
Edge: Okamiden Preview

Edge writes: "In many ways, Okamiden is the sequel that might never have happened. Though critically acclaimed, Okami drastically under-performed at retail (even including its later Wii release) and with the dissolution of Clover studios, which resulted in creator Hideki Kamiya moving on to indulge his darker side with Bayonetta at Platinum Games, the series didn't seem to have a future at Capcom."

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SuperPhillip Central's Favorite VGMs - "SuperPhillip's Birthday Bash" Edition

Phil writes, "I don't like to toot my own horn (aw, hell-- TOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!!!), but today I celebrate my 31st birthday, and with that, SuperPhillip Central arrives with five special themes to commemorate the occasion. Sure, I was going to use these five VGMs regardless, but why ruin the spectacle of the moment?

The recently released Gravity Rush 2 leads us off with a jazzy battle theme before handing it off to Final Fantasy XI. Then, we turn our attention to Okamiden. Following that is some funk (the good kind) from Dreamcast classic Jet Set Radio. Lastly, we roll on through with a catchy song from Katamari Forever.

Hey, you! Yeah, you! Click on the VGM volume name to hear the song on YouTube! Finally, check out the VGM Database for all past VGMs featured on this weekly recurring segment. Now, let's get on to the music!"

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5 PS2 Franchises That Could Be the ‘Big’ PS4 Exclusive

This listicle presents five classic PS2 games that are worthy of being resurrected for a PS4 exclusive game release, which was last week in a tweet.

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LightDiego3477d ago

Okami it's one of my favorite games ever, but i really don't see another game from the series coming. Looks like they used a lot of Japanese myths on the first game, or am i wrong? What else could it be for a sequel?
It really makes me sad how the game had poor sales, it's a masterpiece in every sense.

bouzebbal3477d ago

Maximo, Dark Cloud, Onimusha, Grandia would be VERY welcome.

DawginTow13477d ago

Hmm, Grandia reminds me of Dreamcast, which reminds me of Skies of Arcadia, which reminds me of MAKE IT! Remake/remaster, as long as it comes out, it's all good. Btw, a remake or a nu-gen reinterpretation announcement would make my jaw fall off; little to no chance of that tho, right? :(

& yeah, not ps2, but still want it.

GameBoyColor3477d ago

I feel that with level-5s popularity, a rogue galaxy 2 would be a really big hit.

GribbleGrunger3477d ago

I'd sooner have DQ8. I liked Rogue galaxy but always felt it meandered a tad too much.

EdMcGlone3475d ago

Love RG, but Dark Cloud has a better chance and even that's a longshot.

EvilWay3477d ago

Honestly any exclusive will be big to the PS4 since it is severely lacking in that department.

Don't tell me it has exclusives because other than BloodBorne, Persona 5, Uncharted, and Horizon nothing has been announced. Sony has taken a big hit in the financial department how much is and will that effect them this generation when it comes to game is unknown.

PS4 is way beyond in the new ip department as well. The best exclusive so far on the console is a remaster like come on people stop defending Sony and start demanding more fronm them instead of defending the mediocrity that is PSN, which goes down once a week for mainttance and/or updating th store.

Let me be clear I like my PS4 but I want more and am not happy with what they have given us so far and want to see both consoles do well. I wanted BloodBorne and Uncharted as of now and that is the only reason I bought the console, if it wasn't for those two games I would not own the system at all.

I know a lot of people are blind to this and think Sony is the savior to gaming and the PS4 is superior console and that very well might be and you have the right to have that opinion but start demanding more from them instead of attacking people who disagree with Sony

PS4isKing_823477d ago (Edited 3477d ago )

Nothing has been announced?

Just a few first and third party exclusives currently released and coming soon.

Guilty gear XRD
Akiba strip
Moto gp 15
Persona 5
Final fantasy X/X-2 HD
Dragon quest heroes
Street fighter 5
Ultra street fighter 4
One piece pirate warriors 3
Omega quintet
The order 1886
Mlb the show 2015
Until dawn
God of war 3 remastered.

In just barely over a year, ps4 had a wide variety of games across all genres and is only getting bigger with each passing day.

Sports, Rpgs, racing, fighting, anime, horror, ps4 has it all.
And with e3 right around the corner, this list is bound to grow.

I'll admit Xbox one had a stronger launch line-up, but it's lagged behind since then.

On topic: How about a new atv off-road fury, sly Cooper, jak and daxter, maximo or SSX? :)

T2X3477d ago

Yeah, I'm getting a little sick of people who keep saying there are no games on the PS4. Just because there may not be a particular type of game or genre some people personally want, they say there's nothing available. Time to grow up kiddies. There is plenty of stuff available right now.

dotwithshoes3477d ago

You say there are plenty of exclusives announced, both first and third party and then go on to list multiplatform titles like LBP3, MLB The Show, Ultra SF4, SF5, FF X/X2 HD, and God of War 3... ???

ruFFlerX3477d ago

A new Shadow Hearts or Suikoden would be awesome :(

theshredded3477d ago

I think it's Suikoden,it's the biggest possibility I think.After that comes dark cloud then the getaway

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10 Video Games That Would Make Good Books

The bookworms among you would probably be foaming at the mouth if you saw your favourite game in a paperback adaptation, here’s ten you might like the sound of.

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