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Sony Has Won The Console War In Terms Of Quality, The Proof Is Here HHGS 9/19/10

1. Bayonetta 2 To Feature A Co-op Mode Called Twin Sister
2. Square Developing A Title Based Off Sephiroth's Story Of Final Fantasy 7?
3. Halo: Reach Review 9/10
4. Lucho Libra Wrestling - Interview

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Community5059d ago
NYC_Gamer5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

everyone with common sense can agree...PS3 offers the best quality/variety of exclsuives...but N4G stock-holders rather have sales data instead of games..


of course they do its sales that drive business.

diatom5059d ago

and good games that drive gamers..

Information Minister5059d ago

Do you play games for fun or for business? Bobby Kotick would love to know.

Sarcasm5059d ago

It's true that sales drive business but should never be at the cost of quality. Unfortunately people like Kotick exist and is out there to milk and farm as much money as possible.

BattleAxe5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

@ Mr.lookingbill,

Shut up...


A very well put together piece. PS3 is blowing away the competition to the point that its just laughable that anyone would say otherwise.

My clear second choice for a platform is non other then STEAM. Third Choice is the PSP, followed by the Wii, and then the 360. But since MS will probably release most of the HALO and GEoW games on GFWL at some point, that pretty well nullifies the 360 for me.

DigitalRaptor5059d ago

"PS3 is blowing away the competition to the point that its just laughable that anyone would say otherwise."


ozps35059d ago

As a consumer, PS3 and Sony provides value for money all round home entertainment that other consoles don't.

nix5058d ago

everyone knows that. only the blind ones don't want to believe it.

Kurt Russell5058d ago

PS3 is definitely best value for money, but it isn't the definitive console to own... you still need to own multiple consoles if you don't want to miss out on any quality titles.

Weaksauce11385058d ago

If you pigeon hole your arguement you can find any victory. Playstation 3 has won this generation in terms of alphabetically.

Treyb3yond5058d ago

Although sales are important, games are the most important to us. People need to realise that sales do no=quality. They are very separate.

outrageous5058d ago

Sony is at the bottom for a reason and that's because it's not a very good console with alot of identity issues...they're motto says it all..." it only does everything "...the part they forgot was the part about not doing any one thing games made on the 360 are the highest selling games on the PS3...Hmmm...wonder why???

M$, starting last gen, had a vision for the future...a future M$ is dragging Sony into kicking and screaming. Sony has made numerous mistakes this gen and for a while many in the industry was worried Sony would not recover from. Not many companies could sustain the MASSIVE loss of money ( billions ) Sony suffered this gen.

In terms of quality, M$ is the only system to offer the best of both worlds. Best on line, controller and OS. Best line up of games both exclusive and multi-plat. Now with the most advanced add on ever in gaming releasing in November...KINECT. Windows phone 7 coming shortly as well with XBL connectivity and a return to PC gaming with rumors of ALL M$ published games going to the like PGR, Gears, AW, All Rare games, Crackdown, Fable, Forza, and the big one Halo.

Sony continues to sit around waiting for M$ to come up with the ideas and software to implement them ( cough..Netflix..cough )and now in there wisdom thinks a new 3DTV is in order with glasses that cost $150 a pop...O_o...I wonder how that Toshiba 3Dtv is gonna be received next year...NO GLASSES NEEDED...Oops.

You like your PS3...fine. I'm not happy with the $600 ( when I bought it ) behemoth. Where are all the games we were promised??? Why would I want to buy PS2 games like ICO at full price when they should be FREE with backwards compatibility.

IcarusOne5058d ago

::shakes his head and walks away::

AAACE55058d ago

Any other time, people hate HHG! But for some reason, they don't mind him this time... I'll never understand it!

oldjadedgamer5058d ago


"most advanced add-on ever"

Just saying that every new add on to anything is always more advanced than anything old. Common sense.

This 2010 car is so much more advanced than my 2003. Well Duh.

DigitalRaptor5058d ago (Edited 5058d ago )

"Sony NUMBER 3....4 a reason..."

Xbox 360 launched a year (and a half) earlier than PS3 and it's only a laughable 3 million ahead with this in mind. You can call that an excuse all you want, but it's the undisputable truth. I wonder what the better selling console is. Hmmm.

"Sony is at the bottom for a reason and that's because it's not a very good console with alot of identity issues...they're motto says it all..." it only does everything "...the part they forgot was the part about not doing any one thing"

Not a good console, yet the games have become increasingly better year after year, and are some of the highest rated and enjoyable experiences this generation?

"Not many companies could sustain the MASSIVE loss of money ( billions ) Sony suffered this gen."

Bwahahahah. You do realise, Sony is a bigger company than Microsoft. They are both multi-BILLION dollar corporations. Do you really think Sony's losses this gen did anything they couldn't sustain? What a joke!

"In terms of quality, M$ is the only system to offer the best of both worlds. Best on line, controller and OS. Best line up of games both exclusive and multi-plat."

*clears throat*
More polished online service? Yes. PSN only lacks a couple of features that XBL has, and you're telling me that's worth $60?

Best controller? That your opinion, and only your opinion. In fact I would say it's only better for shooters but then again it's personal preference. Has the Xbox controller won any awards? No. Has the DualShock 3? I think so!

Great Xbox 360 has a user-friendly OS. Some people prefer the simple functionality of the XMB, but as I said, it's personal preference. But hey at least PS3 owners don't need to look at dashboard ads.

Best lineup of games? Yeah, if you only like shooters.
You're seriously telling me that the 360 has a better lineup of games right now and going into 2011? you MUST be on crack or has some serious mental delusion.

+ Show (13) more repliesLast reply 5058d ago
dangert125059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

We don't need to be told at all,
This Gen made me realise SONY don't fuck about

and thats not just when it comes to consoles

iammason5059d ago

Their cell phones are shit IMO.

fooltheman5059d ago

that eriksons faulth not sony's lol

Beefstew4u5059d ago

The new Xperia X10 ain't a bad phone... but it is a girl phone.

killershadow1175059d ago

Is that why they are ripping off the Wii?

TEFL0N_D0N_815059d ago

Watching movies in the theater in 3D makes you want it at home.. Right... cuz I always wanted to see Mrs. Doubtfire at home in 3D. If they're only releasing a dozen movies in 3D per year, I'm not going to waste any money on that crap.

Games in 3D? It'll be make or break for me with KZ3.

insomnium5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

I remember you guys being the worst of x360 fanboys at one time in 2006ish or 2007ish iirc. You get a ton of respect with comments like these.

I'm a Sony fan or a PS fan to be precise. I love good games and good tech. Last gen I wasn't around (didn't have the internet) but if I had been I would've stood by the xbox since I love that console. I doubt MS was this annoying (and backstabbing, greedy sob) back then. They clearly had a vision with the xbox but it was too early for standard HDD on consoles. Way too expensive.

Why am I telling you this? Hell if I know LOL! I just felt like it I guess....

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5059d ago
Seferoth755059d ago

Best quality? LOL fanboy comment.

Quality sales like crap? It must because few games on PS3 sale at all.

Oh well you kids continue to live in your happy fanboy land where 3rd place is first.

Just shows which gamers are gamers and which ones are pathetic losers looking for any excuse to justify their purchase...

Notice 360 and Wii owners don't have to have weekly articles to convince them they made the right choice...

Denethor_II5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Someone can't afford a PS3. It's okay its not your fault.
Edit: When you type 'sales like crap', do you mean sells?

Seijoru5059d ago

Most big name PS3 exclusives hit the 2 mil mark you troll.

thebudgetgamer5059d ago

when the gamcube was not selling at 99 bucks did you not enjoy regardless?

cliffbo5059d ago

Sef, do you realize how stupid comments like that makes you look? when you think something that is inferior is better, that's a fanboy, when you know that something is better because it is, that's just fact

LogicalFanboy5059d ago

"Just shows which gamers are gamers and which ones are pathetic losers looking for any excuse to justify their purchase..." ps3 gamers are the ones with the QUALITY games to play, xbox gamers are the ones who plays sales all day who needs to look at how well a medicore game like Halo Reach sold just to justify their purchase

thebudgetgamer5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

where does that put me?

dont be mean.

Information Minister5059d ago

A gamer that is a gamer that is a pathetic loser that at least knows how to spell properly?

Hanilugtehul5059d ago

ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh .....! tsk tsk little child why are you not in bed dreaming about the ps3 you cant afford.

Areeb115059d ago

we're getting told by guy with sales charts as profile picture.
and yes there are no 360 articles pointing to sales justification;
that's partly because everyone's obsessed with Halo: Reach-Around and how its teh best gam3s evar!!!!

Areeb115059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )


ChickeyCantor5059d ago

ssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh h .....! tsk tsk little child why are you not in bed dreaming about the ps3 you cant afford."

O come on, the only reason you have a PS3 is because your mom bought you one.
(See how that works?)

morganfell5059d ago

3rd place? You might want to have that remark bronzed and put on a plaque because with Sony only 3 million behind and having just announced they are ahead of their curve to hit 15 million this fiscal year then do the math. That means they have sold over 7.5 million in 6 months.

I love guys like you that talk about 3rd place when you are only months away from landing in said spot.

MaximusPrime5059d ago

3rd place?

i never heard of that here in Europe.

PS3 is 1st here as well as rest of world. only North America is hard to crack for Sony. Thus remaining 3rd place overthere.

iPad5059d ago

You're obviously not a real gamer.

jambabie695059d ago

anticooper- seferoth has been on this site a good while, and i am pretty sure he paid 250 for his wii, and since the ps3 has been 300 dollars for over a year, i am willing to bet he could afford one.

hell anyone can afford one with a minimum wage job, or less lol.

anticooper, this isn't 2006 anymore, ps3's aren't 600 bones. truth be told your parents bought you yours, and let me guess you got a slim one, the cheap one??? just an fyi i paid 399 for mine, and back in 07 i paid 399 for a 40 gig. i also paid 399 for my 360.

funny how sony fanboys think NO ONE CAN AFFORD A PS3, they are cheap! i mean aren't you guys the same ones that claim " it's got the most value" so wouldn't that mean it's cheap....especially for it's features?

the hypocrisy is amazing on here. :)

look at den_uk another one............-rolls eyes-, and thinks these sony boys need games to play. thing is when gt5 comes out, they will still be on n4g 24-7, just like now, aren't you guys suppose to be playing with your move?

cause in a bit i sure will be playing halo reach.

you all have a good night spewing non sense and delivering your hate, and talking up sony so you can sleep well tonight. lol


aceitman5059d ago

and 4 million behind and catching ps3 will come and catch and pass 360 from here on out watch

N4g_null5059d ago

So I learned something today girls who bought wiifit have more money than sony fanboys. Seriously if they do get second after 4 years that will still be hilarious lol sorry. You guys are bragging about second place a quity no one wants to buy. Your getting a little silly now.

Cut your loses and care about your games no one is going to buy your system just because you like it so chill out. Stop attacking the systems in front of you.

Sure you like it but stop attacking your fellow game fans. You are not getting any new fans. You are just making your system niche.

N4g_null5059d ago

@aceitman come on it's a year lead and it 4 almost 5 years later. The wii pasted it the first year. What is stopping the ps3? It's been cheap for a year now? And the quality oh my the quality it's like the cell can end wars or some thing!

Sony should just make a box called quailty and sell it. I think that would sell better than it's exclusives.

Come on Sony fanboys buy some damn games and go buy move damn what is wrong with you guys. Do you think Sony is Justin beaver or something? Sony needs a feel good rub on the back. No they need your money. Stop wasting time flaming people and go buy move before it's too late.

morganfell5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Amazing. One troll attacks the PS3 for not catching the 360 that had a year head start in Japan and the US and an year and a half head start everywhere else. Yet this same person says nothing of the 360 that is losing it's grip despite those same head start times. The same 360 that has been getting outsold since day one.

Where are his comments that MS should just throw in the towel because they are blowing such a whopping lead.

The same 360 that knows nothing, and I borrow his phrase, about quality in a box.

gta_manic5059d ago

at least this troll is well feed, looking pathetic usually get you scraps doesn't

cooperdnizzle5059d ago

Hahaha third in sale's but best in quality! People are stupid and will buy anything~ Xbox is like having a Chev up against A Porsche. Yea i can go out and buy a Chevy but that don't make it better! If ya could have afford a ps3 when it came out you would think it was amazing just because "YOU" had one. People are all the same. Hey i have this so it must be the best! Pshhhhh

bustamove5058d ago

Damn, easy guys. I think you owned him too hard. xD

I also like how he doesn't come back to defend himself.

avengers19785058d ago

it's funny your name is from a game that was a Playstation exclusive. @seferoth.

frostypants5058d ago

I own a 360 and a PS3.

Any claim that the PS3 isn't superior quality-wise is lying to themselves, or is offering an uninformed opinion. This goes for hardware AND software (though the PS3 didn't take over the latter until the last couple of years).

n4gno5058d ago

Pathetic fanboyz in denial don't want to see that ps3, who has obviously better quality hardware and software (and way more variety and exclusives) : sell better in software, and hardware department, then xbox in 2010 !

they don't want to open their f... blind eyes, it's sad, but perhaps it's to protect their hurted brain : when they have said "sony is doomed, bluray is doomed, sony has no game, ps3 don't sell games" since day one, and every single fact for more than 4 years is the opposite, they have to lie to themself to support the reality :)

LordGamer5058d ago

Continue to live in a world where your parent company obviously doesn't give a rats ass about quality and ships out shoddy merchandise and wont even play coop on their substandard 4 gig kiddy model 360. BYE BYE microshaft- PS3 FOR THE WIN>

Heisenberg5058d ago

quit fucking abusing the term. I realize it's the only way gamers feel they can insult each other, but it's so old, and it's gotten to the point where if you have any opinion whatsoever you're called a fanboy.

+ Show (25) more repliesLast reply 5058d ago
Gue15059d ago

Quality or not, Halo and Call of Duty it's all of what the masses care about...

theEx1Le5059d ago

Don't forget Fifa and Madden

lowcarb5059d ago

"everyone with common sense can agree...PS3 offers the best quality/variety of exclsuives...but N4G stock-holders rather have sales data instead of games"

How about everyone with an extreme bias can agree.

DigitalRaptor5059d ago

How about anyone with frickin common sense.

EvilBlackCat5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Better than Microsoft OF COURSE

Remember the experience that Microsoft have is in SOFTWARE.

Better than Samsung? NO

Better than SHARP? NO

Better than Canon? NO

Better than Kenwood or Pioneer? NO

The only place they shine is on DVD/Blu Ray Movie players but hey there is good competition now.

NOW on the console arena in my opinion BOTH are great consoles.

FUNNY that i have a PS3 and i really dont care about renting Movies in Blu Ray. WHY? i download them fools!

The reason why i have a PS3 is because of God of War and Ninja Gaiden. NOT because of Blu Ray.

because of move?
Dont be a fool i really dont care about kinect either.

Killzoned5059d ago

Off topic, Why would you compare them to Samsung, SHARP and Cannon loool!
We're talking about Consoles/Gaming here son

Sony offers better quality Exclusives than MS. Every 360 owner would name Halo Gears and Maybe even Fable but thats it?
Great game yes but Sony offers much more at the same quality or even higher, Resistance, LBP, GT5, KZ2, Rachet and Clank, Modnation Racers, Uncharted, God Of War, Infamous, Heavy rain, Heavenly Sword and so on, Socom.
I own both consoles but on my 360 i got a lot of Multiplatform yes because we all know the majority of Multiplatform performs better on 360 but in exclusivity, I got Halo's, Gears and Fable. I've been waiting for quality exclusives for a long time, i wanna see some new IP'S from Microsoft but am very disappointed by their Third party exclusives because they suck, Ninety Nine is an example, too Human, CrackDown etc
I don't have a particular favor to any Console, I just love gaming, So come on Microsoft Shove some new games at me so i can SHow these PS3 fanboy the deal. I've been on my PS3 much more now a days (Of Course am on Halo Reach 2 haha) because of so much quality games that are being released.

macusa225059d ago

sony makes the best quality, next time you go to best buy, ask them who makes all the product for those samsung TV. Geek Squad just opened up my Samsung 50' to replace the mother board and I notice that all the parts on my TV came from Sony. If i remember correctly, Sony and Samsung have a partnership with the Hi Def TV.

eagle215059d ago

Nintendo is quality too. Go look it up in reviews fanboys. And sells a ton. :)

jambabie695059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

seen you on some you used to be a sony fanboy yaself....anyways, i don't have a wii or whatever, but no matter what i will always have respect for nintendo.

i am 30 and grew up with nintendo so i will always give them props for some of the best games and franchises on earth. hell if it wasn't for nintendo who knows where the industry would be?

they brought it back that's for sure.

anyways have a good one

eagle215059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

I have never been a fanboy, just a realist. lol

My two most anticipated games of 2011 are The Legend Of Zelda: Skyward Sword AND The Last Guardian equally. Very few dudes on this site would agree with that. Think I care?

You have a good one too.... :)

DaTruth5059d ago

Thought this was the HHG show, but I read 20 comments and haven't seen anyone making fun of him!

This is like bizarro world N4G!

DelbertGrady5059d ago

That's because he's praising Sony.

jut4205058d ago

Actually Delbert, about 99% of the time he's saying something good about Sony, it's just for some reason this title didn't get people riled up like it usually does.

ThatsGaming5059d ago

So how come when it comes to quality ratings based on Metacritic, SCEA is one point below MGS over all their game releases?


I can't even agree Sony has more variety...

Banjo Kazooiee (Platformer), Viva Pinata (Simulator), Alan Wake (Action/adventure), Forza, Halo Wars (RTS), Lost Odyssey (JRPG), Fable III (WRPG), Shadow Complex (Side Scroller), Project Gotham Racing (Arcade Racer), Crackdown 1/2 (Sandbox), Toy Soldiers (Strategy), Catan (Board Game), Kameo (Action/Platform), Blue Dragon (JRPG), Uno/Uno Rush (Card), etc. are a very good sign of genre variety from MS this generation.

I would agree that Sony has created some new genres this generation. Heavy Rain and Flower are great examples where Sony is leading in creating new genres. MS seems to be sticking with traditional genres.

goalweiser5059d ago

LMAO. You're using a website that is plagued with over-rated reviews of Xbox 360 games.

Let's go through those titles and compare the quality and variety to the PS3 library .

Hereos on the Move, Sly Cooper, Jax and Dexter, Ratchet and Clank....that's all counter to your one Banjo Kazooie.

You guys have Gears of War and Halo exclusive.

PS3 has Uncharted, Killzone, SOCOM, MAG, and Resistance.

You guys had some Ninja game nobody played and Kameo.

We have God of War, ICO, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, and Heavenly Sword.

Infamous > Crackdown
Gran Turismo > Forza
Metal Gear Solid 4 > Splinter Cell
Heavy Rain > Alan Wake
Singstar > Lips

Yes there might be a few games on Xbox exclusively that are better than something offered on PS3 but there's areas that Microsoft can't even compete in still.

LittleBigPlanet, Twisted Metal, Afrika, DC Universe Online, Buzz! Quiz TV, Eye of Judgment, Modnation Racers, MotorStorm, Warhawk,and Yakuza

All those game represent genres that Microsoft has nothing (1st party or 3rd party exclusives) to compete with.

I think the games speak for themselves. The quality and the MOST variety is on the PS3. The Xbox 360 isn't even close yet.

ThatsGaming5059d ago


Metacritic is the most trusted source of review aggregations on the planet. They are always quoted on gaming forums everywhere... NeoGaf, here, everywhere.

I'm not saying PS3 sux like you seem to be saying about the 360. I'm just pointing out that PS3 game quality is subjective, and at least one very highly trusted source worldwide disagrees that PS3 quality is heads over heels above 360.

I have both consoles. And play games on both of them. I see way equal variety on the 360 then the PS3 (but in different genres). Variety is dependent on genres that you are looking at. Where are the RTS and SRPG games on the PS3?

One thing I think people confuse is new genres and creativity. In those categories I have to go with PS3. There are many new genre games and they take more chances on creativity (Heavy Rain, Flower, Lair, etc.) on PS3.

Maybe you should buy a 360 yourself. You might find it enjoyable too. You don't have to be a straight-up fan of one or the other you know... You can like them both...

* Infamous is different then Crackdown - Not better, they are in the same genre but focus on different gameplay elements. Infamous is about powers, Crackdown is more about finese. Personally, I like Crackdown more. But both are great games.
* GT > Forza - Yep. No doubt about it, Polydigital are the king of racers. But Forza is not that far behind.
* MGS and Splinter Cell are not comparable. MGS is futuristic and fictional whereas Splinter Cell tries to fit in current time and use realistic gadgets and weapons. They are both great games. I like having both in my collection.
* WTF? Comparing Heavy Rain to Alan Wake... An interactive movie to a episodic action game? Have you played Alan Wake? It has NOTHING in common with Heavy Rain. I like Heavy Rain, but I enjoyed Alan Wake way more.
* LIPS > Singstar (Wireless mics, mics motions in game, more network features, way more downloadable songs, and way friendlier to play - Obviously again, you read a lot but don't play both games)
* Halo and Killzone should not be compared. I like Halo more, but Killzone has strong points too. Microsoft is making this series into a entertainment machine, Killzone is just trying to offer something different in the genre.
* Gears and Resistance should not be compared. Gears is obviously more popular, but I like Resistance for different reasons as well. Nothing beats the chainsaw lancer in my books.

insomnium5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Wouldn't Valkyria Cronicles qualify as a SRPG?

Anyway I see your point. The PS3 has way more and better great games all around the genres but the x360 has games too. They get neglected however. Many times they are lucky to hit even a million. Shooters on the other hand sells in the 3.5-10 million range.

On the PS3 almost all the exclusive games shooters and non-shooters get 1.5-5 million in sales. There's something to think about.

There's no point in trying to be a wiseguy and start saying "I thought sales don't matter" now.

That's the only aspect of sales that matters to us if we are gamers. Anything above 1-1.5 million is a bonus and the development has been paid for with those sales already. There's no need for a pissing contest. I just want sequels to the great games I love. THAT'S all that matters.

This entire sales argument started after the x360 fanboys realized their argument of "LOL teh PS3 haz no gamezz" was no longer valid and even turned around on the x360. They had to come up with SOMETHING.

skip2mylou5058d ago

..... Dude metacritic admits to changing the scores on if they like the reviewer and crap

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5058d ago
fuckitimout5059d ago

if you have the fat ps3 you will get the ylod and we don't e en have to bring up 360 failure rate. Wii ftw

stuntman3695058d ago

All consoles die but my 60gb ps3 is still running as good as the day i got it but my wii broke 2 years after i got it and i think the ps3 and wii have about the same failure rate

RageAgainstTheMShine5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Completely Agree 1000 %

The Sony products have incredible quality hardware wise and software wise.

punkpop1015059d ago

Fuckin ps3 fanboys do you stay on a party chat and hit agrees and disagress groupage.But I forgot 360 gamers play Halo Reach right now and don't have time to answer to your shitty comments.Neither any real gamer will.

Hanilugtehul5058d ago

and you dont sound like a fanboy?!LOL!!

MadMan005058d ago

More opinions are cool...There's only console wars is no life losers that have no life and can't just play games with know crying like little girls over a game...Funny thing is...that's not an opinion that's a fact because it happens here all the time.

Without sales gaming would be shit...PS3 fanboys always say it has nothing to do with sales because because there games don't have as many sales as 360 games...And you know that is PS3 was winning in game sales it would be the first thing the fanboys would's nothing but bias talk.

360 has more RPGs then wouldn't 360 be for RPG fans? Or do you wanna be a stereo-type and assume Halo is the only thing 360 owners want?

5058d ago
SL1M DADDY5058d ago

It may not render quick sales but it will add to longevity of sales. This has been the Sony way for three generations and will be there way of business well into the future.

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mikeslemonade5059d ago

Considering the Wii doesn't count, it's only a 2 head console race. PS3 will be 1st place before the generation ends.

MRHARDON5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Good gave me my laugh for today :)

and no im not a Microsoft fan.....nor Sony...nor Nintendo.

When it happens we can say what you are saying...but intil then, its just a joke.

evrfighter5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

lol has it really gotten to the point where they pretend consoles don't exist now?

regarding his blog

"mission accomplished" banners anyone?

mastiffchild5059d ago

Well, I don't agree the Wii doesn't count and don't know what will happen with sales from now on but since launch the PS3 HAS consistently reduced the sales gap the 360 enjoyed from launching so I also don't see that it's too much of a fanboy assertion to think that it will one day catch it, is it?

Also, don't understand why sales have been brought into this when the argument is about quality which isn't directly tied to sales-if it's linked at all. Seems to make that a lot of crappy games sell better than some amazing ones(is it a sane world where Okami can't sell as many copies as Just Dance?)and also that some great ones also sell well-sales doesn't, then, seem very relevant to the number of sales you manage and I reckon, in many cases, it's got a lot more to do with marketing and branding than quality of anything in gaming.

Another thing:why do we have to have a "winner" in an area almost entirely down to personal tastes? E3, GOTY and all the things that aren't actually measurable or direct competitions all seem to need a winner and a loser and it makes little sense to me. I can personally agree that, for my tastes, there has been a little more for me to play on the PS3 than the 360 but, had I different tastes I might prefer the 360 line up. The only fact there, to me, is that we should agree the PS3 HAS certainly brought quite a lot of good, quality stuff to the gaming world this generation-whether it wins-ludicrous term- is surely up to everyone to decide for themselves and to be understood as JUST their opinion.

lowcarb5059d ago

PS3 was closing the gap but as of this year the 360 has been reopening it. MS deserves some praise for grounding PS3 and not letting up build up enough speed and to take off. This holiday alone I expect the 360 to distance itself to a 6 million lead over PS3 and by next holiday a 10 million lead.

eagle215059d ago

Some fanboys are the most delusional bunch EVER!

Wake me up when PS3 has outsold Wii. I will be sleeping for a long long time. :)

pixelsword5059d ago

Wake me up when the Wii has a better looking game than GoW II. Not III, but II.

I also will be sleeping for a long time.

johnthe5th5059d ago


Wake me up when a GoW game comes anywhere near the quality of a Mario, Metroid, or Zelda game. Looks like I will never wake up.

eagle215059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Plenty of Wii games scored higher than the entire God Of War series. :)

johnthe5th5059d ago

Haha clearly this guy has never heard of a little game called MARIO GALAXY 2!!

goalweiser5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

I don't know a single adult that was more excited to play a Mario game over God of War 3 unless they never played the series before.

Mario may be a great game but in no way can it be claimed a better game than GoW 3. Anybody that says so is a Mario fan. Nothing wrong with that...just can't be objective.

So you guys can pretend like the Wii is cool but at the end of the day, you're posting on this thread and not playing your awesome Mario game. Well maybe you finished it already. I'm sure we can see your achievements or trophies to prove it. Ah..that's right. Nintendo's games don't have that capability.

Ah well...*slow clap* You guys still are number one in sales! Does reading that make you feel better? Hope so. I think you'll always find yourself in the minority when claiming Wii-Superiority. We don't care about the Wii especially since it looks like crap on our HDTVs.

turok5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

"I don't know a single adult that was more excited to play a Mario game over God of War 3 unless they never played the series before."
I was more excited to play SMG2 than GoW3. Ive beaten GoW1 and 2 before. and I'm 18.

"Mario may be a great game but in no way can it be claimed a better game than GoW 3. Anybody that says so is a Mario fan. Nothing wrong with that...just can't be objective."

well the reverse is true as well anyone claiming GoW3 is better tha Mario is a GoW fan. also nothing wrong with that. except one which applies to both. "Better" is subjective/relative. none is better as its not absolute.

"So you guys can pretend like the Wii is cool but at the end of the day, you're posting on this thread and not playing your awesome Mario game. Well maybe you finished it already. I'm sure we can see your achievements or trophies to prove it. Ah..that's right. Nintendo's games don't have that capability."

I play my games every now and then. and btw im not an insecure person like urself. I dont need trophies or acheivements to prove whether i beat my games or how good i game. Im not interested in being insecure.

"Ah well...*slow clap* You guys still are number one in sales! Does reading that make you feel better? Hope so. I think you'll always find yourself in the minority when claiming Wii-Superiority. We don't care about the Wii especially since it looks like crap on our HDTVs."

Doesnt make me feel better as I am indifferent to such shit such as sales. I hope u wont boast sales whenever the numbers look good cuz then ur previous statement wud make u look pretty stupid. and lookin at ur comment this is coming from someone who clearly doesnt own a wii. too bad. as i own a wii and a ps3. which means i get twice the entertainment while u get only 50% of the fun im getting. also, i have caek :D.

pixelsword5059d ago

@ johnthe5th

wake me up when the quality is suitable for people above the age of tewlve.

Consoldtobots5058d ago

sorry but the Wii is CRAP, talk about a console that gathers dust.

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jambabie695059d ago

ok so if the wii "isn't a console" then what is it?

another delusional sony fanboy that now thinks they can "pick and choose" what is and isn't a console.

for the normal people on n4g, all 10 of us lol can you not see why i have no respect for the sony fanboys on n4g? i really think some of you honestly need to seek PROFESSIONAL HELP.

fanboyism is one thing, what you guys type is a whole other level.......... psychiatrist needed.

Traveler5058d ago

Even though I prefer my PS3 over my Wii and 360 I respect all three for the great games they provide and I am often ashamed of my fellow PS3 gamers. I don't really want to be lumped in with that camp even though my PS3 is my favorite console.

jambabie695058d ago

i play both, but i will admit the ps3 is my favorite too. thing is i come on here and see nothing but bullshit from the "sony community" and just like you sometimes regret liking my ps3.

atleast somebody gets my point when it comes to n4g. take care man

Lovable5059d ago

"Square Developing A Title Based Off Sephiroth's Story Of Final Fantasy 7? "

Hilarious x 100

Xwow20085059d ago

he gave Kane & Lynch 2 9.5 but halo reach he gave it

punkpop1015059d ago

Who cares he's a Sony fanboy we knew that.

pustulio5059d ago


I hate this guy, falmebait, flamebait, flamebait and his 2-penny whores approve everything he submits.

GTFO of N4G please Hip-Hop-clown-garbage-journali st-wannabe.

(Blop! Does my bubble)

Pandamobile5059d ago

Why the hell are these things nearly an hour long? He could condense it into a 5 minute segment if he had any sort of video editing skill.

egm_hiphopgamer5059d ago

it's called the HipHopGamerShow meaning that I have a Game News Segment, Interview Segment, HipHop Segment, And a Game Review Segment.

this is an Official show dog, not like the video articles (VIDICLES) I post during the week, that consist of one topic.

Thanks for your comment peace

TheLastGuardian5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

Your show deserves to be on G4TV. You're journalist #1 because your so unique and doing things no other game journalists are. I'm gonna be a game developer in a few years maybe you can interview me one day.

HeroXIV5059d ago

I think he could get on FOX with this kind of quality.

Dance5059d ago

more like an official blog show

Redrum0595059d ago

I appreciate your passion for gaming HHG, keep doing what u do.

Morgue5059d ago

I bet Pandamobile didn't see that reply coming that was classic...

goosepoose5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

cant wait til i waTCh your show on cartoon network.

hmm i smell d*ck riding.

Persistantthug5059d ago (Edited 5059d ago )

HHG likes giving back to his loyal fans.

Awesome :)

omi25p5059d ago

HIPHOPGAMER your a disgrace to the gaming community your need for attention is worse than a child your so called "Journalism" is nothing more than you talking while the game developers that everyone actual wants to hear cant get a word in edge ways, you never have any real new you make up everything up that you put on this site, you talk sh** you act like a moron all because you want to get hits you attention wh*** gtfo

+ Show (6) more repliesLast reply 5059d ago
Pandamobile5059d ago

I doubt anyone has ever sat through a whole 'show'.

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Let’s School review - Games Asylum

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