
PS3 HD Classics – The Games We Want To See

It was announced at E3 that the three Sly Raccoon games on PS2 would be joining the God of War Collection and were being ported to the PS3 as part of a “HD Classics” Sly Collection where the games would be HD and have trophies and just recently the Team Ico Collection featuring Ico and Shadow of the Collusus was also confirmed. It got us thinking, what else would we like to see join Sly and the Team Ico games in the “HD Classics” collection? We present to you a list of collections we’d like to see.

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dangert125057d ago (Edited 5057d ago )

Tony hawks pro skater collection

Hellsvacancy5057d ago

Hitman Collection!, i also want The Warriors, Tiger Woods 2005 and Final Fantasy X, oh and a Dogs Life, i never got 2 play it

I if i get just 1 of those id b happy enough

showtimefolks5057d ago

yeh in HD

it looks like sony is the only one doing these HD collections

gta 3,vs,sa
1st mafia in HD fix the issues
tigerwoods 2005 i agree
mgs 1-3
1st mercenary was awsome make it in HD ea
and many more

akiraburn5057d ago

Definitely agree with the Hitman Collection (would love to see the first game ported to consoles and touched up as well). My personal favorites I would also like to see: Final Fantasy X & FXII, GTA: Vice City, Jak & Daxter series, Ratchet & Clank series, Dark Cloud series, Onimusha series, RE: Code Veronica & RE4, Metal Gear Solid series, and maybe Kingdom Hearts as well.

Horny5057d ago (Edited 5057d ago )

guys dont get your hopes up about games from 3rd parties getting an hd collection. Im sure some developers will do it but its mostly going to be sony 1st party games.

Zeixama5057d ago

Xenosaga Trilogy , Backwards Compatibility I-II , Nippon Ichi games , Dynasty Warriors and spin-offs , Shin Megami Tensei : Nocturne+DDS I-II ...

Lots of and lots of ...

big_silky5057d ago

Jesus Christ, must we get these articles every effing day? Theres like 3 a week.

5057d ago
vickers5005057d ago

More articles like this shows that people really want more of these hd classics to happen, and when publishers/developers see this, there might be a larger chance of it happening, so I say, keep 'em coming.

DelbertGrady5057d ago

Why not just give back BC and focus on making new games instead of nickel & diming old ones?

dangert125057d ago

because i dont have ps2 games nor do they make them anymore and i wish i never rid some as theres alot more classic from last gen then i sense there being from this gen but hey still 5 years 2 go i think

rhood0225057d ago

How about just not buying the remakes?

CobraKai5057d ago

Because the remakes look loads better and runs far smoother than the PS2 originals. God of War upscaled to HD isn't pretty, the HD God of War collection is.

mentalfever015057d ago

The Getaway 1 & 2. plus the GTA collection including both Liberty City and Vice City stories.

Graphics5057d ago (Edited 5057d ago )

play them on a ps2 emulator on pc, looks way better than the remakes, they can't even render a ps2 game to 1080p with at least 3x AA... its pitiful.. I'm currently replaying Kingdom Hearts 2 for pc and I know if they ever do a remake it will not even look half as good as the pc ps2 emulator. Kingdom Hearts 2, GT4, and FFXII look better than next gen games of now. I don't know why sony can't implement something on the ps3 that truly upscale and adds AA to a ps2 titles.. if a pc can do it with a dual core and decent gpu, it shouldn't be a problem for the ps3 to do, instead of adding that garbage upscaler and smoother that make ps2 games look like crap.

nycredude5057d ago

I'm just curious why would you need AA if you are playing in 1080p? Can you get GOW 1 and 2 on that Pc emulator? So gt4 on pc emulator looks better than GT5 on Ps3?

Seriously if you don't care for it why did you come here to comment?

OT: I would love, seriously love to play MGS1, 2 and 3 on the Ps3 with updated graphics and trophies.

Graphics5057d ago (Edited 5057d ago )

Increased resolution doesn't remove jaggies, it lessens it but not like AA does which smooths out all the edges which almost makes them invisible. and yea you can get GoW 1 and 2 in the emulator and you know how the cut scenes were? upscaled to HD unlike the collection which just had the gameplay remastered but not the cut scenes. And no Gt4 on pc doesn't look better than GT5 but GT4 does look better than a lot of other next gen racers out their. I commented because I'm new to this ps2 emulator and was a fan of having all these ps2 games remastered and after seen the difference between the 2 its ridiculous that the remakes are not even half as good as an emulator. Now i see remakes as pointless since they are not truly remastered to its true potential and instead are being done for a quick buck.

nycredude5057d ago (Edited 5057d ago )

Bro don't lecture me about pc gaming bro. My laptop probably runs games better than your pc. It's a waste of power to play on 1080p and use AA. Better off upping everything else and leaving AA alone.

Anyone who games on pc alot should know this.

Graphics5057d ago (Edited 5057d ago )

I doubt your laptop plays better than my pc. and wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about ps2 games.. not pc. so of course AA is important if you want to remove the jaggies from the ps2 games... You seem very confused. i never mentioned pc gaming. And my comment was a respond to your question, it wasn't meant to be a lecture, but if your laptop is so good try it out yourself and compare them instead of making up bs and making pretend you know what you are saying.

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10 PS2 Games That Have Aged Incredibly Well

Cultured Vultures: We’ve rounded up the most well-aged PS2 games out there, just in case you’ve been meaning to revisit some childhood memories, or even if you’re checking out the PlayStation 2 for the very first time.

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TGG_overlord4d ago

I agree, I like SH3 the most though.

Cacabunga2d ago

Auto Modellista will always be one of my favorite racers of all time..

gold_drake4d ago

id throw haunting ground into the mix. it still looks fantastic.

but i still dont quite understand why we never got a dragon quest 8 remaster for ps4. even the damn 3ds got one.

OtterX2d ago

I'd add Rogue Galaxy, Shadow of the Colossus.

Scissorman2d ago

Silent Hill 3 was straight up sorcery. It has better hair animation than most modern games, which is wild to me.

Venoxn4g1d 6h ago

I would throw in MGS3 as well


Capcom Keeps Bringing Resident Evil To VR – Here's How And Why

This is how the Resident Evil 4 remake was reinvented again for VR.

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Babadook721d ago

This hints at continued support for the VR versions of Resident Evil.

Nerdmaster21d ago

And Capcom, being Capcom, chooses to keep the VR versions limited to certain headsets in a niche that is already small.

Babadook721d ago (Edited 21d ago )

They wouldn’t work well on Quest. Not the PlayStation versions at least. Also Sony seems to have helped fund these.

StoriedGamer20d ago

... Maybe not quest standalone due to power limitations, but you do know that all of the modern resident evil games including 2 and 3 remake (which dont have even have official VR versions) are available on PC and are arguably better in almost every way...

The porting process to VR with VR capable engines is so incredibly easy that the cost is negligible really. What's worse is having played the games on psvr and psvr2, the developers did a pretty shoddy job whereas the PC versions are better as the community tackled a lot of the issues in a matter of a few weeks...

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )


This is simply not true. Compare RE8 praydog vs the native port to psvr2. The native port is an amazing experience. You’d never want to actually play the pc mod. It’s no where near as good. The performance is not good and is nauseating.

StoriedGamer20d ago

... In what ways is it nowhere near as good? On a decent system it runs incredibly well and even better if you have something good, pushing it way beyond what you get on the psvr2. I've literally played both, and on PC it not only looks better, but runs much better overall on pc. Additionally, you get even more games than the 3 official games over both psvr and psvr2 offered by Capcom (4, 7 which is only psvr compatible, and 8).

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )


It doesn't actually run better on the PC though. I've heard from many PC gamers who will flat out disagree with you. I've seen top end Nvidia cards drop to below 60 fps (no reprojection either). Hopefully you know the effect that Foveated Rendering has on VR performance.

How far did you make it in the story? If you really claim that the PC can compete on performance show me a professional reviewer who claims that who actually tested a large portion of the game. On top of the performance not being in PCs favour you've got a completely inferior level of interactivity.

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 20d ago
Profchaos20d ago

Pretty sure it's because they were very well paid to do so in the past I'm sure there's a deal going because Sony sure isn't in a rush to produce games for their own headset
Plus the re games are fantastic in VR

talocaca20d ago

RE4 is absolutely stellar on PSVR2.

Hoping their next title supports it too 👏👏👏

Babadook720d ago (Edited 20d ago )

Indeed. One of the guys seemed to be a big fan of VR.

And this bit pretty confirms there're plans for more RE VR projects.

Once they wrapped up the project, they realized VR was well-suited to the franchise. While they didn’t discuss specifics, Kumazawa says they “plan to undertake more challenges in the future.”

Profchaos20d ago

Was amazing I thought re8 was also just as good to.

SmortBoie20d ago

I'd give my left nipple for an official RE2R VR mode. Praydogs was good but the real deal would be incredible.
Shame they don't seem to have any interest going back to these releases. RE7VR even already exists just tweak it and pop it on PSVR2. Nnngggg.

sammichosaurus19d ago

Gotta get some VR experience soon.


Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece Review [Capsule Computers]

Travis Bruno of Capsule Computers writes:

"When it comes to the Kingdom Hearts franchise, fans have had a variety of ways to play it throughout its incredibly long length. They could have followed it from 2002’s original release and subsequent questionably canon releases on handheld devices only to return to the core game again with Kingdom Hearts II to find out that yes, they were canon. Then in that wait until the third game the mixture of titles along the way and other numerous platforms would make following Kingdom Hearts‘ story a challenge even for the most eager fan. Square Enix made up for this prior to Kingdom Hearts III’s release by bringing together an HD pack collecting the game’s together in an easier to digest package for fans and releasing them on consoles only for PC fans to be left in the dark. That is of course until all of the games arrived on PC, but not in a way that many had hoped. See, PC users can be a fickle bunch and when the Kingdom Hearts collection arrived on PC exclusively through Epic Games, it may as well not exist. Now, three years after the fact, these same PC players can now enjoy the exact same games on Steam with a bit of extra support including Steam Deck compatibility with Kingdom Hearts Integrum Masterpiece. The question is, do all of these games still hold up on their Steam PC ports?"

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Inverno27d ago

Far from a 9, Square have left these games a janky mess since their epic release. Even now they have not said anything about fixing some of the problems that many steam reviews mention. You gotta download the re:fined mod to fix what square refuses to do.