
Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions - Wii to 360/PS3 graphics comparison

Spider-Man: Shattered Dimensions - Wii to 360/PS3 graphics comparison

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5067d ago Replies(3)
Shoko5067d ago

The point of this is.....?

Agent-865067d ago

To show us what we already know: Wii has SD resolution and doesn't look as good compared to the 360 or PS3.

stragomccloud5067d ago

It's looks pretty similar though considering. Spiderman 2099 looks way better though in the HD versions. Still, good effort. Wish more developers tried that hard on the Wii.

AWBrawler5066d ago

actually the wii's brighter colors look better on Spider-man

Cratos87805067d ago

Wii fanboys are such hypocrites.

so it's OK to compare Wii hardware sales and games sales to PS3/360's (even though Wii is last-gen like Playstation Two) but it's not OK to compare Wii graphics to PS3/360 graphics? LOL.

Shoko5066d ago

Lol, I've never actually what you're talking about. I've yet to see a Wii fanboy talk about sales. Some did way back then, when the Wii first passed up the 360, but there's no point of a Wii fanboy talking about sales because it's such an obviously known fact that it's ahead by a long shot. I have the feeling that you just HAD to try to make something up to get on the Wii fanbase lol.

stragomccloud5066d ago (Edited 5066d ago )

Agreed on the being ok to compare graphics. But, you need to get your facts strait. Wii is current generation. It may just be a drop in the bucket compared to PS360, however, it's still capable of all the same graphical bells and whistles(graphical texture/lighting effects), just with significantly lower resolution, polygon count, and texture complexity. It is a totally all together different beast than a PS2. It's at least 5X more powerful than a PS2. Although, because of multiplatform development between PS2 and Wii, a lot of Wii games have suffered in the graphics department. A good example for comparison would be a PS3 exclusive vs a 360 exclusive. The PS3 exclusies generally look better. Then compare that with a multiplatform title like Call of Duty 4. Not quite as impressive, but impressive enough. Just not quite the quality of a game like UC2 or GOW3.

ZeroX98765067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

this kind of games is exactly why gamers should be proud to own a 360 and ps3!!! with all the money fans are investing in their consoles, at least it should be decent graphics, not the same old hardware revamped in a new box with motion control addon. Don't treat me like a fanboy too fast, I do own a wii, a 360, ps3, ds, psp and many other consoles. I'm just not happy with what nintendo gave us this generation.

5067d ago
aceofspades5067d ago (Edited 5067d ago )

yea ps3 won this. it has more detail to me, anyone els notice that?

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blackblades406d ago

Didn't they already have that as a costume in the previous game.

purple101406d ago

There sure was a super sweet looking cell shaded suit. Made you feel like your actually playing a comic.

shinoff2183406d ago

The look is perfect we got enough games in that art style.

S2Killinit405d ago

It would still be sick though. And I dont mean cell shading to cut corners. It would have to be amazing like the movies themselves.

potatoseal405d ago

I too would like a whole game with the entire world looking like the animated movie. It could be awesome

jznrpg405d ago

I like this style better imo

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CarlDechance2144d ago

"I only wish we had five years on any one of the Spider-Man games we made!"

Well, you don't have to work for Activision ya know. But yeah, they did a fair job considering the limited resources and well....Activision.

PhoenixUp2144d ago

TASM2 was like the last superhero movie that had a movie tie-in game accompanying it