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andrewf91 (2) - 5081d ago Cancel
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10 common gaming injuries

The risks of prolonged gaming.

MMGN: Games are so addictive that we sometimes find ourselves playing for hours on end. We tend to ignore that tingling in our hands and the cramp in our fingers as we keep on telling ourselves, “one more kill”, “until the next save point” or “when I reach level 20!". Listed below are ten common gaming injuries that might happen to us as gamers.

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Community5081d ago
Cevapi885081d ago

WoW malnutrition, of my friends fits that description very well, he's 6'3 and weighs 135lbs

on topic....i wouldnt call this an injury but whenever i played a GT game with my DS, especially the endurance races, my thumb basically gets flattened to hell holding down the x button that it begins to hurt...idk if im the only one who has experienced this

A Cupcake for Gabe5081d ago (Edited 5081d ago )

When I was playing God of War 3, I looked at it and died of it's beauty..

...I got better...

EDIT: But in all seriousness, I have cramped up in Guitar Hero, and twisted up my fingers playing Heavy Rain on Hard. Some of those QTE combos had me wrapped up like pretzel trying to keep my ass alive.

K-Tuck5080d ago

Too "silly" to be interesting, if you ask me.

Emmettcelticfan5081d ago (Edited 5081d ago )

which is Tendinitis which wasn't gaming related, my main cause was through boxing. Mine wasn't a simple trip to the physio, mine is in the wrist, firstly I was on antiinflammatory and plenty of rest which didn't work. Then it was strapped up for a while which didn't work. so surgery was my last option which involed a small incision over the scar tissue lesion, and then shaved the excess tendon material away. And to this day my wrist still has pain in it from time to time and I was forced to give Boxing up after 8 years at it. My wrist started in my A level business exam in summer which resulted in me getting an E LMAO, no worries though I achieved a B overall.

Lets-Game5081d ago

they forgot the main thing, your eyes, mine get red lol. which is bad

Emmettcelticfan5081d ago (Edited 5081d ago )

apart from Tendinitis I also have photophobia (reaction to bright lights). So majority of times i have sunglasses on anyways so I avoid that problem, though wearing them in clubs does get me some looks of people. Ive got my bono red one's on now as I type this

Lets-Game5081d ago

oh i have that too i guess, not as bad as you it seems but on a sunny summer day going out without glasses is a real pain for me. and I always have my monitor brightness turned down.

Emmettcelticfan5081d ago

you should get em checked out, make your life all that bit easier

Wardog13685081d ago

lol, yes. My eyes were always red from too much gaming in highschool. It led my dad and some friends to think I was a pot head.

Wii360BeatsPS35081d ago

Wiimote stuck in the ass is the number one gaming injury for Nintendo fans.


big_silky5080d ago

Soon to be replaced by what's known as M.I.S.T.- Move induced sphincter trauma.

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New Android game lets us play The Sims with our own Kpop idols

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Community2h ago

The 'Kawaii' Is A Nintendo Wii The Size Of A Keychain

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Community2d ago

Top 10 Sexiest New Male Video Game Characters

Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare, and I seize them every chance I get.

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Community4d ago
gold_drake5d ago

ff 16 cid is pretty hot.

also ff7 rebirth cid is pretty hot haha

4d ago
anast4d ago

'Opportunities to objectify male characters are rare'

Sounds like the writer needs more life experience.