
411mania: Hard Corps Uprising Preview

411mania writes: "Hard Corps Uprising (working title) was one of the new games from Konami being previewed at E3 and San Diego Comic-Con this year. I got to play through the game at San Diego Comic-Con and I definitely had a blast with what I saw. Being a fan of classic 2D shooters and side scrolling run and gunner games, this was right up my alley."

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In Case You Missed It: Contra

Contra has been missing in action for quite sometime now, and with the current trend of next gen reboots/remakes/re-imaginings, it would be a perfect series to revive. David

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ValKilmer3741d ago

Ugh, we need another Contra and need one now. One of gaming's most important series right here.

porkChop3741d ago

They announced a new Contra a couple years back, but it was just a logo. Nothing ever came from it though.


Fate of the Game Cast Episode 07: Eat a D*ck Zach Braff

Conversations this week revolve around Phil Fish leaving gaming and cancelling Fez 2, a Contra game you probably have never heard of and Zach Braff hate-speak. Despite our best efforts the show somehow spirals back into a discussion about GTA V.

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BootHammer4072d ago

4 bosses in the first stage?! Definitely sounds like Contra ;)Can't wait to check out Hard Corps: Uprising!


What Are the Toughest PlayStation 3 Games Ever?

You could be the ultimate gaming dynamo and these games are likely to send you crying and hurling your controller at the wall.

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Bordel_19004274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

Demon's Souls is the toughest I played on PS3. Awesome game btw.

JoGam4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

Wipeout is tough to Platinum. Socom Confrontation was another without grinding.

@Bordel, im still stuck on the first level of Demon Souls and I still love it.

StockpileTom4274d ago

I'm still working on my Confrontation Platinum. Just need a few more rounds won by extraction on Escort and hostage extracts. It's ridiculously hard do get this trophy without cheating (getting your clan on alts to help boost those stats).

I feel it is a worthy game though, I only plat games I love.

1. Demon's Souls
2. Dark Souls
3. Confrontation (TBA)

TopDudeMan4274d ago

I'd actually stick ninja gaiden sigma 1 ahead of demon's souls. I found that game much harder than DS. I never beat it. Well, I would have if my save hadn't bugged, but that's not the point.

Nevers4273d ago

Mine would actually be any of the GoWs. Button mashers are my downfall. There's not a snowball's chance in Hades I'll platinum a GoW. Getting a platinum on Demon's Souls was relatively easy, for me. I'm better at that type of gameplay.

Ezz20134273d ago (Edited 4273d ago )

demon souls.... i died aleast 10 times with the first monster
it took me while untill i knew how to play it

killzone 2/3 on Elite difficulty
uncharted 2/3 on Crashing difficulty

Cam9774274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

Call of duty games? Haha! Absolutely not, WAW is the exception but the others (namely the latest ones) were easy on Vet. I should also add COD4 to the hard list, the last level has become fairly infamous to completionists and trophy hunters.

Demon's Souls was not too hard for me. Maybe because I chose magic, but for the majority of the game I was careful.

kneon4274d ago

I stopped buying COD after BLOPS but both BLOPS and MW2 were only slightly more difficult that regular difficulty. I think I finished each on veteran in under 6 hours. WaW is a different story, at times it was like I was being carpet bombed with grenades.

AznGaara4274d ago

Yeah a game can't be hard if, on default, it allows you to snap to an enemy's head via auto-aim.

StockpileTom4274d ago

I'm in trouble -- Please recommend this message!

sprinterboy4274d ago

wipeout, pain, demon souls and super stsrdust for plats imo.

BlackTar1874274d ago

which trophy on super stardust did you find overly hard?

TopDudeMan4274d ago

Demon's souls is an easy plat. You can do it in under 100 hours if you know what you're doing. Try platting SOCOM: confrontation. I didn't even get one of those.

Sizzon4274d ago (Edited 4274d ago )

Killzone 2 on Elite difficulty, oh boy the last level before you face Colonel Radec.

Edit - and ofc Demon's Souls, but at the same time so great and rewarding!

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