
Special Operations Forces Members Discuss Medal of Honor

The newest Medal of Honor game will allow gamers to experience the war in Afghanistan from the perspective of “Tier-1” assets, as EA puts it. Tier-1 assets from a military standpoint are considered the “best of the best” in what the military has to offer, and games have long tried to show this off. From what we can glean so far, the campaign will tell the story from U.S. Special Forces and 75thRanger Regiment near the opening of the Global War on Terror.

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xYLeinen5113d ago

Excellent read.

So summarize the article a bit they basically don't got anything against Medal of Honor. Quite the opposite actually.

And one of the guys actually replied this: " No. I am more offended that people are in an uproar over this game but let their kids watch movies filmed with real people doing the same thing and not protesting that."
The question was " Does the subject material of this game offend you?"

Garrus_Vakarian5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

Short answer: No. And it shouldn't.

BeOneWithTheGun5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

Please read this one. (The comment section will still be here when you are done.)

This is a great read. Hearing from the mouths of legitimate soldiers who did this stuff for a living is great. It's exactly what I have been thinking about the uproar over the whole playing as the Taliban crap.

This is the main reason why I will play this over Modern Warfare Black Ops; how much thought and dedication went into the production to really make it feel real. Sure, the whole MW pay to play, milk milk milk, thing is a turn off but I am getting this one since it really seems like a well made, thought out and RESEARCHED game.

Cheers to all who serve. Our freedom comes from their blood shed.

Diamondwolf5113d ago

That's one thing I've always respected about the MoH series. The developers do some serious research on all of their games. They aren't cash ins, they are usually well put together and well though out stories/environments/details.

That is why I am putting this over CoD as well.

CobraKai5113d ago

I 100% agree. Sure the last few MOH games lost its focus, but this one has the dedication and commitment of the early games. I am completely annoyed by people who seemingly are offended at just the word "Taliban". To me what the devs did with this game isn't any different than with the early WWII MoH games.

ShadowJetX5113d ago

That should have been done the first time around. News outlets like cnn and fox make most of their money by playing off the negatives of anything anyone might no like (this anyone is a generalization of the mass public). The whole interview with the mother of deceased war veteran was merely a ploy to them to get the anyone and everyone they could on to "their side", but in the end it's a bit to make money. The mother how was interviewed really did mean what she said, but as long as it got the network big wigs money, they might as well not care at all. It's really to bad that stuff like this doesn't get the amount of attention all the really negative stuff does. They asked some great questions and got some great feed back too, but damn it's really to bad.

But I guess in the end, if you don't like the content of the game, then it's not for you and you might as well not buy it. Though a good part of the audience that plays these games are under 15, and who buys these games for them? If their parent's think they shouldn't play this game then that's to bad that they have to suffer (though, they should be suffering in the first place, it's not like they should be enabled to play these games anyway ya'know).

But this is just me rambling anyway, please don't take this seriously yeah.

Shackdaddy8365113d ago

Its funny how only citizens and high ranking military officials find this game offensive while the actual soldiers are offended at the people complaining.

Stupid civies...

Trroy5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

Great article. I completely agree with the interviewees, particularly on the only actual beneficial effect this having on the Taliban, in giving them free press that they don't deserve -- via the controversy which is validating them, not the game itself.

rakunado5113d ago (Edited 5113d ago )

Terrific Article.

Nothing like using primary sources as voices rather than just making stuff up or making wide assumptions on what people "over there" think. Sadly... it happens a lot these days. This piece however... is journalism at its best.

Anti-Fanboyer5113d ago

"It’s just a game. Just like the other games with Nazis as the enemy or the Japanese, this will add “realism” to the game. It’s better than Dirka Dirka from Dirkastan."

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Remembering Medal Of Honor: The Forgotten Master Of WW2 Games

Ibrahim from eXputer: "The Medal of Honor franchise was once the crown jewel of FPS war games, later defeated by the tides of time and poor development."

banger88152d ago

They tried to turn it into Call of Duty and it killed it off. They should reboot it and go back to it's roots. But they'd ruin it with online-only/multiplayer style bullshit so why bother? I have very fond memories of these games, but this series can stay dead as far as I'm concerned.

FPS_D3TH151d ago

Was literally just thinking of this game the other week with the secret nut cracker mission and the shooting Bismarck dog lmao. Loved these games as a kid

PrecursorOrb151d ago (Edited 151d ago )

I wish they’d remake warfighter

Strictly for the campaign

The_Hooligan151d ago

I have fond memories of playing the Medal of Honor Breakthrough MP Demo. It had two maps and custom servers. Living on campus, I had it downloaded on one of the PC Lab servers so I could access it on any computer at the university. Joined a clan and made friends that I still keep in touch with today.

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The Medal of Honor Franchise Deserves a Comeback

Game Rant Writes "It's been over a decade since fans have seen the Medal of Honor franchise on consoles in any capacity, and it's about time EA brought it back."

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porkChop648d ago

Medal of Honor 2010 was a good start for a modern reboot. The campaign was fantastic. Multiplayer wasn't great but that's DICE's fault. I'd love if they went back to that game and gave it a proper sequel.

SlothLordPootus648d ago

I actually really liked the multiplayer in MoH 2010. Battlefield gunplay on small maps. I would love to see a Rising sun remake, the opening scene would be amazing to see.

SonyStyled648d ago

I enjoyed the multiplayer of MoH 2010. It felt like battlefield 3 in a way. The multiplayer in Warfighter was also pretty good but the campaigns single player story was not appealing with the whole family cutscene thing. Gameplay was fun though. MoH to me is the PS1/2 titles and I don’t expect to see a WW2 MoH after the last Call of Duty’s

Levii_92648d ago

PS1 MOH 1999 and 2000 (Underground) and Allied Assault PC is my childhood.. it's still soo good and it holds up. Not to mention Michael Giacchino's soundtrack is one of the best video game soundtracks ever made. Even if you weren't born in early to mid 90's go listen to the main theme of Allied Assault and you will be overloaded from nostalgia.

I miss this franchise a lot.

Iceball2000648d ago

I’ve always thought that MOH and Battlefield should be separate…

Have MOH as the full fledged single player with an amazing store and whatnot. And a basic multiplayer just to have multiplayer. Sorta like how the MOH reboot was.

And then have BF as the full fledged multiplayer with all effort put into that and ditch the single player. Maybe add Commander back in.

Only in a perfect world.

HeliosHex647d ago (Edited 647d ago )

Oh man medal of honor on pc was awesome back in the day. Multi-player was fun. Joined my first clan on medal of honor. Definitely deserves a comeback. But needs to be on the same level or surpass COD. Since it came out before that ip in 1999 to avoid embarrassment.


The guys who did Allied assault are the one who created call of duty. They're back at EA, Vince something

MadLad647d ago

I'll be the weird guy in the room and say I actually loved Warfighter. I thought the squad mechanics made it stand out a bit and thought the shooting felt good. Put a lot of time into the multiplayer.


15 PS1 Games Under $20 in 2022

PlayStation (PS1) game prices are beginning to get a little weird. The pandemic, renewed interest from collectors, and growing scarcity have all impacted PS1 game prices. CIB and New games can cost thousands for some titles. Use this list to snag some amazing old games to play or improve your collection without spending a fortune.

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Jiub968d ago

I really wish the Legacy of Kain series would come back

967d ago
Nintentional967d ago

Still have my original PS1 my family got at Sam’s Club back in 1999 :) it still works and I have it hooked up to a 32” Sony Wega Trinitron that supports S Video and Component 👌🏼 PS1 games in S Video POP on there 🤩

967d ago