Etrian Odyssey III DS game to come with free double-sided poster

Atlus U.S.A. has revealed that free inside each and every launch copy of its upcoming RPG Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City will be a collectible "Explorer's Poster."

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1UP: Etrian Odyssey 3 Review

1UP: "The Etrian Odyssey games haven't become cult favorites simply by making cartography cool again. No, the classic formula (borrowed from Wizardry and its ilk) is just one facet of the series' longevity. What impresses me most after three years and a sequel is how its creators are still able to create worlds brimming with wonderment and verisimilitude by doing exactly what old-school games were great at: dropping you in a vast world and leaving you alone to discover all its hidden secrets."

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3D Dot Game Heroes Sells Six Times Expectations, Demon’s Souls Does Double

Demon’s Souls may have been Atlus USA’s top selling title, but 3D Dot Game Heroes sales pixel exploded way past the publisher’s projections. Atlus USA estimated 25,000 units. 3D Dot Game Heroes actually sold 160,000 units, greater than six times expectations.

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Community4988d ago
Chaostar4988d ago

Both excellent games and deserve every sale they get :)

zatrox4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

But, I fear Atlus has been weak with localizations lately, despite all the money they've got thanks to From titles.

On a side note, since Atlus has been doing so well with From Software titles, perhaps this means they'll localize Armored Core 5 themselves?

Because oh god, I hope somebody picks it up after it releases in Japan.

InfectedDK4988d ago (Edited 4988d ago )

3D Dot Game Heroes is a fun 8,5/10 game.
It was also somewhat needed for the PS3 as it stands out from the crowd of other great games in terms of gameplay and style.

Demon's Souls looks very awesome! But haven't bought it yet.
It sounds very hard to play and like it takes much time.

I hope they both sell even better.

bananlol4988d ago

This news made mt day:D
This game is so underrated, probably my greatest next gen experience after guns of the patriots. It really aggrevates me how people write this off as a zelda clone yet happily accept one shooter after another.

I mean if they like the 2d zeldas enouch to consider this a clone then shouldnt they be happy to geet more games that plays like that?

Armored core is also a underrated game, thought it looked like crap but then i borrowed a friends copy and found out what a thrilling game it really is, really gets the adrenaline pumpig.

Havent tried deamons souls but i highly suspects im not up to the task.

GoldPS34988d ago

Great news. You can bet Atlus will keep supporting the PS3 with more games.

tinybigman4988d ago

own both and they are both awesome.

AceofStaves4988d ago

Great news for Atlus. They've been my favourite publisher for the past few years. It's great to see them succeed.

tacosRcool4988d ago

Gonna go and grab both of them soon!

LiquifiedArt4987d ago

I've platinumed Demon Souls and will soon platinum 3D Dot.
(Thank you new patch)

From makes such great unique games. I will continue to support them.

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PirateThom4988d ago

I wish more people knew how good 3D Dot Game Heroes is, I really need to finish it.

I went down to buy it on day 1, biggest gaming store in my town got 2 copies in and 0 pre-orders... the. hell.

Godmars2904988d ago

Apparently there's a princess in need of saving but I couldn't find her...

(And yeah, pretty sure I gt that figured out, so no help from the peanut gallery, thank you very much...:p)

@Zatrox: where the heck is AC5? been at least two years since anyone talked about it.

zatrox4988d ago

It's From, so it doesn't really surprises me there hasn't been much talk about AC5 nor hype, aside from a trailer or two. After all, that's normal for them.

It'll probably release this year (Although I doubt it) or next year in Japan.

God knows when we'll get it here in America.

eggbert4988d ago

Demon's souls was great, but I can't platinum the game because of the GODDAMN PURE BLADESTONE.

3D dot game heroes is also fun, although I am currently only on the desert temple. The graphics are pretty cool though.

bananlol4988d ago

The desert theme music is really something:D

Stealth20k4988d ago

and yet they arent localizing jackshit

ELite_Ghost4988d ago

gonna wait for a used version for 20$ somewhere for any of these games

I know I'm a cheapass lol...

TheColbertinator4988d ago

Get it new.Support the developers

eggbert4988d ago

at retail

Online Amazon is probably $20 or under.

jagstatboy4987d ago

I'm gonna use the $20 I'm getting from Amazon for pre-ordering Blank Ops to buy 3D Dot...will end up costing me only $10. Heck yes.

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NWR: Etrian Odyssey III: The Drowned City Review

NWR writes: "Etrian Odyssey III is an emotional rollercoaster. Half roguelike, half JRPG, the Etrian Odyssey games are known for their intense challenge and rewarding gameplay."

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