this, sorry, last gen was when natal became real. The focus shifted to casual games with the promise of core kinect games pkus the same commitment to true core games. That never happened and the naysayers who predicted the shift were ultimately proven right...I mean even you've admitted 2 years... it was longer to those who owned a 360 as a secondary console as there would be no need to purchase multies on it to fill tge gaps so it was very apparent.

Now you're saying sony had a comparable gap in releasing games. What you saying, for 2 years there was nothing.. no heavenly sword, resistance, warhawk, wipeout.... Not only are you saying that but your kinda using the start of a gen drought as some kind of barometer against the end of a gen drought when all devs are very familiar with the hardwares. Cmon now. Ms dropped its support and over relied on 3rd party titles when both sony and nintendo were still releasing, not only new games but new ips in sonys case. What excuse did ms have from a gamers point of view...please let me know.

Credit where its due, the 360's headstart meant devs peaked a year quicker and the game that showed me, on any platform, next gen had truly arrived was the first gears of war..... heres the thing though. Ms rested on their laurels and spent more time and money making old games timed or multi than in creating. Sony was clear from the offset that 3rd party exclusives would be hard to hold so they created more 'legacy makers'. Ms may just of worked out that, that may be the best model to compete... create true exclusives that stay with the brand because all ive witnessed since ms announced any exclusive is the lauding of them and the yearning for the established exclusives to return.

Sony also had the most exclusive goty's...its by design not accident that they managed this.

P0werVR3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Last gen was obvious. Microsoft had the lead for more than half of last gen's existence, while Sony were struggling just to catch up. Right at it's end is when we noticed the PS3's significant sells a bit over Xbox 360's when it was all too late. Microsoft didn't have the incentive to produce exclusive titles when they already achieved console dominance.

The drive of what made PS3's comeback were due to consistently great exclusives and blu ray. But Sony HAD to deliver on great console exclusives because it lacked in game sells for consoles. Nearly everyone in the US had Xbox 360's and why multiplatform games thrived on Xbox 360.

This time around is a whole different and unique situation in the gaming industry. We have two giants in the gaming industry releasing their console at the same time and going head to head. Microsoft will be forced to pump out great exclusive titles and have stated time and again that they are investing more into their first party studios.

We can argue Sony domination in first party development, but IMO I believe Microsoft will do a better job than Sony. They have the resources to lead the gaming industry down a better path for gaming and entertainment overall and it's early titles prove that.

What's surprising about Microsoft with their usual PR gimmicks is that it doesn't last as long. Just as any corporation PR gimmick. But Microsoft are really touting for Cloud Computing as being the defining factor for next gen and it seems they aren't joking. Time will tell.

NeoTribe3828d ago

All games naughty dog are magically better than most third party so yes it does matter.


Since when is Titanfall a exclusive? Cut the "MS exclusive" crap, you don't need to buy a Xbox One to enjoy this game. Sure, it's good for XB1 library as a whole, but as an exclusive, a selling point? There are way more people out there with Xbox 360 and gaming PCs than Xbox One (which is obvious, XB1 just released).

Prime1573828d ago

No they aren't better, but multiplat play better elsewhere, especially pc.

JokesOnYou3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

@Why o Why
"What you saying, for 2 years there was nothing.. no heavenly sword, resistance, warhawk, wipeout.... Not only are you saying that but your kinda using the start of a gen drought as some kind of barometer against the end of a gen"

No I'm not saying there was nothing just like in 360's drought there were some games since 2011 there was Gears3, Forza4, Witcher2, Forza Horizon, with the main highlight of course being Halo4, good-great games and not counting low budget games nobody cared about like Dark, or some great XBL titles, but the point is there should have been more core games and new IP's besides Kinect only games, which brings us back to why 3rd party games are so important, especially since there are plenty of them with games that are on par or better than a lot of exclusives.....also of course its a fair point to compare a beginning drought to an drought in the end, unless you are buying a console late in its life cycle it matters because a lack of games is a lack of game no matter when it happens and if you are the type that doesn't mind waiting for years before you purchase either console then exclusive game droughts are a non-topic anyway since there will be a back log of exclusives and multiplats to catch up on when you buy years later. -Which is why it always amazes me why some think 1 company deserves a pass, NO -I don't see either micro or sony to be above criticism, nor do I think either of them are evil, I just think they are human and have made mistakes when it comes to HOW they've handled their game lineup over the entire lifecycle of both platforms.

For the most part I agree with everything else you said.

xXBlondieVanHarlowXx3828d ago


Why exclusives?

Because exclusive games = games...
Games are those things gamers like, you know? @_@ Exclusives define a console. For gamers on a budget who can only afford 1 console, the one with the most appealing exclusives can sway an opinions.

Or correct me if i'm wrong, what should define a console? Apps? Which console has the most multi-plats? c'mon man...

ALLWRONG3828d ago

It's not MS's fault Sony is so broke they can't afford to pay 3rd party to make exclusive games and content.

abstractel3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

Exlusive games do matter because more often than not, putting all your effort into one single hardware specification allows you to maximize its potential; graphically, physics, AI, controls. Just like if a game was made exclusively for a PC with a 780GTX 3GB video ram, 8-16GB Ram, i7-3930k processor, it would open up doors for designers that aren't possible on any other platform. Problem is you can't design a game exclusively for a high end PC because you loose sales so it won't happen.

That's why when Sony/MS exclusive do happen, they will be better for gamers most of the time.

Sony is also known for being very developer friendly, and have arguably been as innovative if not more innovative than Nintendo (they are stuck in their kids phase games that are great but they don't branch out enough) by allowing developers to come up with Last of Us, Journey, Puppeteer, Little Big Planet and so on.

I want exclusive games because yes, they do allow good developers to design games that take full advantage of the given platform. 90% of gamers don't seem to realize that more power isn't just better graphics.

Oh_Yeah3828d ago

Because if it's not 1st party then it's most likely to go to other systems...I have a PC, what's the point in buying an Xbox if all their exclusives end up there eventually? Just to waste 500 bucks? No thanks, give me some games I can't get anywhere else.

Oh_Yeah3828d ago

Because if it's not 1st party then it's most likely to go to other systems...I have a PC, what's the point in buying an Xbox if all their exclusives end up there eventually? Just to waste 500 bucks to play the inferior version? No thanks, give me some games I can't get anywhere else.

Rimeskeem3828d ago

Well if let's say a company known for making amazing games and makes an exclusive game then yes that really matters because people are gonna want it because of the dev.

Kryptix3828d ago


"t's not MS's fault Sony is so broke they can't afford to pay 3rd party to make exclusive games and content."

I thought it takes more money to own first party studios over the years and to manage them.

ALLWRONG...for every comment you post, you always stay true to your name. :)

Why o why3828d ago

My good friend...Do you remember the cry against the ps3.... it went something like this......"No Games" and a faction sung it loud, vps even got involved but that makes zero sense from what you're saying because there was always the same 3rd party games to play at the beginning and the end so people could only ever be refering to exclusives. As you may or may not know, I jumped onto the 360 mid gen so I was waaaay more than happy with the backlog offerings... I hit the games I'd envied and admired and played the gems that weren't publicised as well as the magnificent 4 like the jrpgs and oneaways. All I was looking for was more output and variety come 2010 and beyond.

If I'm not a halo, gears, forza or fable or just tired of said titles, what was left to warrant my 360 plus live.... same thing happened with me for the last god of war...franchise burnout so I yearned for something different, something new. I just need more choice. Its like I like carbs, protein, veg, condiments...... just a greedy fcuk who believes variety truly is the spice of life. Just so you know I enjoyed the gears, kinda prefered the second one over the rest and even got into the halo...I got it earlier than most here on n4g and I didn't get banned so yeah I enjoyed it but I couldn't get into fable or forza so my pool was less than those who enjoy all.

Merry xmas anyhow

Really good article


JokesOnYou3828d ago

@Why o Why, yes I remember exactly what you're talking about, I think it goes along with what my point is also....aah but I'll just leave further discussion for another day.

That is by far one of the best Christmas stories I've seen this year. I am truly humbled by the generosity and kindness shown in that story.

Happy Holidays my friend.

+ Show (28) more repliesLast reply 3828d ago
ic3fir33829d ago

2014 games for xbox one:
Fable Legends
Sunset Overdrive
Quantum break
Plants vs Zombies Warfare Garden
black tusk game(new studio create new AAA game)
Possible Forza horizon 2 and crackdown 3
i Say the confirmed games and good games

is not enough?

You prefer ps4 2014 games?? only Rime, infamous, driveclub, the order
uncharted release in 2015
GG, good luck =)

i8urCAKE3829d ago

Naughty Dog beats all those xbox games lmao

GusHasGas3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

The only games on that list that might be worth a try are Halo 5, Titanfall, and Quantum Break, although you don't even need an Xbox to play Titanfall.

By the way, you forgot to add Deep Down, Transistor, Hotline Miami 2, and Everybody's Gone to the Rapture to the PS4 list. Also, The Last of Us 2, which we all know will happen eventually.

OpieWinston3829d ago

Ignorant fanboy alert?

Does Naughty Dog beat those games innovation? Hell no.
Does Naughty Dog beat all those devs in talent, they may have recently got one of the best creative engine devs in the business but we'll have to see how 2014 goes.
Does Naughty Dog have anything new coming? No...Uncharted 4, overrated series...NEXT!

guyman3829d ago

True, xbox has a lot of new exclusives coming next year and you clearly prefer xbox, so good for you. However, a few of those titles you mentioned are only timed and will find its way to the ps4 like Pvz, below and titanfall. Ps4 has a lot coming its way as well and major developers like Guerilla games, Santa Monica and naughty dog are working on unannounced games...

GusHasGas3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )


Something's seriously wrong with you if you think that Halo is more innovative than The Last of Us.

Spurg3829d ago

Do you even know TLOU innovations...Halo is defo more innovative than TLOU.
Halo revolutionised FPS genre.
TLOU doesn't do much revolutionary.
Games are getting more open...Naughty Dog is gonna have a hard time putting those scripted events in open games.
Halo is bigger than ever...proof??...ever since Halo 4 came out last year, there have been 1 novel, 2 comic books and one game(Spartan assault).

'The only games on that list that might be worth a try are Halo 5, Titanfall, and Quantum Break, although you don't even need an Xbox to play Titanfall.'

Don't tell people about what is worth playing...If you followed news for Quantum Break you would have been hype way before the VGX trailer...same thing with Sunset overdrive, Black tusk game, D4 and Fable legends.

You follow ps4 games don't start suggesting what X1 games are worth playing.

pyramidshead3829d ago

I would definitely wait for a solid launch dates or even launch window month before you 'list wars' games that are '2014' but you've heard literally nothing of since their short reveals. ;)

Especially Halo 5 and Quantum Break. Lol just a CGI teaser and 3 seconds of gameplay from QB, nothing more lol.

Dmagic3829d ago

you have no ideal whats coming out next year and quality over quantity half of the games you mentioned look bad and some dont even exist lol GG,Good Luck.

TrueJerseyDevil3829d ago


Sony has over 200 studios while microsoft has like 30(maybe not even) enough said

NoLongerHereCBA3829d ago

Exactly guyman. Good games are coming out on both systems :) Just enjoy the games you want and choose the console that best fits with your needs (or both if you have the money).

AceBlazer133829d ago

Dude are half those xbox games even confirmed for 2014? We have actually seen gameplay for most ps4 titles in 2014.

hellzsupernova3829d ago

You should read this before posting about how much content is coming to your preferred console. I hate to break it to you but the xbone has no games.


fattyuk3829d ago

Smile and agree to Xbox fanboys.

I smile. I Agree and walk off in the distance.

Why do you ask? Because the Xbox one isn't a games console, it's an all in one box with games thrown in (or perhaps I watched a different launch event/e3 event and everything else since its reveal)

Also I like the fact Xbox fans pretty much know what is coming next year on that console

Whilst as a Sony fan I've got 3 consoles to look forward to seeing what happens at E3!!

OverPaperSkies3829d ago

Naughty dog is another over rated Dev.

If they went multiplatform we'd see something worthy of their time.

PSNrandom153829d ago

Halo 4 was completely sh*t compared to halo 3 and reach, halo 5 will move consoles and sell great though. When was fable ever good? Sunset overdrive i really don't know much about it. Quantum break looks great and promising yet the same thing was said about alan wake, alan wake was great but nothing special. Titanfall, I am jelly. Plants vs zombies, I dont really see myself buying this one. I wasn't aware of D4 and below tbh. What has black tusk created? Forza 5 just came out. Crackdown fun game, ala DR3 but nohting special. Yes you can say the X1 has more games. More does not equal better. If I had an X1 I would be getting halo, titanfall, quantum break.

guyman3828d ago


Your comment has a strong stench of jealousy... It really stinks you lame ass fan boy. Learn to give credit where it is due, naughty dog produced some of the best games in the last gen, whether you like it or not.

xboner3828d ago Show
DigitalRaptor3828d ago

Give me some definitive proof that the majority of that list is confirmed and definitely coming to consoles in 2014 and you might have a point.

You might have a little bit of trouble with that.

MysticStrummer3828d ago

You actually believe those are the only PS4 games for 2014?


Wow... N4G...

KingDadXVI3828d ago

@ic3fir3 Well said. I got my Xbox One and it works great. Really impressed with how good the Kinect works and the voice recognition is nearly flawless once I got the commands down. But in reality the games are the main show.

I had a choice this gen on which console to get. I always eventually have all consoles and already have the WiiU. So I had to pick which of the two new consoles to get first.

Now I just had to decide on which console was going to provide me with the games that I wanted to play and in this area it is no contest. Your list says it all @ic3fir3.

I guess the PS4 is more of the same hype that the PS3 I bought was. Last time Sony screamed better hardware and better games. What they really meant was better hardware that plays like shit and better games that you need to wait for 4 years to get.

This time they are screaming we are all about the games. What f#@king games? Infamous and The Order are great looking games but a really poor showing for a console and company that is supposed to be all about games and have the best in first party exclusives.

At least their slogan, "Greatness Awaits" is semi accurate. I don't know about greatness but we sure as hell are waiting, again.

Sony's PR guys must take lessons from Apple. They seem to be able to sell the same BS and hype over and over again. Not fooling me Sony. I am not getting a PS4 until you actually bring the games not the hype.

Prime1573828d ago

I don't think anyone read this article before commenting.


As always, both sides might get delayed, but the misinformation from some of you is ridiculous.

Thanks to hellzsupernova

Rimeskeem3828d ago

Titanfall is for PC and is being produced by EA so people shouldn't be keeping their hopes to high.

I would rather play infamous and uncharted honestly because they are going to be true next gen and last a long time.

+ Show (19) more repliesLast reply 3828d ago
JackISbacK3829d ago

hey read some articles MS have announced more aaa exclusives than sony, did you know the differnce its
titanfall,quantum break,fables legends ,sunset overdrive and halo 5 vs order 1886 and infamous ss and yeah i know sony is having more annoucements but there are more multiple ips unannnouced buy MS from 24 studios(MS) vs 14 studios(SONY).sony stuidos are proved but MS studios are new but are having great talented teams working on games.
there will be games on both side and i cant't ignore any one of them.

fattyuk3829d ago


Sony E3 : New IPs on 2-3 consoles
Microsoft E3 : TV Call of duty TV Sports Halo Shoe horned Kinect gimmicky games : TV : American football

DigitalRaptor3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

The new Xbox fanboy tact is listing games they THINK are coming out in 2014, and neglecting to list the fact that PS4 not only has far more games than they bother acknowledging, but fail to share the fact that PS4 has more games in development and more unannounced games PERIOD.

Hey Jack... you missed DriveClub, Uncharted "4", Deep Down, Planetside 2, Everybody's Gone to the Rapture, Rime, Lily Bergamo, Shadow of the Beast, Yakuza Ishin, MLB 14: The Show... and the rest: http://i.imgur.com/KVX6jb4....

That's okay though, I'll pin it on ignorance.

And as pyramidshead mentioned, several of Sony's studios (Japan Studio, Guerrilla, Santa Monica, Naughty Dog, Media Molecule) have multiple teams creating multiple projects - a tactic Microsoft doesn't seem to be sharing just yet. They also have a lot more second party ties with studios making games exclusively for PlayStation, and a good, keen eye for fostering independent talent. So let's not pretend that having "more studios" means they are creating more games. Sony has more experience in this field and more proven talent.

Hercules1893828d ago

Most of the games that are listed for the PS4 are games the average hardcore game hasnt even heard of or arent even interesting. I've got to hand it to Sony, somehow doubling what Microsoft has yet Microsoft seems to be the one dominating the games. I'll take what Microsoft has over what Sony has anyday, even tho thats not a factor because I'm getting both systems.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 3828d ago
hazardman3828d ago

Come on now... Xbox One has plenty of 1st party exclusives coming.

Joey_Leone3828d ago

Give more first party/micro transaction games, i still won't buy that brick.

Gamer6663828d ago

MS is simply applying a different business model then Sony...

Was Gears of War any less exclusive on 360 then Resistance? Both were shooters... Both were AAA titles... Arguably Gears did much better though. And got better ratings.

Chrisgamerguy3828d ago

X1 has more first party games out right now than the ps4...

xtremeimport3828d ago

It will be hard for me to hold out on an X1 once Halo releases. That series has grabbed on to me and it'll be hard for me to sit back and let it continue without playing.

Next to Mario, its probably the best system seller ever.

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 3828d ago
phantomexe3829d ago

all parts made in china........ right an american consule

djplonker3829d ago

@malokevi Clearly the best titanfall experience will be on pc so I dont count it!

JackISbacK3829d ago

heay waht about quantum break,halo 5 ,fables and multiple unannounced ips from 24 studios you cant have them all on pc and i'know you people are not such fanboys that all will ignore games for their brand loyalties ,hey bud play games not brands there will be amazing games on both if you like ps4 more for now go for it there are multiple years ahead you can get xb1 when you want and i know more of you will get very soon for upcoming amazing games .

djplonker3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

I had an original xbox and a 360 halo and fable are dead to me apart from halo 3 they get worse as they go on and alan wake was ok but absolutely nothing special!

The best game on the 360 was tales of vesperia and no one bought it so every tales game since has been on ps3 because it isnt just halo forza and cod that ps players like!

Belking3829d ago

Which also uses ms platform windows so it's all good.

pyramidshead3829d ago

The point is: he/she doesn't have to buy an XB1 to play it for the best experience. It has nothing to do with not supporting microsoft. I think this is what some XB1 fanboys can't quite grasp ;).

u got owned3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

@ pyramidshead

To be fair to play the best version you'll need a high end computer which im pretty sure more than 3/4 of the people here dont have.

DigitalRaptor3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

As pyramidshead said, you don't need an Xbone or a 360 to play Titanfall. If you're bringing in MS Windows into this, it's not required that you support Microsoft to play it either.

Additionally, Titanfall runs on Source engine. It's not graphically intensive, so any mid-range PC could run it, and I think most people out there with a PC have a mid-range one. If you want the definitive Titanfall experience, you need not consider Xbox at all.


@ u got owned

It depends what you consider to be the "best version". Mods, free updates, community and pricing might be that killer version for most PC gamers. It's still the best version regardless, and you still don't need to invest in Xbox to play it.

malokevi3829d ago (Edited 3829d ago )

I have both consoles, I buy games that are interesting to me, and I could not care less whether or not its on PC. As far as I'm concerned, its a good thing. Preorders show that people are disproportionately buying the game for x1 anyways, so whatever! I was simply saying that the game is third party and will still be great. 1st party is just words. Whether or not a game delivers is up to the devs and publishers.

silly pointless arguing for the sake of arguing. Who are you to say where the best experience will be? Fr me, the beat experience will be on my couch, through my x1, with my x1 controller in hand, after I say "Xbox, go to Titanfall". Nothing you say can change that.

sry bout the typology, all happening on my tiny phone.

djplonker3828d ago (Edited 3828d ago )

"Fr me, the beat experience will be on my couch, through my x1, with my x1 controller in hand, after I say "Xbox, go to Titanfall"

for me the best experiance will be on my couch through my pc with my ps4 controller and I will double click titanfall in origin wishing that ea still used steam!

Only with better graphics and frames per second!

hazardman3828d ago

Are you sure, Didnt Respawn say the best version would be on Xbox One. I could have sworn I read something like that here on N4G...

ic3fir33828d ago

titanfall its sucess on xbox one, not on pc, pc sells sucks, look the pré-orders, xbox one sells 3x or 4x more =)

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 3828d ago
JackISbacK3829d ago

great job both phils you did great job of creating xb1 a pleace for gamers as it a great place for multimedia lovers it is a more better place for gaming witha great games and bring looking future ,sony always did a great job but these people made MS sudio devision a better for making games with 24 studios most of them opened when both phils joined the MS ,people must know that phil harision did agreat job of esteblishing SONY STUDIOS and now is doing great job of making studios ,when xb360 released MS STUDIOS were having 6 studios then MS realised they need more people for making games and then phil harrison joined MS after leaving sony and now both have been sucessful to make 24 studios where sony is having 14 studios and peiople they hired are talented ,tey are doing it right from 2008 when harisson joined MS ,first were 343,big park,MS oake,victoria,vencover ,black tusk and many more.
yeah all of them are to be proved but they are having talented teams and believe them and now for sure MS biggest problem of lack of exclusives will be solved and we can see it already and no body can deny it.also appreciatiung work of santa monke ,naughty dog,sucker punch and media molecuale ,did people know these all studios were esteblised when phil harrison was woking as sony studios president and did great job of making them strong and now making MS also strong.

from the beach3829d ago

Good stuff Phil, 2014 looks big.

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Interview: Phil Harrison on Xbox One

CVG:It's half time in Microsoft's big Xbox One reveal, and while we all scurry off for an intermission meat pie and pint, the platform holder is frantically prepping an E3 finale aimed at answering any of our remaining questions, of which there are many.

Read Full Story >>
ThatCanadianGuy5144048d ago (Edited 4048d ago )

you don't get any more 'core' than Call of Duty. Having Activision partner with us to bring the Call of Duty world exclusive to our event was pretty amazing.

- Phil Harrison

Edit: Just reading through that makes me so sick.The way he tries to spin things, dodge questions and ramble about something irrelevant to the question.

Just admit it's a freaking user locked disc behind a paywall, you dbag.

dedicatedtogamers4048d ago

I know I'm being crazy by bringing up graphics (seeing how there was SO MUCH other stuff that went wrong with the reveal), but anyone else underwhelmed by the graphics that Xbox One showcased?

I mean, it's crazy - CRAZY! - to compare the graphics of two next-gen systems. I know. But in the midst of all of the other nonsense, I thought the Xbone's graphics were pretty...incremental.

hazelamy4047d ago

well, the only game that showed actual graphics was COD wasn't it?

not actual gameplay, but still, what the machine could actually produce in real time as opposed to all the other stuff that was prerendered.

rainslacker4047d ago

It's hard to say for me.

There were a few seconds of game play graphics in quantum break, along with what i assume is a in-game cut-scene. The game play part didn't look amazingly great. Heavy Rain was more impressive and it's a few years old now...but again I'll say we didn't get to see enough to make a fair comparison.

EA was mostly work-in-progress stuff, followed by a pre-rendered(arguably in-engine) demo which doesn't give a true understanding of it's real world potential.

Forza may have been in game, but I doubt you'll see that level of detail in game play based on the specs of the video card, so it was likely selective graphics like most tech demo's are.

COD I'm skeptical on. It didn't look good enough to be PC, and only looked marginally better than what we have now.

So it's not so much that I was underwhelmed..it's more that I don't think we've actually seen it yet.

NeverEnding19894048d ago

Can you tell Philly used to be in charge of SONY?

scruffy_bear4048d ago

Phil Harrison Sony secret weapon for the Next Gen :)

Pillsbury14048d ago

Every time Microsoft employees open their mouths they just make it worse for themselves.

maniacmayhem4048d ago

I really don't see any point in interviewing Phil about anything. This guy's answers are straight from a script and it is definitely what any Harvard/Stanford 7 or more figured salary company man would say. Straight text book.

very impressive.

TechnicianTed4048d ago

'and then you don't get any more 'core' than Call of Duty.'

That made me chuckle.

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