
Madden NFL 08 'PS3/Xbox 360 Compare' HD

View the video to see the true difference between the Xbox 360 Madden NFL 08, and the PS3 Madden NFL 08...

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Depressed Mode6198d ago

I think a little bit better video quality would have been good.

ArduousAndy6198d ago

you can totally see the difference. The lines are choppy on the ps3 where as they are more fluid on the 360. with that said. no one would ever know. Since no one plays video games at 25% speed.

radzy6198d ago

to see the real difference,it must be watched in hi-def.

a- go to 1up.com

b- there is a videos section on that page. you will find john madden 08

c-there is a option to download the video . choose wmv .

d-it is 157mb in hd

e- now compare

sloth4urluv6198d ago (Edited 6198d ago )

Only reason you cant tell the difference at 100% speed is because the video that you watching is only at 30fps...

Any PC gamer knows that running at 60fps looks way smoother than running at 30.

Edit: lol disagree n00bs. I said noting pro 360 or ps3. All I say is 60fps looks far superior to 30fps and I get disagrees.

Get your facts straight. Old article but same hing still applys

And if your disagreeing with me on the 30fps video your dumb too. dosnt matter that they recorded at 60fps I am positive they didnt encode this video in 60 fps.

InMyOpinion6197d ago

Fanboys go crazy over stuff like this. Most of them are currently at Stage 6, where they start hallucinating and disagree with everything no matter what. They just can't take it. It's their way of using fists instead of words.

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power of Green 6198d ago (Edited 6198d ago )

You won't be able to tell much from this poor video we're going to have to wait to see them on a HDTV to bring out the qualities.

Jittery YouTube qaulity videos are probably not the best way of doing this.

DrPirate6198d ago

100% agreed, only Gametrailers should be allowed to do Comparisons. They do them better, and in high def.

risk6197d ago

wow..something we can agree on!

xbox360elitegamer6198d ago

Yeah I agree the quality of the video isn't so good, but I still like the video. It's cool!

MK_Red6198d ago

Shouldn't the HD be deleted from the title?

Marty83706198d ago

It's crappy american footie for gods sake.

Al6198d ago

Its all about the pig skin

VaeVictus6198d ago

Sorry dude, I'm a PS3 fan like you but I must disagree. American Football > all sports combined X's infinity.

sjappie6198d ago

That's too easy for us, we use our feet. Now that's a sport!

LSDARBY6198d ago

British Football > American football
anyone who says otherwise is probably american

Azures6198d ago

"British Football > American football
anyone who says otherwise is probably american"

And thus making our opinion more valid.

VaeVictus6198d ago

I'd rather watch old ladies sew quilts than watch soccer. "What an exciting game, a captivating 1-0 finish after 90 minutes of people chasing a ball around." Yeah, exciting.

American Football ftw.

peyotiux6198d ago

Football = Soccer

Now i dont know why people call AMERICAN football just plain football, they hardly use their foots to play it, its more like AMERICAN rugby or something

QuackPot6198d ago (Edited 6198d ago )

I've played Soccer and Rugby League and know both games well

American Football as a video game is far more enjoyable than a Soccer or Rugby League - especially that tactical play. IMO.

As for the comparison. These are stupid if the development doesnt utilize the full potential of a certain console. Just shows up how lazy they are.


Association Football = Soccer = Football(Most countries)

Rugby Union Football = Rugby(aka Football NZ/Aus/SA)

Rugby League Football = Rugby League(aka Football NZ/Aus)

American Football = Football(North America)

as well as Canadian, Australian, Gaelic Football codes.

Soccer doesn't doesn't have the rights to the name Football purely because it's mostly football.

In fact, in the mid 19thC Rugby and Soccer use to part of the same FOOTBALL union before going their separate ways.

So just enjoy your particular Football code and stop being fanboys.

Trick Nolte6198d ago

American Football player use their hands to cathch while 1 or more 200+ pound Cornersbacks, Safetys, and linebackers wait to light that ass up like the 4th of July as soon as the ball touches those mits.

The tuffest people in soccer arent the players but its fans. those people get down and dirty.

Sorry Pip!

Optimus Prime6198d ago (Edited 6198d ago )

YEA!!!!! CFL BABY! haha. thats awsome.
from your logo, you like toronto sports.
My roughriders, your agros. Sat, it is going to be a good one.

Frankenberg6198d ago

At least in American football they can take a hit. All professional soccer players fall at the slightest sneeze and then cry about it to an official. Makes a real man want to puke. Soccer is so Europe.

EZCheez6198d ago

It would be even better if the Panthers could ever make it back.

sjappie6197d ago

Pussies wear helmets and shoulderpads.

SlyDark Star6197d ago

While I find both sports quite boring to watch I get more of a kick out of watching England play in tournaments then watching the Super Bowl sorry but it's Football(soccer) FTW it's the world's sport and just because America doesn't like it doesn't mean it's not as good as the world makes it out to be.

VirusE6197d ago

Both are boring as hell from where i am sitting:). I would rather do than watch but that's just me.

InMyOpinion6197d ago (Edited 6197d ago )

Real men play rugby, not american football. I mean men in tights with so much protection they could skydive without a parachute and still not get hurt. Hell, even snooker is more macho than that lol!

...Curling ftw!

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PhoenixUp2101d ago

I remember buying FFIX on PSN because I was looking for swan song PS1 titles to enjoy on PS3


Was PlayStation 3 Hard to Develop For?

10 Years Ago This Month: Sony's sales pitch as the powerful system took a hit when EA had to explain why Madden 08 on PS3 was noticeably worse than the Xbox 360 version.

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corroios2551d ago

The cpu was hard to work for 3rd party, butt the cell was really powerfull and fast. It wasnt just pr or secret sauce. Uc2 and killzone 2 were amazing. But 3rd party want money. They also problems with the ram. Only first party was able to make huge jumps from first gen games to second gen. It was an expensive console but the tech was much more powefull at launch then this gen.

TheEnigma3132550d ago

Wasn't this already established in 2006? Online Sony's first party studios took advantage of the cell.

Retroman2550d ago

" was PS3 hard to Develop for?"

Here we go again , they been saying this since mid 2006-2007ish . of course the CPU was hard to work with but the Cell was fast and powerful .
Next year Article : " was PS4 to Easy Develop for ?" slow day in office ?

P.S . over last few years N4G been Repeating same subject matter with Slightly different title, same old subject .
I would hate to be a writer busting my brain to come up with a New lie to draw readers interest end up repeating 2006 article again .

Rude-ro2550d ago

I would not say "hard" to develope... but it went against the norm and it also threatened a well established pc archetype of which many in the pc business was against. Not with ill intent, but to try and change the way digital hardware works... it is huge mountain to climb against a well established pc design.
A lot of third party studios kind of just did not try because they did not want to support the change.
It went beyond just gaming with the backlash of sonys cell design.
Sony has always tried to push innovation and sometimes they miss or go to far against the norm and fail. Like betamax vs VHS. Betamax was the superior hardware but they lost that battle as well.
It is why Microsoft created the competition. They were getting beat in so many ways and their monopoly was getting threatened by everyone. Apple, Google, etc etc. Microsoft had to fight back to try save their dwindling sales. Lose the hardware, you lose the os.


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