
Jennifer Christodoulou's Favourite Game of All Time: Final Fantasy VIII

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ClownBelt5073d ago (Edited 5073d ago )

It's my favorite game of all time as well. I'm not saying it's the best game ever(Persona 4 takes that) since it has quite a few problems.

Those three are my main team. Zell's limit break is awesome.

NeoBasch5073d ago (Edited 5073d ago )

You, sir/madame, have great tastes. Both Final Fantasy VIII and Persona 4 are in my top five favorites. I would include Persona 3 as well, but that seems a tad unfair to the rest, doesn't it? I love Squall and Rinoa. Probably my favorite romance in a video game besides Drake and Elena from the Uncharted series. I also loved the mind f#ck that was FFVIII's ending. Gotta love time travel. I also loved how Seifer always made fun of Zell: especially since all of it was true.

ThanatosDMC5073d ago

"Chicken wuss" -Seifer

Yeah, my favorite FF game.

raWfodog5072d ago

I loved that game as well and pretty much every FF since VII. VII was my introduction to the FF series and would probably have to be my all time favorite. Every FF I've played since then has been a different yet still fulfilling experience.

BTW, I also like Persona 3 very much but I haven't played P4 yet but I do have it at home (still unopened).

Shadow Flare5073d ago

Final Fantasy 8 is under rated i feel. FF7 was always my game but 8 was incredible. It had so many awesome bits in the game. So many FMV sequences i couldn't wait to get to. And its definitely the funniest FF i've played. Zell cracks me up. You know when a game is good when you begin caring about the characters, and FF8 definitely has that

FF8 ftw

Dac2u5073d ago

It's completely under rated, I know I had mixed feelings about it when I first played it. Mostly, it was the changes made to the FF formula; when you level up, so do the enemies. I can't remember exactly why I didn't like it at the time, but I didn't. Well, I replayed it a few years back and I loved the game from start to finish, it had a great story, and great characters. Aside from the graphics, I believe it still holds up against any of today's RPG's.

SaiyanFury5073d ago

I agree 100% that the game is underrated. I loved FF7 with every fibre of my being, but for some reason FF8 just resonated with me more. I enjoyed the heck out of it (still do). Personally, I thought the magic junction system was very inventive, albeit a bit complex for most non-RPGamers. It's still my favourite game in the entire series, and will most likely remain so.

Dacapn5073d ago

FFVIII was a great game. It just had a few issues that took it down from epic status(imo).

1. Unlike most final fantasy games where the story starts out simple and then explodes into some sort of universe altering/ending crisis, FFVIII is pretty straightforward with no real plot twists. Your goal at the beginning of the game is to kill the sorceress, and at the end of the game...you kill the sorceress.

2. The battle system was moderately broken in that you induce your limit break quite easily, which made a lot of the fights a little too easy.

3. This biggest mistake I think was made was making the enemies level up with you instead of the bosses. Basically, because of the draw system and the fact that one of the most powerful enemies in the game was available to fight very early in the game, you could level up quickly and obtain high level magic spells before you even head into the first town. Combine that with the junction system, and you could become absolutely godly at the very beginning of the game. It's an exploit, but part of the game as well.

Other than that stuff, the game was pretty awesome.

JoySticksFTW5073d ago

Love, love, love the game...

I just wish S-E would remake the game to eliminate the Draw system.

Realistically, you don't have to draw spells to junction with stats, but who can resist? Really

I felt the Draw system ruins the flow of the battles and game, because my who team would suck enemies dry before moving on.

Great characters and story otherwise

kenomatic5073d ago

I love FFVIII, squall is one of my favorite characters,

i love him so much that i drew him as a girl lol


SirR0bin0fS0n5073d ago

Just went and took a look at your deviant art page. Love the game and anime sketches.

I've been considering adding a new feature over at The Gamer's Thumb that showcases the gamer art of Deviant Artists.

Would you be interested in submitting a number of your sketches to my site with brief descriptions regarding the creation of each one?

Knightofelemia5073d ago

FF8 is a great game the only thing I hated about the game was a simple fact Ulticima was to easy to beat. I had more challange beating Sephiroth.

Dacapn5073d ago

I thought Ultimicia was one of the harder bosses in FF games. Her moves were just designed to break down a character of any level. I think it was the battle system that made the fight easier.

VersusEM5073d ago

To me Final Fantasy VIII was okay, The story was alright, battle system was meh(hated the draw system), Characters were pretty cool except for Squall. My favorite Final Fantasy's are X & XII(I know wheres VII and why is XII there. Calm down guys there are some ppl who like XII)

wollie5072d ago

completely agree! XII is my favorite (unless you count tactics)

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darthv725d ago

Oh man.... this looks so damn good.

purple1014d ago (Edited 4d ago )

someone put a lot of effort into making this feel or look just like the good ol'days
thanks for finding this.!

ApocalypseShadow5d ago

Well done and great potential for a tribute.

Hey Dev, would you happen to be a fan of Skies of Arcadia? Lol


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