
Tetsuya Nomura Provides Final Fantasy Versus XIII Status Update

Does it seem like you've been waiting ages for Final Fantasy Versus XIII? Well guess what? You have!

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Fulensenca5100d ago


Show us something, damn you!!!

I don' t know if I can thrust SE anymore ... *sob*

LordMarius5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Stop approving crap when its a dupe

seriously this site needs some new mods

Shang-Long5100d ago

dang i just want gameplay. please at TGS show us gameplay.. i dont care if its for a second

AAACE55100d ago

So you 'Thrust' SE? No wonder they are taking so long to release anything... all that thrusting going on!

nickjkl5099d ago

"There have been many questions regarding fields. It's not a completely open world. It's like the 2D FF games in HD. Although, in terms of looks, it's not a top-down view, it's like the screenshots that have been released. You'll move through the world from that view."

what does that even mean

MadMan005099d ago

Oh...so it's like FFXIII? Lol.

+ Show (2) more repliesLast reply 5099d ago
himdeel5100d ago

It's the SAME article. Mods need to remove crap that is approved if it's a duplicate. LAME!

badz1495100d ago

to become a vaporware and even if it does, I don't really care anymore! I guess KH3 will remain a dream for now :(

hot4play5100d ago

"thrust SE"?
hehe, what with like a sword? :p

i feel ya man...

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5099d ago
Hellsvacancy5100d ago

Its gonna go to the 360 man im tellin ya, i fu<kin hope and pray it doesnt but i cant help but think that it will

Fulensenca5100d ago

Probably you are right ... well, at least we know already how this game is going to be ... ( FFXIII )

Parapraxis5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

...yeah an "urban myth legend"
Because we all know the 360 version of FFXIII was on par with the PS3 one.

Seriously maniacmayhem how fcking mental can you be?

NoBias5100d ago

I'm a 360 fan but I even know that it'll be gimped if it comes to that platform. I want this to remain exclusive to the PS3 so it'll look amazing because this might come as a shock to you but...


I'm a PS3 fan as well. And I will be buying this (IF it remains an exclusive).

Erotic Sheep5099d ago (Edited 5099d ago )

Maniac, you are the perfect example of a blind fanboy. Well done!

Can we all get a nice round of applause for him?

+ Show (1) more replyLast reply 5099d ago
karl5100d ago

wow wow guys...

dont be pessimist... till the moment they say... this game is coming to 360..
we still have a chance for the game to be good..

so keep those hopes up...

Megaton5100d ago

I think there's a good chance they'd lose Nomura over that, but it wouldn't surprise me. He's already miserable over there.

SOAD5100d ago

How do you know he's miserable?

Megaton5100d ago

Nomura and Kitase have both been vocal about their issues with management there, going so far as saying they wished Yoichi Wada was DLC for The Last Guy so they could let him die.

SOAD5100d ago

Ok. Why did I get disagrees for asking a question?

Bobbykotickrulesz5100d ago

You're ridiculous, SOAD.

Don't you DARE ask questions around here.

wicko5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Do you have any links to that? I'd be interested in reading what they had to say.

Okay, thanks man. I'll take a look

Megaton5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Nah, but you can probably find it by Googling some combination of "Nomura", "Kitase", and "The Last Guy". I think it was a Famitsu interview from a couple years ago. Nomura seems to make a public complaint every few months.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5100d ago
Fulensenca5100d ago

Urban myth legend? I hope you are right.

But it' s easier to develope on one console instead of two. FACT.

I just care about quality, you are half wrong: if you want to call me a fanboy, then call me a Quality Games Fanboy.

maniacmayhem5100d ago

Being able to develop on two consoles can be easy as long as you have the right tools. FACT.

I am all right and no wrong.

PshycoNinja5100d ago

No you are wrong. I'm currently in school developing games for the PS3, 360 and Wii. And every programmer knows that you have to develop the game from the ground up for all systems if you want the game to be half decent.

ALFAxD_CENTAURO5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

It's Nomura. He doesn't work as a Chief and then work in other consoles that is not PlayStation.

This will stay Exclusive, because is Nomura.

maniacmayhem5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

@ Parapraxis
When were we comparing the two versions? I never said the 360 version was on par with the PS3. Wait let me re-read what I posted...hmmm...nope..no where did i say that.
But there's a lot of peeps on N4G that think just because FF went to 360 that somehow it magically made the game on PS3 suck. So me being mental...nope not at all.

@ NoBias
Again, why won't it look any less amazing if it comes to 360 too? Did FF XII not look better on PS3 than the 360?

"I'm a PS3 fan as well. And I will be buying this (IF it remains an exclusive)."

So much for your name eh?

PshycoNinja5100d ago

you are wrong. You take people (assets) from the PS3 team on the project and move them over to make a 360 team to create the game, hence losing time, money and resorces for the PS3 team on the project.

baker_boi5100d ago

No, it didn't magically make the PS3 version suck. In light of the having to have two software versions hold a fair amount of the same content things were cut from the game.

This was probably to keep development and conversion time to a minimum.

In this way you could drop both versions date and time together without it taking a full year or more.

Plus the over all changes to the game system and the large quality drop from the PS3 demo to the final retail code would lead one to believe that shit got gimped.

You don't cut your arm off because it's working well, do you?

Erotic Sheep5099d ago

Maniac dont be so stupid. Content was being cut from the game and we all saw the vid of the PS3 comparing the early ones with the final build. The final build looked worse...
What the hell man? You think SE would make a multiplatform game with such big differences between both platforms? MS would flame them down. No, instead they had to compromise.. you know.. downgrade one version to make it equal with the other version.

Wisen up

Odin7775100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

@ NoBias You're right if they go ahead and make FFXII Versus multiplatform it'll definitely be gimped. I'm not saying it'll be bad, contrary to popular belief FFXIII is actually a pretty solid game, but it definitely won't live up to its full potential.

-MD-5100d ago

Only a fanboy would want a game to stay on a single platform. Real gamers would want as many people as possible to have access to the game.

Go ahead and try and tell me that the 360 would hold it back and I'll tell you that if you really want maximum potential then it needs to be on the PC and not a console computer from 2006.

Odin7775100d ago

Well I would like all of the platforms have exclusives. I don't give a fuck about that "I'm a real gamer I want everyone to experience the game" bullshit. If they want to play the game they should have to pick up the platform. I would rather the developer focus on one platform rather worrying about porting to another and all the problems that causes.

19425100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

"Only a fanboy would want a game to stay on a single platform. Real gamers would want as many people as possible to have access to the game."

actually only a fanboy would want a game to be gimped so that they can play it on the system they have instead of having it at it's best on one console that they don't have. real gamers want good games regardless of if others get to play it or not. all i have to say is we know that this game is more open, has towns, few load screens, real time fights, better graphics then ff13, is HD and uses some cgi plus more if it goes multiplat and any of that is gone you know it will because of the 360. also 360 fanboys you need to calm down you bragged about ff13 going multiplat and got the worst version. this one is doing more then that so it would just end up worst on the 360 then ff13.

PirateThom5100d ago

Yeah, multiplatforms for the sake of gloating is the most fanboyish thing possible... the game has been described, already, as the 2D Games in 3D... the minute they cut it from 1 disc down to whatever you're going to have loading, streaming and backtracking issues. This doesn't help development AT ALL and, in fact, leads to some outright disasterous results.

It's not 1997 anymore.

PirateThom5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

Yeah, wanting games to remain exclusive isn't fanboyism... the game has been described, already, as the 2D Games in 3D... the minute they cut it from 1 disc down to whatever you're going to have loading, streaming and backtracking issues. This doesn't help development AT ALL and, in fact, leads to some outright disasterous results. Wanting the best game possible is not fanboyish.

And this isn't a "it can't run it" argument, this is a multiple disc, "it's not 1997 anymore" arguement.

PshycoNinja5100d ago (Edited 5100d ago )

You are wrong. You take people (assets) from the PS3 team on the project and move them over to make a 360 team to create the game, hence losing time, money and resorces for the PS3 team on the project.

Basicly if you make the game multiplatform the PS3 version of the game never reachs it's intended potential and the game also comes out later than a lot of fans would have liked (see: FFXIII)

Multiplatform = Longer development time + never reachs intended potential = Late release dates && upset fans

Optical_Matrix5100d ago

@Murderdolls. Don't chat shit. You'd go nuts if Halo, Mass Effect or Gears went multiplat and the majority of you 360 WOULD care. Real gamers want the best quality games and it's a well known FACT that if a game focuses on a single platform, it has higher capacity to achieve great things. Do you really think multiplat games utilize the PS3's SPU's the same way games like Killzone 2, UC2 and GOWIII? No. Because devs need to find an equal footing between the two systems so to make the games as similar as possible.

C0MPUT3R5100d ago

Its about performance & content.
When devs want to build a huge diverse world with lots of content & story.
Devs will choose 50 gigs of space over 6.8 gigs to fulfill their vision for their project.
So that actually makes YOU a FANBOY if you want devs to gimp their projects, just so it can be on the other system.

TheGameFoxJTV5096d ago (Edited 5096d ago )

Don't give a shit. As long as the game is fun, I'll buy it. The only difference i see between my 360, PS3, and PC is the controllers(or mouse). Other than that who gives a flying fuck; I don't work for MS, Sony, or any of the dev teams.

+ Show (5) more repliesLast reply 5096d ago
ukilnme5100d ago

It's coming to the 360. My sources have confirmed this. An announcement is coming but as with all good things we will have to wait for it. Oh and uh...it won't gimped either.

soul899er5100d ago

WHAT's your source? GoGamer?

Ascalon945100d ago

as an owner of the 360 and PS3 I wish it wouldnt, because the PS3 could really make this shine and I really want to play it.

+ Show (7) more repliesLast reply 5096d ago
Forbidden_Darkness5100d ago

SE can redeem themselves if they do FFvs13 right, FF13 was an good game in itself, but it just didn't have the FF vibe we have known and loved for generations.

wicko5100d ago

"It's not a completely open world. It's like the 2D FF games in HD." This was all I really needed to hear. I have faith in FF again.

maniacmayhem5100d ago

Not even remotely interested in this game anymore.

There was a time when an FF title meant something. Now with so many other great RPG's out there the great FF just doesn't hold the same swagger as it used to.

karl5100d ago

maybe not to you.. final fantasy may be an RPG.. but thats not the souls of the game to me...

but the fantasy in it.. all the culture that they create just for the game...
and amazing worlds..

i kwnow this is still the game to play for me.. and so many others...
SE still has the potential .. we only need to wait and see if they can reach that level again...

gano5100d ago

mods what are u on.
This cat used all bubs and started fresh over again, and is purely on hater alert.
but i lost bubs in one day for one comment.

Sorry xtrash will never see this beauty.
If you wanna play it buy a 3, end of story.

Ascalon945100d ago

you don't have to talk trash about other consoles to get your point across.

Ultraplayerxd5100d ago

I'm glad I was never an FF fan, you guys seem to be in pain :P

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Sonyslave322h ago

I like which ever one, Raiden was speed blasting muthafkers.

monkey6026h ago

I agree. 9 was awesome

Shaolin Monks next please

vTuro245h ago

Shaolin Monks is a forgotten gem. I would love to see a new one, or a remake of the old.

vTuro245h ago

That game was actually goated. It was the first time ever that I actually tried to get good at a fighting game. Unfortunately the online connection was so dogshit it made it hard to enjoy and eventually I gave up. Haven't really played much fighting games since.


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Knightofelemia1d 6h ago (Edited 1d 6h ago )

The Xenosaga trilogy, the Wild Arms games, Xenogears, Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis, Suikoden. The Warriors game I know nothing about but it looks interesting. Anybody can do a list of games they want to see get modernized I would lose my shit if Namco brought the Xenosaga trilogy to modern consoles.