
Slim PS3 Gets More USB Ports, Card Reader Add-on

Brand new expansion port for the PS3 Slim solves those USB woes.

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bikar5069d ago (Edited 5069d ago )

this cant be bad

darthv725069d ago

its from datel so maybe sony will see it as bad like the Nin and MS do.

I cant see how this could be used for anything other than what it seems but then again....it is datel.

AmazingBrian5069d ago

It's a USB hub mixed with a card reader. You could have already bought those for like 5 bucks each. Hubs work with PS3.

Dee_915068d ago

you plug the fatpart into the playstation and on the other end it had 2 little ones for the controllers

but it made it go slow

barom5068d ago

I would rather get this one

Looks much nicer imo.

mantisimo5068d ago (Edited 5068d ago )

..misleading title. I clicked thinking a new slim model was going to be released (which I'm in the market for) and find this samey peripheral. Pooh!

AngryTypingGuy5068d ago

Any rumors of a price cut before Christmas? I'll get one eventually, but I already have a 360 and no shortage of games anytime soon, so I'm biding my time. I want Blu Ray though, not to mention the Uncharted games and of course MGS4.

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D4RkNIKON5069d ago (Edited 5069d ago )

I already use a Card reader with my PS3. I have this Sandisk reader I got at Best Buy and it works perfectly. http://www.jjmehta.com/imag...

Actually I can use most USB devices on my PS3 including, Wireless Keyboard/mouse (usb dongle), Card Reader, USB External HDD, and charge my ipod touch.

Darkstorn5069d ago

I thought this was a new model...

Persistantthug5068d ago

They fooled us...
the bastards.


mac_sparrow5069d ago

Not really a bad thing to be honest.

I run my PSEye, and a 1TB drive from my USB ports, I have a Pelican charger stand for my controllers that I rotate my 4 controllers on and it has USB as well, which I use for charging my headset.

If I wasn't in the worst freeview reception area of the worst freeview reception area of the country (sucks being in a bowl in the country) then I'd have my play TV plugged in too.

Extra USB ports is never a bad thing if the PSU can handle them.

Thrillhouse5069d ago

Gah, I'm jealous. My PS3 doesn't read my 1.5TB external :(

Ah well, PS3MediaServer ftw ;D!

GodsHand5069d ago

Reformat it to FAT32, after you back up the stuff you have on it.

Thrillhouse5068d ago

Thanks for the tip! Will do!

Erotic Sheep5068d ago

Keep in mind reformatting it to FAT32 will help your PS3 to connect with your external harddrive, but the downside is that you cant put single files larger than 4GB on your external harddrive anymore.

KiL-shablogin5069d ago

cant complain about extra, i used to have 4 usb and upgraded/downgraded to the 160 version at no price, just wanted bigger HD, never really needed 4 ports, but with ps move coming out thats one thats going to be taken up, just wish they had a usb in back of playstation

Colonel-Killzone5069d ago

Thats seem pretty good wonder how much it cost.

Dellis5069d ago

PS3 60 GIG>>>>>>> ;>>>>>>>&g t;>>

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PS3Life goes to GamesCom and let you pose the questions

Like the title says, PS3Life (a growing community) goes to GamesCom and has decided that they give the members the opportunity to ask questions about their favourite games. If you have some questions about a game, please post them in their forum and they'll deal with it.

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Exclusive Games to Buy for Your New PS3

3xG says: "With so many titles to choose from its hard to pick just a handful to accompany your new console. Below we have comprised a mixed genre list of both retail and downloadable games for your playing pleasure."

GWAVE5065d ago

A great list, full of variety. I would have taken out some of their choices to find room for Valkyria Chronicles and Killzone 2, but hey, you can't have everything.

Biggest5065d ago

Why are those guys responding to an hour old troll account?

I would replace Resistance 1 with 2, and definitely find a place for Killzone 2. At least an honorable mention. But unless you're going to list them all. . . Damn! And what about Heavy Rain?

HydraxFFx5065d ago

This article is about games you can buy and download on PSN store.

Biggest5065d ago

This article has two distinct lists. The first list is downloadable titles which come from PSN. The second list is retail titles that come from retail stores.

MrAwesome5065d ago

PS3 is the king of exclusives (no fanboism)

fucadastates5065d ago

Valkyria Chronicles thats epic

Persistantthug5065d ago

VALKYRIA CHONRICLES in place of ModNation Racers.

ModNation RAcers is fun, but Valkyria Chonicles is a near masterpiece.

+ Show (3) more repliesLast reply 5065d ago
GotKinect5065d ago ShowReplies(5)
dark-hollow5065d ago

fps fans=killzone 2

racers fans=GT5

action fans=uncharted 2

rpg fans=demon soul

platform fans= R&C


there is always a game for you on the ps3

sikbeta5065d ago (Edited 5065d ago )

FPS = Resistance:FOM + KZ2
TPS = Uncharted: Drake's Fortune + UC2: Among Thieves
Hack and Slash = GOW Collection + GOWIII -> The Beast!
Racing Sim = The Real Driving Simulator 5
Open World = inFAMOUS
Tactical TPS = SOCOM:Confrontation -> *waiting for SOCOM4*
RPG = Demon's Souls + Valkyria Chronicles + WKC
Platform = R&C:ToD + R&C:Q4B + R&C:ACiT + LBP = Play.Create.Share
Sports = MLB: The Show

So on...

TEFL0N_D0N_815065d ago

Umm.. don't buy Haze, and don't buy Lair. The rest should be good.

fucadastates5065d ago

lair with normal controlles is great. what about the gameplay, narrativ and graphics (æstetiske) yont you like.

haze tho suck

MexicanAppleThief5065d ago

I highly recommend Valkyria Chronicles to anyone with an 'open' taste in games. Very underrated but an absolute gem, no trophies though. :(

PickAShoe5065d ago

that game needs some trophy loving

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Xbox 360 vs. PS3 = Pepsi vs. Coke for gamers

»PS3 or Xbox 360?« is not the only question of principle in the whole games industry. At the moment it is the »Pepsi or Coke« question for gamers, Videogameszone thinks.

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dark-hollow5065d ago

if you prefer the ps3 good for you
if you prefer the xbox 360 good for you
to each his own i guess

thereapersson5065d ago

*hits back button after commenting*

edhe5065d ago

Pff, nube - should be closing the tab!

But seriously that site is trash, absolute mince - sack the approvers!

mikeslemonade5065d ago

In this case PS3 would be the coke and 360 is the pepsi. Most kids like pepsi better. Coke has been around longer.

darthv725065d ago (Edited 5065d ago )

Mike, what happened to coke when they tried to reinvent themselves with new coke?

You may be on to something. PS3 is like the new coke. Messed with the formula that was tried and true and then realized shortly after they had to scrap it and go back to what made coke...COKE.

Sony messed with the ps3 formula and then realized they had to go back to what made the PS brand so traditional. Concentrating on the games instead of trying to be all snazzy like 360 does with everything BUT games.

I like both (Pepsi/Coke) and it just happens that coke is more supported throughout the world where pepsi is really big in the US.

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Projekt7tuning5065d ago

But I like Sprite.
Damn, I'm always left out.

Downtown boogey5065d ago

It's not like you didn't deserve to be, you freak!!

BeaArthur5065d ago

Technically Sprite is a coke brand. Maybe that means you just like arcade games.

WhatARump5065d ago

I dunno I don't really care either way about pepsi/coke or ps3/xbox360

Downtown boogey5065d ago

Pepsi or Coke... Whatever.
PS3 or 360... Might taste the same but sure as hell aren't the same thing!!

WhatARump5065d ago

I wasn't talking about literal taste but rather personal preference :)

bjornbear5065d ago

depends on my mood.

however, if we were talking consoles, I can only afford one pepsi or one coke, and atm im in the mood for coke, so here's my 2 cents

morkendo5065d ago

to say i like ps3,i like 360?
like Rodney King would say : CANT WE ALL GET-ALONG
and just GAME ON!! for peep sake.

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BornToKill5065d ago (Edited 5065d ago )

i prefer the PS3 cuz it's beast. i always had a 360 but it broke... but i'm picking up the 4GB console today.

HeroXIV5065d ago

Coca Cola just tastes better than pepsi. Pepsi has a weird after taste and the carbonatedness (lol) is too low. Gets flat quicker than coke.

Projekt7tuning5065d ago (Edited 5065d ago )

Yea coke burns.....Oh, OH!.... Were talking about the drinks. That's embarrassing.

Umbrella Corp5065d ago (Edited 5065d ago )

wanna get high?

ZombieAutopsy5065d ago

Coke doesn't burn so I'd stop doing the shit you're getting it's most likely mixd with something.....or just roll a 151 (at least that's what I think they where called).

Projekt7tuning5065d ago

Guys, we forgot about Captain and Coke.
Shame on us.

ZombieAutopsy5065d ago

Pepsi taste like flat coke to me but in the end it's all about Lost energy drinks.

Downtown boogey5065d ago

It's true though that Pepsi DOES get flat faster.

DA_SHREDDER5065d ago

Pepsi does get flat faster, but it taste way better than coke when its just opened

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ChronoJoe5065d ago

Not really an accurate analogy, suggesting there's no significant difference is silly. Then again this is another crappy .de article, so what did I expect.

hennessey865065d ago

they both have there good and bad points and i wouldnt be without either of them

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