
Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer (PS3) Review

Presentation and Graphics: The game uses likenesses of the actors from the Fantastic Four movies, and they look fairly similar. Character models for all other characters are pretty good. Character animations looked pretty good, but not great.The environments didn't match that level in most areas. The background details were sparse with repeated textures. The worst part about the graphics were the framerate issues. Whenever the camera would pan around large areas, or you were fighting multiple enemies on screen, there was a noticeable slowdown. This was one of the major factors that turned me off to the game right from the start. 3 of 5

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drunkpandas6255d ago

I haven't played a game so un-fun in a long time. The repetitive gameplay in Fantastic Four is the worst. Go through a door, kill 10 enemies, go through a door, go down/up an elevator… then repeat. It got old very quickly.

taz80806255d ago

Nope which is sad, comic books have a lot of potential when it coems to games, yet they make them horribly, i.e. ghost rider games! They bank on the movie versions and just try to cash in on the release of the films and rush them out.

taz80806255d ago

That is a shame since hte Xmen Legens games were fun. I think one thing that made the Xmen and Marvel games was the ability ot use all the different characters, in FF you only use 4 characters and two of them are kinda lame. ::looks over at invisible woman and Mr Fantastic and laughs::

fiercescuba6254d ago

It seems that these companies assume that people will buy these games based solely on the movie. So many times these games are pushed out to coincide with a movie release, this PS3 edition being the exception, but very little was changed from the xbox360 version. Invisible woman is a beat character as well.

Wolverick6254d ago

the officially made this game equally as bad as the first fantastic four.

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Good Game: Why do so many Superhero games fail?

As long as there have been videogames there have been videogames about superheroes. It seems like a natural fit -you have a medium that allows players to perform any action that the developers can imagine, and a genre about larger than life heroes and villains with powers far beyond those of normal men and women.

So why is it that so few superhero games are any good; let alone make the player feel as though they're in any way superhuman?

(If the youtube video isn't available in your area, you can watch a working video at the source)

velocitygamer4883d ago

Because most of them are based on movies.

Spinal4883d ago

Cause Rockstar hasn't made one yet :(

Kee4883d ago

Well, who knows. It'd probably be about gangs, drugs and stealing cars...
I'd like to see what they'd do with a super hero game, actually. Say all you want about rockstar but they make good games.

Quagmire4883d ago

I would love a Rocksteady developed Spawn game

4883d ago Replies(1)
Alos884883d ago

It depends, but I think the Superman games usually fail because they make him invincible. I don't care if you can still fail if you fail to save citizens or something, that's not what I consider a tense and exciting scenario.

OhReginald4883d ago (Edited 4883d ago )

it seems like only batman and spiderman have been successful in video game market.

but ya most of them fail because they are movie based games, and are quickly made just for easy $$$$.

I would love to see rocksteady make a superman game.

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Podcast: DF #69: Batman Loves Pumpkins

This week's "What They've Been Playing" features discussion of FUEL, Trials HD, Batman: Arkham Asylum, Prototype, Gear of War 2, Red Faction: Guerrilla, and much more. They also reminisce on our past experiences with GTAIV multi-player and what they would like to see from the upcoming DLC. They follow that up with some gaming news including the ridiculous pricing of Games On Demand for the Xbox 360 and the delay for the console versions of Dragon Age: Origins.

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Kotaku's 2007 Games of the Year and Overall Game of the Year

Kotaku's Brian Crecente writes:

"Our first-ever Game of the Year awards was a pretty straight forward deal. I asked all of the writers to submit a list of three games for each category and the three that showed up most in each category made it as a finalist. Once we had the list of finalists I asked each writer to go through and order the finalists and then tallied the vote. The one with the most points was named Game of the Year, the runner-up was named Not Quite Game of the Year. The game with the most votes for Worst Game of the Year received that dubious honor."

Super Mario Galaxy won Kotaku's Overall Game of the Year award. Uncharted: Drake's Fortune came as second, it won the Not Quite Game of the Year award. (Kotaku posted the overall results as a separate post, see the link at the Alternative Sources below for more details.)

Mr_Kuwabara6110d ago

I didn't know that Odin Sphere was that great. I mean, Persona 3 was awesome, I'll have to try this one out I guess.

BrianC62346110d ago

What idiots at Kotaku. Stop with the LAIR bashing already. Maybe a lot of people didn't like the controls but it definitely can't be considered the worst PS3 game of the year. The controls just take a brain to get used to. Maybe they aren't smart enough to play it. I see a lot of terrible PS3 games that should get that award. A bunch of lazy 360 ports.

Guwapo776110d ago

I'll have to agree with you. Lair is not the worst. I would had picked Harry Potter...that game was HORRIBLE. I picked it up for $20 and I must say that was the worst 20 bucks spent ever.

unsunghero286110d ago

That's pretty pleasing news. I'm sure a lot of people will be mad regarding SMG's victory, but I'm just happy to see that Uncharted is beginning to get the recognition it deserves.

BrianC62346110d ago

Uncharted is good but I'd give Ratchet & Clank Future Game of the Year over it. They need to flip those two.

MK_Red6110d ago

Nice find and winners. I'd add Mass Effect as 360's runner up as well as a nod for COD4 but overall, solid. I hope BioShock wins overall GOTY.

wiizy6110d ago

its simple. mario galaxy should be game of the year

xm15e2s6110d ago (Edited 6110d ago )

Every Extend Extra Extreme? Really?

I guess I will have to take another look at that game. I played it for about 5 minutes and it made me want to punch myself in the face.

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