
Player Affinity: Top 3 Underrated Xbox 360 Games

Great games are released monthly and occasionally, us in the gaming media's picky little eyes miss it and someone else’s will spot it. In this week’s Player Affinity top list, Xbox Team members Nate Butch and myself (Jay Malone) discuss our top 3 most underrated games on the Xbox 360.

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KratosGirI5096d ago

I would like to try out Deadly Premonition one day...

Galaxia5095d ago

Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood was amazing. I don't get why people didn't like it. Name some reasons why it's bad? The cover system was amazing, best cover system I've ever seen. And it has some amazing graphics (that I seriously think are up there with KZ2) and some breathtaking views of desert mesas and canyons. Plus great gunplay to boot. I preferred playing as Ray since duel wielding was just so much fun.

Cenobia5095d ago

When did you last play it? You're memory of the game is warping what the game actually was.

I remember watching someone play it and thinking it was awesome. Then I played it myself and it really wasn't all that great. The graphics definitely don't hold up to Killzone at all (I often remember games as looking better than they did too though).

The story wasn't that great (or maybe I just didn't connect since I didn't play the first one) and I honestly didn't think the gameplay was that good either. By the time I got to the 2nd open world section I just wanted the game to be over.

It's a good rental, but I played once as the long range character and would have had no desire to play Ray if I wasn't a trophy whore.

hikayu5094d ago

CoJ: BoB is soo much better on pc than it is on console . the cover system suck imo on the console version . it is so clunky to get out and into to cover but some might disagree with me , which i cant take it offensively . the graphic is quite great , on any platform. but it is definitely not killzone2 level. i played it once and never bothered to play it again . the campaign was short and the multiplayer is meh at best ( in my opinion ) . it really only deserve a rent . i borrowed it from a friend and glad that i did .

Galaxia5094d ago

Last time I played COJ: Bound in Blood was about a month ago. I enjoyed it and you cannot deny that the graphics are beautiful. KZ2 probably has a few extra polygons and polish but artistically it is dull and bland and to samey. COJ is a very colorful and diverse game graphically that also has a good polygon count from what I saw of it. Every level I must have stopped a good few times to admire the views of the old west. And I thought the game was a lot better if you played as Ray since it felt more unique, I really loved the way the game handled duel wielding.

omi25p5095d ago Show
TheGamerGeek5096d ago

You should! Order that from Amazon right now! Or something! Worth every nickel.

TheGamerGeek5096d ago

The thought of actually burying my head back into a JRPG scares me too much to even try and go into Lost Odyssey.

NateButch5096d ago

Honestly Jay, I hadn't heard of ANY of those games before now. LOL I'll have to check 'em out.

Optical_Matrix5096d ago

Also add Halo 3 to that list. Incredibly underrated game.

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All Hopes I Had For A Prey Sequel Have Been Crushed — Well Done, Microsoft

The magnificent Prey was once again abandoned as Microsoft disregarded Arkane Austin's achievements and crucified it just for Redfall.

RaidenBlack75d ago

well, not entirely ... the main Arkane studio i.e Arkane Lyon's still there ...
Its only that, the sequel will take more time now ... after Blade & Dishonored 3

MrBaskerville74d ago

But who knows, Dishonored 3 could have been Austins next project, so might be cancelled.

RaidenBlack73d ago

Dishonored is Lyon's flagship IP ... Austin only assisted in the first one, the sequel was wholly developed at Lyon whilst Austin developed Prey.
If Dishonored 3 was indeed greenlit ... rest assured, it would've been helmed primarily by the Lyon studio.

-Foxtrot75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Not even this Prey

Still longing for a sequel to the original Prey with Tommy

The studio didn't even want to call this Prey, it was just Bethesda being dicks to them for some reason.

RaidenBlack75d ago

MS closed Roundhouse Studios (ex-Human Head Studios) as well

Yui_Suzumiya74d ago

Yeah, that's who was going to do the original sequel.

bunt-custardly74d ago

Don't worry there are some other games in development that might fill that void. Look up Vigilancer.

isarai75d ago

Came here to say this, my hooes for a Prey sequel died when this "Prey" came out

Profchaos74d ago

Prey 2017 still hurts to play because what could have been looked so incredible

Profchaos74d ago

Same Bethesda basically screwed over the original developer team human head back around 2011 so it was really never going to come despite a honestly amazing trailer. I liked prey 2017 but it always held a stink of disappointment due to what we never got

FinalFantasyFanatic74d ago

I really didn't like this game, tried it because of how loved the original Prey was, played the demo of this one and thought it was garbage, it didn't feel nice/fun to play.

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LostPotato75d ago (Edited 75d ago )

Keep dreaming then as Prey and Dishonored 2 did not sell well enough to get sequels.

Hence we got Deathloop and Redfall instead.

RaidenBlack75d ago

lol, Deathloop came from Prey: Mooncrash idea

Unknown_Gamer579474d ago

To everyone who cheered MS’s acquisitions, we told you so…

Inverno74d ago

Those people will just argue that Arkane Austin and Tango would've been shut down either way.

MrBaskerville74d ago

Zenimax allready put them in a tight spot by demanding them to do a multiplayer title. So it's not unlikely, considering how bad the game performed. They didn't stand a chance. MS had the money to save them and to correct Zenimax' mistakes.

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10 Commercial Flops That Are Actually Good Games

BY JOHN: There are lots of commercially successful games that are, to put it mildly, not very good. Whether they launch broken, or they’re just a cookie-cutter version of another title, some games just hit the jackpot when it comes to sales numbers.

But, what about those games that are well worth playing but don’t sell well? It can be too easy to miss a great gaming experience just because it wasn’t a commercial smash hit, despite having a strong story or interesting gameplay mechanics. This can be due to poor marketing, the timing not being right in the market or dozens of other reasons.

Here are ten games that flopped commercially but are well worth checking out.

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TheProfessional265d ago

Prey shouldn't have been connected to the original, they should've changed the name. It looked good and had decent exploration but it was way too long and the ending was trash. Definitely gets more praise in the comments than it should.

FinalFantasyFanatic265d ago

I actually hated Prey after playing the demo, for me, it felt so bad to play, I agree that it gets more praise than it deserves. Most of this list is fine though, there are some really good games on there.

Nacho_Z265d ago

I couldn't get on with Prey either, sounded great on paper but I didn't enjoy it at all. I don't think I like Arkane, tried to get into Dishonored years before and it left me cold.

Concertoine265d ago

Did you play it on ps4/xbone? If so, yeah, it played terribly on those machines. 90 second load times, horrible input lag.

I couldnt enjoy the game until it got updated for Series X

Barlos264d ago

I really want to like Prey. I've gone back to it a few times on my Steam Deck but I don't know, I just can't get into it. Mind you, I'm not the biggest fan of immersive sims

FinalFantasyFanatic264d ago


Actually it was PS4, I don't recall anyone mentioning that it was console specific at the time though.

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Sciurus_vulgaris265d ago

I liked Prey (2017), but I think the original Prey was more polished and arguably better game of the two. If Bethesda had been so cheap, Prey (2017) could have trade marked as “Nightmare on Talos” or “Typhon “.

Minute Man 721265d ago

Played the demo of Prey (2007)

Never got around to actually playing it but it's BC so one day (soon) I'll hunt it down

shinoff2183264d ago

I really liked prey, but I'll add I never finished. Dishonored, was a borefest for me I couldn't get into it with multiple times of trying.

gigoran8264d ago

The ORIGINAL Prey sequel looked dope as F. I would have loved to have played that instead of what we got.

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jznrpg265d ago (Edited 265d ago )

I couldn’t get into Prey when I played it. I own it so I’ll try again someday.

Petebloodyonion265d ago

I think the issue with Prey is how the media were infatuated with everything done by Arkane Studio and the Dishonored Universe.
For some reason they need to remind us all the time that Dishonored is among the best games and everything related to that suddenly becomes near perfection.
cue the same treatment for Deathloop.

Crows90265d ago

Dishonored 1 is incredible. The 2nd is pretty darn good too ...

All their other games have been average to bad.

FinalFantasyFanatic264d ago (Edited 264d ago )

Idk if I agree, I never really hear Dishonoured being talked about a lot, I think the amount of attention Deathloop got was fine for what it was, then again, I never really cared that much for Arkane Studio's games.

gold_drake265d ago

omg. Blur was soo good, still have my copy :)

LoveSpuds264d ago

I think the problem was releasing at the same time as another great racer, Split Second, no doubt the cannibalised each others potential sales.

Both great games but I think I prefer Split Second, just about!!

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Sounds like a remaster of The Darkness game may be in the works

The CEO of Nightdive Studios has said in a tweet that the game is currently on the list for a modern update.

isarai333d ago

Oh I'm sold already, Nightdive does really solid remasters, and to this day I still love the darkness

Leeroyw333d ago

Mike Patton of Faith No More did the voice too. It was such a great game.

Quetzll333d ago

Had no idea and i absolutely love FNM and Patton. Gonna go back and play this game.

Snookies12333d ago

The Darkness was awesome! Here's hoping a remaster might lead to a new game!

RaidenBlack333d ago

Darkness 1 is coming to PC! .... OMG!

isarai333d ago

That honestly might be the biggest W here. Darkness with RTX would be neat to see

I_am_Batman333d ago

Excellent news. The Darkness is one of my all-time favorite games and the sequel is great too. I've just recently had a great time replaying them on my PS3. Unfortunately it's kinda hard to recommend them these days, because they're stuck on PS3 and 360 so a remaster would certainly be appreciated. Nightdive has been killing it lately.

DefenderOfDoom2333d ago

Awesome, I loved The Darkness made by Starbreeze who a lot them are now developers at Machine Games . Yes , again thank you Nightdive !

Dagexon332d ago

Now I'm hoping they remaster more of starbreeze's games. Namely the chronicles of riddick games

DefenderOfDoom2332d ago

Chronicles of Riddick Escape from Butcher Bay , is one my favorite gaming experience I ever had . Great game .!

ModsDoBetter333d ago

Excellent games.
Recently ran through The Darkness 2 on PS3 again.

I hated the switch in style when it first came out but they're both amazing games.

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