
10 games parents should avoid getting their children

In response to US Prosecutor Kym Worthy's list for the Detroit News of games parents should avoid getting their children this Christmas, MEGATONik could not help but put together a revised list of games for parents to avoid at all costs this holiday season

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Blank10176077d ago

I've read a few reviews and now this list and I've come to the conclusion that that site is worthless.

The reviews give opinions like "it rocks" or "it F***** blows" with little or no reason behind it.

and now this list... it makes no sense and isn't even funny. either make a real list or make your fake list funny.

ban fans6077d ago

This is the type of immature crap that these anti-game / ignorant organizations and people feed off of. It makes gamers look like a bunch of stupid children that can't make a serious argument as to why video games are just a hobby and not a "threat to society". Bad move!

As gamers, we need representation from our own to give logical arguments, not childish rhetoric that can be used as even more ammunition against us!

hotzizzy6077d ago

It's not supposed to be serious, and the reason there was only one sentence for each was because they were following the style of the prosecutor's one. It was just a joke.

ban fans6077d ago

but my point is the only time you see a serious game report is on sites that are only designed for and seen by gamers. In the public eye, WE are a joke, and this only supports that idea by making fun of what they (the prosecutor and their followers) feel is a serious issue. We, as knowledgable gamers, know the list was out of date and foolish, but they take it very seriously and have the general public's ear.
I would rather see a list of game's that are good for children released by a game site than a list of "the games will poison your child's mind". It's just bad PR to poke fun at something they take so seriously, that's all.

Blank10176077d ago

HotZizzy - I have no problem with someone making a joke, my problem wasn't that they didnt take it seriously. My problem was that it wasn't funny, it was just dumb.

backflip100196077d ago (Edited 6077d ago )

Bans fans - Oh boo hoo, another *obviously* satirical representation of gaming culture. How in the world does this support the arguments set forth by ignoramuses like Jack Thompson, who make irrational claims that even the dumbest of the dumb would find incompetent? When great minds, like those of the modern day political cartoonists, take jabs at the media or the president, are they considered to be following suit with politicians who they are satirizing? Of course not. Your argument is bland, uninformed and childish.

SteveZim - You wouldn't know funny if it dropped a safe on your head. Keep your snide, unsupported remarks to yourself please.

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Transformers games eyed for Game Pass following Activision Xbox deal

With the recent successes of Xbox's acquisition of Activision Blizzard, even Hasbro wants to see the classic Transformers games come to Game Pass.

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maniacmayhem363d ago (Edited 363d ago )

C'mon MS find those games on whatever hard drive they're hidden on.

There's a few transformers games from Activision I missed out or didn't finish. Would love to come back to them at some point if they appear on GP.

Sonyslave3363d ago

Just remake the war for cybertron and the fall

P_Bomb362d ago

“Activision’s not sure what hard drives they’re on in their building. When a company eats a company that eats a company things get lost, and that’s very frustrating.”

By Unicron’s beard, find them! 😳

Dwarrior362d ago

Does Activision still have the rights? I thought they lost them, and that was why the Cybertron games left stores.

I didn't really look into it at the time.

P_Bomb362d ago

I thought so too, but these quotes come directly from the Hasbro panel. It seems Hasbro is willing and able to work with them again. At least in a retro capacity.

Mr_Writer85361d ago

"Does Activision still have the rights?"
They do not.

"I thought they lost them, and that was why the Cybertron games left stores."

This is correct. I dunno if MS can/ would go back to Hasbro and try and negotiate a new deal.

But even if they could I doubt they would, same with Spider-Man.

autobotdan362d ago

One shall stand and one shall fall

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Pokemon Battle Revolution: Why it Deserves More Recognition for Its Animation Quality

While it was received poorly at the time, Pokemon Battle Revolution is being remembered with newfound appreciation in light of the ongoing conversation about the animation quality in the Pokemon series.

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jambola458d ago

I'm sure it was good in certain ways, and honestly not a bad game
Just felt like a huge disappointing step back from games like colleseum and xr, and honestly
Even stadium
No mini games etc

gold_drake458d ago

it was definitely.

it just felt like a let down when u consider the coliseum and Stadium games.


Transformers The Game is Still One of the Best Transformers Titles

Game Rant Writes "Transformers has not had much success in the video game market, but the movie tie-in Transformers: The Game may be a diamond in the rough."

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isarai640d ago

The platinum Games one is the funnest i've played out of all of them, plus o love the style they picked, just wish it had more meat to it, just SOMETHING to keep me playing with its awesome combat

Knightofelemia640d ago

I'll just stick with War for and Fall of Cybertron

Vits640d ago

Man, those games were so good.
Really a shame that they got pulled.